
Biafra Galaxy

Fifth American Ebola Victim Has Arrived in the U.S.

Is This The World’s Dumbest Terrorist? Some Are Saying So

11 Muslim Terrorists Intercepted At Airport With DISTURBING Things In Their Luggage

Baby Factory Asaba: Police Seal Off Illegal Orphanage Home rescued 33 children

Italian Bishops Outraged By Art Show Featuring Barbie Doll As Virgin Mary, Ken As Jesus (Photo)

Famous American Rapper Says Islam Will “Conquer The World”

Ohaneze Nidiara sells Igbo out to the highest bidder:: |:: South East APC commends Ohaneze Nidigbo for not adopting Jonathan for 2015

Cheap talks on the cover up, Jonathan warns South Africa over seized $5.7 million arms money

Boko Haram: Jonathan attends security summit in Niamey today

Bakassi is and must remain part of Biafra despite Obasanjo's stupidity that gave it away to Cameroon ::|::Bakassi not Nigeria’s territory – Surveyor-General

BREAKING: Officials Confirm Ebola Has Now Spread to a New Country

[Flesh:]Outrageous Rihanna Outfits

Boko Haram Kills 8 In Rocket Attack On Cameroon Town

Dogs Attack Four Year Old Boy Inside His Apartment

Seven People Beheaded By Boko Haram In Borno

The zoo's Military arrests 50 vandals, recovers 100 canoes, 3,000 jerrycans in Lagos

Aluu 4: Group laments delay in trial of suspects

Synagogue: S’Africa criticises the state of Nigerian mortuary facilities

Police uncover baby factory in Anambra

Selfish Igbo groups happy with Nigeria at 54

Nigeria the zoo getting more dangerous by the day:: |:: Lt. Col, 15 others to face trial over Chibok girls

Boko Haram Attacks Borno Villages, Slaughters 7 Top Traders, Others

Nurse infected with Ebola in Spain

$10.8bn missing oil money’s report ready in Nov – Okonjo-Iweala

As Claimed: The zoo Nigerian troops kill 200 Boko Haram militants in Michika

Fifth American Ebola Victim Has Arrived in the U.S.

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 07:27 AM PDT

A fifth American Ebola victim named Ashoka Mukpo, a freelance cameraman for NBC, was flown to Omaha after contracting the disease in Libera.
As we all know, Ebola is deadly. We are also aware that we are very unprepared for this sort of disease. So why are we flying infected people back to the United States?
The private plane was met by an ambulance and workers donned in protective gear to transport Mukpo to Nebraska Medical Centre.  This hospital is the same hospital where Dr. Rick Sarca, the American missionary who also contracted Ebola, was treated.
Scientists are now attempting to figure out where the disease could end up by tracking flight patterns.  The data that has been gathered is suggesting a 75% chance it could reach France by October 24th and a 50% chance it could reach Britain by that same date.
What is also concerning is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has not placed any restrictions on travel and has encouraged airlines to continue flying to the worst areas infected with Ebola.  Although, I must note that Emirates Airlines and British Airlines have suspended certain flights.
While it seems the WHO is taking the Ebola scare lightly, the data is overwhelming. According to EuroNews, the latest figures as of October 3, showed 3,439 people have died from Ebola out of 7,492 suspected, probable and confirmed cases. More frightening than the numbers are the stories detailing what is going on in Liberia:

Dramatic footage from Liberia has shown medical teams dealing with the mounting number of Ebola victims dying in their homes.
Body collection teams travel house to house retrieving the dead.
Ebola's infectious nature means the team face hardships both on and off the job.
"When I first started, all my family, my friends, they were afraid of me and they still are," explained team member Alexander Nyanti. "I couldn't enter into my own house."
"Still now when I come in, they will lock door and put my food in the plastic bag and give it to me to eat," Nyanti added.
Watch what is happening and hear their words for yourself in this short clip:

Families are terrified of their own relatives in Liberia, yet international travel continues without interference from the WHO, including 5 victims with known Ebola being brought back into the U.S.
Why would they not cancel all flights to these areas? Why are they not stopping people who are traveling from these areas and inspecting them closer?  I am not convinced they have this under control or will ever have it under control. We have wide open borders, and we are allowing anyone to come in at the risk of the American people. This has to stop before what is happening in Liberia happens in our own backyard.

