
I love stocking stuffers.  Every year
my Mom
Santa would fill our stockings with fun little items we liked, some candy, and an ornament.
Santa is continuing this tradition at our house.  Last year I wrote about educational stocking stuffers, and this year I’m back with more educational stocking stuffers, only with a different twist.

This year I’m focusing on educational stocking stuffers for your fidgety learners.  I’ve been wanting to up my game in keeping my kids focused because I swear they are becoming more fidgety, and if I have to tell my son one more time “______________ (small toy) does not go in your mouth” I am going to go crazy.

(This post is inspired and sponsored by Chewigem which is saving my sanity right now)

Educational Stocking Stuffers for kids with sensory issues

Chewigem necklace– Batman has been driving me crazy lately putting stuff in his mouth, and I know it’s a sensory issue, so I was starting my search having vaguely remembered a product like this when a friend suggested them.  A word of caution, figure out what your child enjoys about chewing before ordering because my first item I got is not his favorite so I’m using this coupon tomorrow cyber2015 for 20% off and having Batman help me pick the right one this time. Update since I first started writing, I will also be getting one for Superman who I caught chewing on LEGOs.  Why boys, why?

(Side note my niece and nephew are getting a litecup because they are just too cool, you can use the same coupon code cyber2015 for 20% off tomorrow)

FIDGIPOD– I kind of want one for me.  It just looks fun to run your finger around and around as you’re taking notes with the other hand.

Pull and Stretch Bounce Ball– When I taught I gave out something very similar to this for kids to fidget with, and it gave good sensory feedback.

Educational Stocking Stuffers for kids who have to move

This is going to overlap my other category, but my daughter doesn’t search out sensory as much as moving.  Lots and lots of moving.

Fidget Pencil Toppers on Pencil– This is genius, it both gives something to do with your hands, AND a little bit of weight at the end of the pencil to help fine motor skill.

Tangle Relax Therapy– I find this somewhat hypnotic to play with.

Silly Putty– Another great item that can also be a sensory object, but it’s great for keeping little hands busy.  Or not so little hands.

The post Sneakily educational stocking stuffers appeared first on Adventures in Mommydom.

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