
What is PTE Academic

PTE Academic is a computer-based English language test for international students recognised by leading universities and colleges all over the world. AECC Global is an official Professional Partner of PTE Academic.


AUD $330.00

(If you book within 48 hours of your test date, a late booking fee will be applied)

Since AECC Global is a Promotional Partner you can purchase a voucher to book the test in only AUD $300


2 Years for Education Purpose

3 Years for Migration Purpose

Exam Duration:

3 hours.


Check the score you need with the university you are applying to. Most Australia & UK universities require a minimum score of 51 for undergraduate and postgraduate courses and a minimum score of 36 for qualifications below degree level. You can find more details here. PTE Academic

PTE Academic Registration:

Online | Contact AECC Global

How is it different from other tests ?

•    Authentic test content and tasks: demonstrating your ability to use real-life academic English

•    Fully computerised test: providing fair and reliable results.

•    Fast delivery of results: typically within 5 working days.

•    Flexible booking: book for the next day or next week, no need to wait longer!

Who recognises the test?

The test is recognised by 3000 programs globally and is recognised by DIBP for student visa applications. Click here for more information.

How do I prepare for the test ?

Make sure to get yourself familiar with our range of preparation resources.

We recommend that you view our free online tutorials.

How will the university check my score?

Results are issued to candidates securely online through your Pearson account. We do not issue paper certificates to students or institutions. Once you receive your scores you can send them online to as many institutions as you want, free of charge.

Do I need to provide my score report if I am applying for the Australia / UK student visa?

If you are applying for a UK/Aus student visa you must also send copy of your results to included in your visa application. For more information click here.

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