Is This The World’s Dumbest Terrorist? Some Are Saying So

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 07:14 AM PDT

With much of the world's attention on that of ISIS, the Taliban is far often thought less of than it was previously. Despite this reality, however, the Taliban still poses a significant threat against America and also, as recently exposed, may contain within its ranks the world's dumbest terrorist.
The twitter account Zabiullah Mujahid is "the official Twitter PR account for the Taliban maybe used by dozens of jihadi, is thought to be somewhere in the general Afghanistan-ish area," according to Mediaite. Despite the cowardly terrorists usually lying low far from their last known location, it seems that they're ready to come out of hiding – whether they like it or not.

Over the weekend, Mujahid accidentally posted to Twitter, but he forgot to turn off the geolocation function, showing exactly where the tweet came from. Indicating that whoever posted the tweet was in Sindh, Pakistan, the idiot terrorists apparently don't know you can delete tweets as well because they're still up.

Realizing their flub, Mujahid has since come forward to try and convince the public that their location wasn't real, but it was instead an "enemy plot." Demonstrating that he's every bit as paranoid as he should be, he posted another tweet reading, "Now, the enemy's fake act has been exposed, and with full confidence, I can say that I am in my own country," according to the Daily Dot.

11 Muslim Terrorists Intercepted At Airport With DISTURBING Things In Their Luggage

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 07:05 AM PDT

Many countries are attempting to place a burka ban, removing the veil from the Muslim community as terror attacks continue to rise. The hijab is an obvious security risk, since it's impossible to know who's under the headscarf. However, what about those who wish to enact jihad without an easily identifiable indicator?
Australia is finding out why Muslims are demanding that security measures, such as bomb-sniffing dogs, frisking, or even TSA screening, be abrogated because they violate their religious rights, and it could mean the difference between life and death for thousands.
Airports in Sydney and Melbourne have successfully intercepted 11 suspected terrorists in less than one month, the Herald Sun reports:

Officers who searched the grounded suspects found images of beheadings and other violent Islamist propaganda on electronic devices and seized tens of thousands of dollars in ­undeclared cash allegedly being smuggled out of the country.
A twelfth man, 19-year-old Ahmad Saiyer Naizmand, of NSW, allegedly flew out of Sydney on his brother's passport before Australian officers raised the alarm and had United Arab Emirates authorities deport him back.
ONE suspect's luggage was deemed "inconsistent with his stated planned travel movements'', and he missed his flight after he was searched.

SIX people were caught with violent or objectionable material. Of them, two were issued with infringement notices and three had their electronic devices seized.
ONE man was refused entry to Australia after arriving on a flight to Melbourne from Malaysia and found to have "visa inconsistencies''.
THREE of the suspects copped infringement notices.
OTHERS were caught committing visa and passport fraud.
Customs and Border Protection said the Australian Government had changed the instruction to its officers from "facilitation as a priority to security as a priority''.
"That means that on occasion, flights will be held, people and baggage will have to be unloaded … but this is important for our national security,'' a spokesman said.
In addition to the 11 main intercepted suspects, a further six people were stopped and searched by authorities, missing their flights, between August 9 and September 1 at Australia's largest two airports.
A currency detector dog sniffed out one man trying to leave Melbourne Airport on August 31 without declaring he was carrying more than $10,000. He was also found to be in possession of extremist propaganda images.In one incident at Melbourne Airport on August 27, five people, thought to be members of the same extended family, were offloaded from a flight and searched.
On the same day at Melbourne, a man was pulled from another flight, searched, and was found to be in possession of more than $30,000 in undeclared currency and violent propaganda images.
Australia may be waking up before it's too late. Although the Muslim community uses political correctness to gain special privileges, it too often allows terrorists to slip through the cracks. Governments live in fear of offending this loud minority, resorting to appeasing their demands, which result in homegrown terrorism.

