YouTube Channel Redesign Part 3 – Nav Bar
New YouTube Channel Navigation Bar
The new YouTube Channel Navigation bar is a compact three tab nav bar that offers a streamlined way of managing your channel.
The three tabs are the Featured tab, the Feed tab and the Video tab
Featured Tab
If you select the Featured tab as your default, what you will see when your Channel page displays is your latest uploaded video in the featured video display at the top of the channel and your uploaded videos listed in chronological order below.
This is what I have chosen for my channel.
The right sidebar displays my about information and a run down of my featured playlists and featured channels of other YouTubers who I think offer a good insight into how a successful channel is organized and designed.
Feed Tab
Feed tab is probably the most popular as a selection because it shows all the latest activity of what you have been doing on YouTuvbe. It shows the videos you have liked, commented on, favorited,uploaded subscribed to or added to a playlist.
Anything of note that you have done on YouTube will show up in the feed.
It’s a great way to let your subscribers know when you have new material and offers a great way to follow you on YouTube.
The right sidebar under the Feed tab displays the About information and Featured channels but does not show any Featured playlists that you see with the Featured tab.
Videos Tab
The Videos tab is self explanatory. It displays all the videos you have uploaded to your Channel.
There is no right sidebar displayed when the Videos channel is loaded.
How To Configure The Navigation Bar
To configure the Nav Bar you go to the Edit Channel button on the upper right of the Main Nav bar and click it
You then go to the Info and Settings tab and select it.
And then you go to the drop down menu on the right under the Defautl Tab heading and select the default tab you want.
That is how you select the default tab you want for your channel.
You’ll note that the default tab that is selected will have a black background while the other two tabs will have gray backgrounds.
There is a check box under the Default tab drop down that you can check to send your subscribers to your Feed tab. This overrides whatever selection you have made in the drop down and ensures your followers will see your latest activity. That is an option you can take if you so choose.
And there you have it. The Channel Nave bar and how to use it.
Hope this has helped. Stay with it, stay well and talk soon.
If this post and the video have help don’t forget to give it a “like”, a tweet or a Google +. Many Thanks