
Nature blesses us with fairly perfect white teeth, or the likelihood of great teeth, at birth. Everyone would like the asset of flawless white adult teeth, but unfortunately numerous factors will influence the ultimate formation of those perfect teeth as we grow up. Our diet, coffee, red wine, smoking, and poor dental hygiene, can shatter those dreams. The teeth eventually become stained and dull-looking, cavities are filled, trauma may affect some teeth which need crowns or false teeth.

The quest for a bright smile continues, and one of the most popular and safe cosmetic dental treatments today is the process of teeth whitening or bleaching to restore some of the lost sparkle.

Methods of Teeth Whitening or Bleaching

If you elect to have a teeth whitening treatment, this usually comes in two forms. A professional dentist may perform this in his rooms, usually with a special gel applied to the teeth, which is then activated by a light, or laser source. Several treatments may be required to achieve the colour improvement you are trying to get. Alternatively he may provide you with an at-home kit, which usually consists of a tray worn over the teeth which is filled with a bleaching formula, containing a low strength of a hydrogen peroxide derivative.

This is required worn for up to 2 weeks, and is rather inconvenient and cumbersome. If you elect the at-home, do-it-yourself approach, many products on the market claim amazing results, but few really deliver dramatically on the promises. There are gels, mouthwashes, toothpastes, gums, paint on formulas and strips, and even a tray and light system.

Most contain very low concentrations of a whitening formula, and results, albeit modest, will take months to show, and the colour improvement is usually not dramatic. However, a new product from the USA is available from approved suppliers only, such as dentists and cosmeticians, and not available in pharmacies, called Liquid Smile®, which has revolutionized the at-home teeth whitening market.

It contains a safe yet powerful professional strength hydrogen peroxide formula, and is easier to use than any of the others, being applied at night before bed, and works on the teeth while you sleep. Results are proportionately better.


Are there Complications from Teeth Whitening?

All the products available, as well as professional treatments are deemed safe overall, and millions take advantage of them yearly. However, in some instances some after-effects or complications may occur in a proportion of people who have teeth whitening or bleaching.

The most often reported complication is that of tooth sensitivity for a period after treatment. In a few cases, where lasers, or lights have been used in the treatment, individuals have complained of shooting pains in the teeth for up to 72 hours afterwards.

Additionally, bluish teeth, uneven whitening, and allergic reactions to the formulas used are also not unknown, but are certainly not the norm. Teeth whitening or bleaching is not recommended for children under 16, or in pregnant women, though more research needs to be done in the latter case to establish actual contra-indications.

Some people also experience gum sensitivity after treatment, and in cases where teeth may be infected, abscesses are known to be possible. You should also remember that teeth whitening does not treat and implants, crowns, fillings or other dental additions. Their colour is not affected by the bleaching process. However, none of these complications are long-term, nor do they affect oral or general health.

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