Baby Factory Asaba: Police Seal Off Illegal Orphanage Home rescued 33 children

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 04:04 AM PDT

Kola Eke Ogiugo

The police detectives in Asaba, Delta State, in collaboration with the vigilante group in Ndokwa East Local Government Area of the state, have sealed off an illegal orphanage home in Ashaka community and rescued no fewer than 33 children allegedly used for illegal business.
Reports said that the orphanage home (name withheld) has been used to dupe unsuspecting members of the public, especially those, in the community where it operates.
Sources said that most of the kids are put for saole between N2million and N2.5million, depending on the gender.
But the Police Public Relations Officer in the State, DSP. Celestina Kalu, confirmed that the police detectives stormed the orphanage home based on observations and a tip-off including an unanimous petition, stating that the orphanage home operates sale of children, including human trafficking.
Speaking further, DSP Kalu disclosed that operators of the home (name withheld) have been arrested and are currently helping the police for further investigation, while the kids have given to their biological parents.

Italian Bishops Outraged By Art Show Featuring Barbie Doll As Virgin Mary, Ken As Jesus (Photo)

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 05:08 AM PDT

The message this art installment conveys at a contemporary art show in Buenos Aires is horribly offensive to Italy's Catholic bishops and Christians worldwide.
The show, titled "Barbie, The Plastic Religion," produced by Argentinian artists Marienela Perelli and Pool Paolini, features a series of dolls that depict several different religions including Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Christian leaders are most upset by the plastic figures featuring Barbie and Ken as the Virgin Mary and Jesus, the Washington Post reported.
Included in the collection is a Barbie version of Joan of Arc, Mary Magdalene, and the Virgin of Lourdes. Ken is featured as Saint Roch, Saint Sebastian, and Buddha.
Oddly, missing from the cast of religious characters is a depiction of Islam's Prophet Muhammad. The artists said they omitted Islamic representation because they have "a great respect" for Islam. However, they followed that statement up with a contradiction, claiming that they didn't intend to offend any religion.
As expected and possibly even intended by the artists, the dolls have provoked widespread criticism from Argentina to France.
SIR, an Italian website promoted by the Italian bishops conference, asked: "What is the difference between provocation and bad taste?"

The bishops' website encouraged parents to explain to children that a doll is not always intended as a toy and instructed adults to deconstruct the "fictitious role" to children and explain the true story behind these Barbies.
If art is up for interpretation, the feeling this installment evokes is that the artists are mocking all religions besides Islam in an attempt to put it on a pedestal above other beliefs. Or is it possible, Islam was omitted because crafting one would cause a jihad to be declared against the doll maker resulting in their beheading?
Interestingly, the photos of these dolls have been removed from the artist's Facebook page, either by the user or the website. We were able to capture them for you here before they were scrubbed from social media.

Famous American Rapper Says Islam Will “Conquer The World”

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 03:43 AM PDT

With the release of horrifying Islamic propaganda from ISIS, more Americans are feeling comfortable coming out of the "jihad closet" to confirm their faith in Islam and justify oppressive Islamic Sharia law.
On Saturday, Muslim hip hop rapper Lupe Fiasco spoke up about his beliefs, and the backwards responses he gave on Twitter are reminiscent of Muslim hypocrisy.
According to BET, Lupe first declared his allegiance to Islam, and confirmed a belief that the religion will soon rule the world, we're guessing not by peaceful debate.

Twitter user @Aubi_chon asked the "B—h Bad" rapper if he thought "one day Islam would be the world's religion and conquer the world," and Lupe gave him a simple, one-word response, "Yes."

Lupe also offered his opinion on women's place in Islam, in America and how they are viewed globally. After an inquisitive follower asked Lupe the "serious question" about women being considered equals to males in Islam, Lupe got political and shot back with: "Depends. Where are women equal anywhere though?" He followed up those comments with a question of his own: "Depends on the women…Is Secular American more advanced morally than say Saudi Arabia?" Lupe asked.
Although we're uncertain if the rapper truly believes that repressed, apartheid Saudi Arabia is more respecting of equal rights, he may have forgotten that the Muslim country operates under Sharia law, which stones adulterers, hangs women for their own rape, and executes homosexuals.
Although music and Western secularism is widely criticized as haram and even punished under Sharia law, which is based upon the Quran and Sunnah, that doesn't stop Lupe from picking and choosing which example of Muhammad he follows.
Lupe admits he has trouble abstaining from smoking and drinking in the music businesses, but does his best to adhere to halal standards.

