
This originally posted on expressions vinyl blog…but since it’s been a WHOLE year…and Father’s day is upon us…

its time for reposting!

 personalized coasters for father’s day.

these were perhaps the cheapest gifts ever…and my husband ACTUALLY likes them

which if you know my husband and gifts you know he’s a CENSORED.

i had to take back EVERY single one of his birthday presents. and i’ll have you know i’m an excellent gift giver.

i’m the gift whisperer….

anyways…we made these using vinyl and the cameo…i had the kids draw a simple shape on plain white paper….

(this is my husband and an x-box controller)


OH! and i should mention that these tiles are like 15 cents each…

and that’s important

 cause i’m a

 tight wad.

i scanned the picture into my computer and opened it up into my silhouette studio

push the trace button and 

click high pass filter…

then load whatever color vinyl you want and cut it out! then just peel and stick

 and then i mod podge these coasters with  about 4 coats just to be safe…

my daughter drew this picture of a coyote and my husband farting. she thought it was HILARIOUS. too much detail for vinyl….but you could totally use printable vinyl and use it the same way (i didn’t have any so i just mod podged it right on….)

I hot glued a piece of felt on the back so it wouldn’t scratch his mountain dew table (i.e. coffee table but we don’t drink coffee)

i think they turned out so cute!

i also had to make him a dallas cowboy one cause you gotta represent yo.


If you are looking for the best vinyl around…I love and adore expressions vinyl.

FANTASTIC prices…QUICK shipping…LOADS of colors and patterns!!!!

The post personalized coasters with vinyl–Father’s day appeared first on A girl and a glue gun.

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