Birthday time is upon, the Fall is our season for celebrations, with my birthday being the lonely outlier, lol!! Hubby’s bday has already been celebrated, with a special cake and love being showered on him by all of us!!;-)
We just were blessed to be able to celebrate our beloved Sparkle Girls bday with family, and she and the Fancy Miss will have a shared bday party in the next month, for their friends;-) It is a blessing and joy to be able to watch this young lady grow, becoming the amazing person God has created her to be. She has such kindness and gentleness in her, even as a teen(lol), and is a loyal and generous friend as well. She doesn’t hesitate to remind others of kindness and having a willing attitude though, if they get nasty(as girls this age sometime can!). she is a hard worker in school, even the areas she struggles in, and works to do better all the time! Sparkle Girl is a fun and engaging addition to any group, and is well liked by her friends, and other adults who work with her, and always has a willing hand for what needs to be done, even when she prefers to be doing something else!
It is a blessing to be her mom, and to watch her grow, guiding her and helping her navigate all of the challenges of life as an adopted teen girl. We adore watching her become who she was created to be, and appreciate all of the moments we get with her!!
Now though, with that bday down we have our anniversary, Little G’s bday, Cupcake Princess bday and then Fancy Miss bday, throw in a few holidays, and we have a very busy schedule indeed, but it is the wonderful season for celebrations!!!
The post season for celebrations appeared first on A Families Love.