Ohaneze Nidiara sells Igbo out to the highest bidder:: |:: South East APC commends Ohaneze Nidigbo for not adopting Jonathan for 2015

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 03:24 AM PDT

Premium Times

The South-East chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC, has commended a socio-cultural group, Ohaneze Ndigbo, for avoiding the issue of the adoption of President Goodluck Jonathan as the Igbo candidate in the 2015 presidential election during its meeting at the weekend.
The group's President-General, Gary Enwo-Igariwey, had promised last month that it would take a stand on whether or not to support Mr. Jonathan for a second term.
However, at its meeting last Sunday in Awka, Anambra State, the group shelved discussion on the issue.
The APC, in a statement by its spokesperson, Osita Okechukwu, on Tuesday, said it was excited that despite the intense pressure on it, the Igbo group refused to discuss the matter.
"For this noble act, we salute the Ohaneze Ndigbo leadership for abiding by the old African maxim that it is very dangerous to put all our eggs in one basket, a mistake which the late Ambassador Ralph Uwechue Ohaneze regime made in 2011," the APC said.
The party said it was of the view that Ndigbo should think out of the box, embark on introspection and do soul searching before supporting again same president who, it alleged, had failed to honour the promises he made to the people.
It stated it was glaring that most federal roads in Igbo land were death traps, thus halting economic activities, and the 2nd Niger Bridge may be dead on arrival, as Julius Berger had not been able to source the fund for the execution of the project.
"We must remember that the Ndigbo-Chop-Sand-Band of politicians are like she-goats who only care about their immediate family," the APC said.
"For example, is it not a paradox that Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyawu one of the Chop-Sand-Band leaders was honoured yesterday (Monday) by President Jonathan with CFR; regardless of the fact that he abandoned Onuimo Silo, an agricultural project meant to preserve the grains of poor peasant farmers in Imo State?
"In sum, we commend Chief Gary Enwo-Igariwey and his leadership for their uncommon patriotism and commitment to the ideals of democracy."

Cheap talks on the cover up, Jonathan warns South Africa over seized $5.7 million arms money

