Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine that goes back to the early twentieth century.
Contrary to popular belief, true aromatherapy is not merely the use of scents to alter mood. It is the use of fragrant essential oils to treat a variety of ailments. And one of the most frequent uses of aromatherapy is in the fight against stress and anxiety.
Aromatherapy is ideal for anxiety sufferers who are apprehensive about using prescription drugs. While aromatherapy alone won’t cure acute anxiety, it can provide temporary relief.
It also works well for those who do not have clinical anxiety, but are suffering from unusual amounts of stress.
There are several essential oils that are effective in the treatment of anxiety. These include:
* Lavender - This is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils. Its scent is very pleasant, and it works as a sedative. Lavender oil is found in many commercial products, including baby washes and lotions.
* Chamomile - Chamomile is often used in traditional herbal medicine. Its calming effects are also present in its essential oil.
* Sandalwood - This oil is well known for its effectiveness against stress.
* Patchouli - Patchouli oil is a mood enhancer, and it is also used as an aphrodisiac.
* Vanilla - This is another scent that many people love, and it also has a nice, calming effect.
How to Use Aromatherapy
For quick results, you can just take a whiff of any of the above essential oils. This can help you calm down when facing a panic attack or an intensely stressful situation.
But there are several other ways that we can use aromatherapy to help us relax. These include:
* Diffusers and aroma lamps - If you want to allow your entire family to take advantage of the effects of aromatherapy, a diffuser or aroma lamp will scent your home with your favorite essential oil. These are great to use around bedtime to help everyone unwind.
* Baths - A nice, warm bath is a great way to reduce tension. Aromatherapy makes it even better. Add five or six drops of a soothing essential oil to your water for a relaxing bath.
* Massages - A massage can help loosen tense muscles and improve brain chemistry to ward off anxiety. Aromatherapy oils can be used to make massage oils to maximize the benefit. Just add ten drops of the essential oil to an ounce of a carrier oil appropriate for your skin type.
As long as they are properly diluted before using on the skin, essential oils are very safe. Some may cause reactions in sensitive persons, but most people tolerate them well.
So the next time you experience anxiety, try a soothing scented oil. You might be surprised at how well it works.
Earn Your Aromatherapy Certification From Home!
There are many vital components to regaining and maintaining health. Natural therapies can be a crucial part of a healing journey and you can learn how to help yourself and others achieve whole body wellness through holistic healing.
Aromatherapy, sometimes also referred to as aromatic or scent medicine, is the art of healing the body using naturally distilled essences from different parts of plants to improve and enhance your everyday emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. These essences are known as essential oils.
If you would like to learn Aromatherapy at your own pace in your own home, please check out Alternative Healing Academy’s Advanced Aromatherapy Course.
This is a perfect continuing education course for therapists/practitioners of other modalities such as color/crystal therapy, energy medicine, reflexology, massage therapy, Reiki, sound therapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, etc., or for those just beginning their journey into using aromatherapy to heal.
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