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 03:13 AM PDT

Nigeria responded with fury Monday after South African authorities confiscated a second tranche of funds meant for arms purchase to fight the extremist Boko Haram sect, denying the deal was unlawful and warning South Africa of its investment in Nigeria.
The warning came after the South African government seized US$5.7 million wired by the Nigerian government through a bank to an arms dealer in that country.
South Africa's Asset Forfeiture Unit of the National Prosecuting Authority said the money, about N952 million, was the proceed of illegal transactions, according to local paper, City Press.
The seizure was the second in nearly three weeks, coming after authorities there froze $9.3 million transported in cash by two Nigerians and an Israeli for arms purchase. At the time, South Africa said the transaction violated its laws on movement of cash.
In a terse reaction to what appears a potential diplomatic spat between the two countries, the Nigerian government denied the second transaction was illegal and reminded South Africa of how Nigeria has provided a beneficial environment for South African companies like MTN, DSTV and a host of others to do business unhindered.
"It is our hope that South Africa would reciprocate this noble gesture," the National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, said Monday, with a vow to eradicate Boko Haram regardless of the antics of "fifth columnists".
Mr. Dasuki, named by the South African newspaper as the official who signed off the first controversial deal, confirmed late Monday the second transaction occurred as reported but firmly denied it was conducted illegally.
"We want to state clearly that a business transaction actually took place between a legitimate company in Nigeria and another legitimate one in South Africa through the bank," said Mr. Dasuki through a spokesperson, Karounwi Adekunle.
"In the course of events, the South African company could not perform and decided to refund the money. What is illegitimate in this transaction done through the bank?" he queried.
Details of the latest transaction came more than two weeks after two Nigerians and an Israeli were arrested as they attempted to smuggle US$9.3 million through Lanseria International Airport, Johannesburg, on September 5 in a private jet from Abuja.
The money, stashed in three suitcases, raised suspicion when the passengers' luggage were unloaded and put through the scanners.
The National Prosecuting Authority, NPA, in South Africa said there was an invoice for helicopters and armaments intended to be used in Nigeria.
Two black plastic suitcases, filled with 90 blocks each containing US$100,000 in notes, with combination locks, were seized, as well as two pieces of hand luggage also containing US currency, according to City Press.
The Israeli national, Eyal Mesika, had the combination to open the locks.
Under South African laws, a person entering or leaving the country is expected to carry cash not exceeding US$2,300, or the equivalent in foreign currency notes.
The news of the first transaction angered Nigerians, particularly as it became clear the private jet involved belonged to the head of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Ayo Ortisejafor.
Mr. Oritsejafor, a close ally of President Goodluck Jonathan, said the plane had been leased to a third party and he could not be blamed for its schedules.
The Nigerian government later admitted it was behind the arms deal, claiming it acted out of desperation for arms to defeat extremist sect, Boko Haram.
South African paper, City Press, said it was the NSA, Mr. Dasuki, who personally authorised the first arms contract by issuing an end-user certificate, alongside a "shopping list" for helicopters, unmanned aircraft, rockets and ammunition.
But Nigerian security officials said the report by the newspaper indeed provided proof that the first transaction was not illegitimate as well, since the end-user certificate and a shopping list were provided.
A security source was quoted as saying "in issuing end-user certificate, the ONSA (Office of the National Security Adviser) ensures that it carries all relevant agencies and stakeholders along. Therefore, such a responsibility is not a unilateral development,"  according to PRNigeria, an agency frequently used by the Nigerian military to disseminate official statements.
"For security reasons, the chains leading to the issuance of end-user certificate cannot be put in the public domain.
"The recent interest in arms purchase was informed by the challenges of insurgency which our nation had been grappling with in the last few years. This is why the understanding of all Nigerians is necessary.
"Nigeria is desperate to counter activities of terrorists no matter what it takes even when some of our friends are not being fair to us," the agency said Monday.
The latest transaction was between Cerberus Risk Solutions, an arms broker in Cape Town, and Societe D'Equipments Internationaux, said to be a Nigerian company based in Abuja.
The paper said the deal fell apart after Cerberus, which had earlier received from Nigeria R60 million (N1.02 billion) through its account at Standard Bank, tried to repay the money as it could not resolve its registration formalities with the South African authorities.
"Cerberus was previously registered as a broker with the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC), but the registration expired in May this year," City Press said.
"The marketing and contracting permits also expired at the same time. The company has since applied for re-registration, but the application lay in the NCACC's mailbox for more than two months.
"Sources told Rapport that Cerberus apparently tried to pay the money back to the Nigerian company, after which the bank became suspicious," the paper reported.
The paper added that while the NPA's Asset Forfeiture Unit subsequently obtained a court order in the South Gauteng High Court to seize the money, the NPA spokesperson Nathi Mncube, said there were no indications the two transactions were related.
"However, both are now the subject of a criminal investigation and all possible information and connections are being investigated," Mr. Mncube was quoted as saying.
The statement from Mr. Dasuki's office confirmed the inability of the South African company to deliver and the attempt to refund

Boko Haram: Jonathan attends security summit in Niamey today

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 03:06 AM PDT

President Goodluck  Jonathan will today attend a one-day Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, holding in Niamey, capital of Niger Republic.
The summit is expected to review ongoing collaboration against terrorism and agree on further joint action to curb terrorism and insurgency within and across their national boundaries.
A statement issued by the ‎Special Adviser on Media and  Publicity, Dr. ‎Reuben Abati,  recalled that President Jonathan and the Heads of State and Government of the neighbouring countries of Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Benin Republic resolved at a meeting in Paris in May  to intensify joint efforts to curtail terrorism and violent extremism.
"At the Paris Summit hosted by President Francois Hollande of France in the aftermath of the dastardly abduction of the Chibok College girls,   President Jonathan and neighbouring heads of state and government also  agreed to establish joint anti-terrorism patrols and a system of sharing  intelligence to support operations against terrorists and other cross-border criminals.
"They likewise agreed to create a dedicated team to draw up and advise on the implementation of a regional counter-terrorism strategy under the framework of the Lake Chad Basin Commission.  Benin Republic, which participated in the Paris Summit but is not a member of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, has been invited to the Niamey talks.
"The Lake Chad Basin Commission was established in 1964 by Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon with the mandate of sustainably and equitably managing   shared water resources of the Lake Chad Basin and promoting regional integration, peace and security across the Basin".
President Jonathan will be  accompanied to Niamey by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Aminu Wali, the Minister of State for Defence, Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, the Chief Of Defence State, Air Chief Marshall Alex Barde and other senior government officials and will return to Abuja at the conclusion of the one-day summit later in the day.

Bakassi is and must remain part of Biafra despite Obasanjo's stupidity that gave it away to Cameroon ::|::Bakassi not Nigeria’s territory – Surveyor-General

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 03:02 AM PDT

By Our Reporter

The Surveyor-General of the Federation, Prof. Peter Nwilo has Bakassi Peninsula, does not belong to Nigeria but to Cameroon.
Nwilo made the clarification in Abuja on Monday, saying that based on available facts, the disputed territory actually belonged to Cameroon.
Nigeria lost the territory to Cameroon based on a judgment of International Court of Justice in The Hague in October 2002.
Nigeria ceded Bakassi to Cameroon on Aug. 14, 2008 following the Greentree Agreement and thus ended the dispute over the 1,000sq/ km territory
Some 90 per cent of citizens in the Peninsula are of the Efik ethnic nationality in Bakassi Local Government Area of Cross River.
"Bakassi was more or less part of what they called Southern Cameroon.
"I know that the available facts did not weigh in favour of Nigeria…the facts they (Cameroon) had at their disposal did not favour Nigeria and that was why we lost it (Bakassi).
"Even though at times we think it is in Nigeria but the evidences didn't seem to favour us," he said.
Nwilo said Nigeria had 10 years to bring up new facts to support its claim and for the judgment to be reviewed but it did not have any new information.
"I know just a few months before that, some people brought up some documents but the country felt it was not something new.
"The condition is that it must be something that we did not have when that case was judged and I don't think we were able to get something that could take us to the International Court of Appeal.
"The pillars are always put properly. That's why I said that the accuracy of those pillars that you see is less than sub-millimetre accuracy. So the accuracy is very high.
"So it is not the position of the pillars that is the issue; it is the convention, what was agreed.
"It is after that you have agreed on something then you put pillars," he said. (NAN)

BREAKING: Officials Confirm Ebola Has Now Spread to a New Country

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 12:25 AM PDT

Officials are now confirming that Ebola has officially been transmitted outside of Africa, as a Spanish nurse who helped treat a 69-year-old Spanish priest last month has now tested positive for the disease.
This marks the first time that the disease as ever been transmitted outside of Africa.

The Spanish nurse helped treat Manuel Garcia Viejo – the 69-year-old priest who later died after being flown back from Sierra Leone.
Viejo was the second Spanish missionary to die from the deadly virus. In August, Miguel Pajares, a 75-year-old Spanish priest, died after being treated with an experimental Ebola medicine known as ZMapp.

The woman arrived to Alcorcon hospital in the Madrid suburbs on Sunday, where she remains in isolation. According to Antonio Alemany, Madrid director of primary health care, the only symptom she is exhibiting as of now is just a fever. During a press conference, Alemany went on to say that authorities are in the process of putting together a list of people the nurse had contact with.
As of now, the World Health Organization officials have not commented on the case.
It is estimated that the latest Ebola outbreak has claimed the lives of more than 3,400 people.
Oh, but there's nothing to worry about. Obama says everything is under control.

[Flesh:]Outrageous Rihanna Outfits

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 12:21 AM PDT

Rihanna is one singer that most of us know, and love. However, some of the outfits that she chooses to wear are a bit… different. They might not be on the same level as Miley, but they have definitely opened up our eyes to a whole new level of fashion. Have you caught her wearing something that perhaps you were wondering what she was thinking when she chose to wear it? Here are some of Rihanna's most outrageous outfits that she's ever worn.


This cannot be described in one or even two words. It is a bit different than what we are used to seeing in the world. This can only be described as interesting and a bit off the wall. Who would have thought she would choose to do a music video wearing barbed wire?

Boko Haram Kills 8 In Rocket Attack On Cameroon Town

Posted: 07 Oct 2014 12:18 AM PDT

by: niyi  No fewer than eight people were on Monday killed in Amchide, Cameroon after a rocket attack allegedly fired by Boko Haram militants from the Nigerian town of Banki, security officials said.

"The rocket landed in Amchide, killing eight civilians and injuring many more. We fear that the number of dead will rise," a policeman, who asked not to be named told AFP.
According to a Cameroonian security agent, the rocket landed on a road where many people were shopping.
Islamist sect, Boko Haram had several weeks ago taken control of Banki, with the militants trying ever since to make incursions across the border into Amchide, prompting residents of Amchide to set up self-defence groups to fight off the Islamists.
Insurgency by the sect has spilled over into Cameroon in recent times, with border towns in the country suffering from attacks by the terrorists. The Cameroonian military has however killed hundreds of Boko Haram insurgents in its bid to secure the border towns. The attack on Amchide is therefore suspected to be another reprisal attack by the sect.

Dogs Attack Four Year Old Boy Inside His Apartment

Posted: 06 Oct 2014 11:44 PM PDT

by: Deolu

old Omonigho Abraham is currently battling for his life at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, after his scalp was eaten by two dogs, Punch reports

The dogs chewed the skin and exposed the victim's skull during the attack which happened on Thursday on Adegboyega Street, Akesan Estate, in the Igando area of Lagos.

However, it was learnt from eyewitnesses that the dogs dragged him through the compound for more than one hour while policemen and sympathisers watched helplessly at the entrance of the house for fear of being attacked by the savage dogs.
The immediate elder brother of the victim, seven-year-old Osemudiamen, told our correspondent that the dogs had chased him, Omonigho and their elder brother, Bobby, while they were taking turns to ride a bicycle.
He said, "We were riding a bicycle in the compound when the big dogs ─ Jack and Gadaffi ─ started barking at us. Later, they moved towards us.
"My elder brother and I quickly ran upstairs and locked the door while Omo (Omonigho), who could not run fast, was left behind.
"When he got to the door, he knocked that we should open for him and as we did, one of the dogs forced his way into the house with him.
"We all ran out. Bobby jumped down from upstairs and I also jumped. But Omo could not jump, so the dog attacked him.
"The other dog also joined in the attack and there was nothing we could do."
It was learnt that the screams of the children who managed to get outside attracted passersby and residents who besieged the house.
No fewer than seven policemen from the Igando Police Station reportedly stood at the gate, confused.
An eyewitness, who lived on the street, but pleaded anonymity, said, "The police came, but said there was nothing they could do. The dogs were growling as they ate the child alive and that sent fear into everyone. Nobody could move inside to challenge the dogs. Everybody was just shouting in confusion and wielding sticks."
The victim's mother, Mrs. Helen Abraham, who was away when the incident happened, said her son had been injured by the time she arrived at the scene.
She said, "When I got there, I met a crowd. They asked me not to go inside, but I refused to listen to them. One of the dogs emerged from the corridor with blood stains in its mouth. I ran inside. The other dog, on sighting me, pounced, but I fought back. It later ran away. I called on people who joined me to take him to a hospital.
"This has been a nightmare I want to wake up from."
The victim's father, Mr. Odia Abraham, said the medical personnel at the Igando General Hospital asked them to transfer him to LASUTH because of the severity of the attack.
"The doctor at Igando said his condition was critical and we should take him to LASUTH. When the incident happened, I was away at work.
"But when I got home, I saw parts of my son's scalp on the floor. The dogs dragged him through the compound for about one and half hours and nobody moved near them. His face was also affected, but thankfully it did not get to his eyes.
"His two brothers, who survived, also got injured. The seven-year-old who spoke with you has a fracture, which we are still treating. The other, who is 13 years, has a minor injury.
"We marked Omo's fourth year birthday in June. He is a very intelligent boy and he always tells me he wants to be a soldier because he loves to protect people. I am hoping this thing will not affect his brain," he said.
The police were said to have arrested the owner of the dogs, one Stanley Wesley.
A resident said the people living in the house had warned Wesley about his dogs but he refused to listen.
She said, "We became alarmed when he brought a third dog recently which was more ferocious and bigger than the others. Whenever he took that dog on a walk, even adults would be scared.
"People told him to find a place to keep his giant dogs, but he refused to listen. It was the new dog that first followed those children into the house."
When our correspondent visited the Burns and Plastic Ward of LASUTH, he was told the victim was asleep.
The matron in charge of the ward told our correspondent she would not comment unless the Public Relations Officer of the hospital gave an approval.
However, the PRO was said to be unavailable as he was on leave.
A medical officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the victim's condition was "serious and critical."
The Police spokesperson, Lagos State Command, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, said the police were the ones that actually rescued the victim.
"The report from the Divisional Police Officer indicated that the dogs were being kept to undergo some tests, while their owner had been arrested. The report that the police did not do anything is not true."

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