

Are you noticing how "textbook" are the thoughts and words and actions of those who are being driven subconsciously by personality? Are you seeing how predictable persons are? Are you seeing why I can observe someone for a very short while and usually determine which of the nine basic personality types are most influencing them?

While egotism will lead persons to believe that they are unique, an understanding of the nine basic personality types and how they control every thought and every word and every action of persons exposes that belief as a total sham.

By the age of six, the primary personality type will have formed and will be "set in stone," meaning that most persons will never be free of the influence of the hidden, subconscious agenda of that type and that most persons will forever have their thoughts and words and deeds controlled primarily by that type;

however, the other eight types will also manifest to greater or lesser degrees and will also impact persons' thoughts and words and actions without their ever having a clue about what is actually happening in terms of the overriding influence of personality identifications or in terms of the personality disorders which those identifications can generate and which can deteriorate into neuroses and psychoses and the grave psychological problems which those generate.

The sages have long discussed the relative hopelessness and the relative "powerlessness" (that is, the inability to make conscious choices) which mark and mar the existence of all who are living under the influence of personality.

Moreover, a few sages have come to understand that neither dogma nor spirituality can address mental and emotional problems; that both can actually aggravate mental and emotional problems; that the mind and personality identifications function in tandem and cannot be separated; and that, therefore, all of the content of the mind must go. (Then the use of the natural, elemental brain vs. the use of the unnatural, non-elemental mind can allow sane and sound abidance to happen for the remainder of the manifestation.)

As the case is with conjoined twins who cannot be separated if they share a common heart or share one circulatory system, so also is the case that (1) minds cannot be separated from the belief in personality identifications because those false identities are stored in the mind and that (2) personality identifications cannot be discarded as long as the mind exists because it is therein that the beliefs and ego-defense mechanisms which support false identities are stored.

While Maharaj for a time endorsed SELF-Inquiry and the process of seeking to find "Who You Really Are," he would later teach that, actually, "it is enough to know who you are not." That is, it is enough to find all of the false selves which one believes she or he is (and which, therefore, control all thoughts and words and actions) and see that those are merely roles being played rather than actual identities.

Freedom and happiness can only come after enlightenment allows one to differentiate between the true and false, after realization removes all learned ignorance as well as the bondage of insanity, and after liberation comes. That is, after one is liberated from the belief in all personal identifications.

Yet the mind and personality Sickness cannot be addressed unless it is identified and unless there is a complete purging of all of the components of the Sickness. As was the case when cancerous growths were found in this plant food body, I was not able to be totally well until all of the cancerous cells were eliminated completely.

The results of being rid of 50% of the source of a problem or even 60% or 70% of the source of a problem will be . . . nil. All of the parts of a problem have to be eliminated, and the same applies to the nonsensical content which is stored in the mind as a result of the nonsense which has been handed down from one generation to next via nonsensical programming and conditioning and acculturation and domestication and brainwashing and indoctrination.

The content of this series can offer a beginning to understanding the nine basic factors - that is, the nine basic personality types - which are generating humankind's problems because they are controlling the thoughts and words and actions of more than 99% of the masses.

For those dedicated to finding out what has been subconsciously driving them all of their lives and understanding exactly what they need to be rid of, and why, the science of the personality inventory offered here is available. Some tasks can be completed with the hands alone; in most cases, though, some sort of tools are ultimately required. The personality inventory analysis is one such tool which is available for earnest seekers.

So far, while discussing the relative effects of the nine basic personality styles or types, the focus has been on the Personality Type One Perfectionist and the Type Two Rescuer / Helper / Love Seeker and the Type Three Performer / Applause Seeker / Image Make / Image Maintainer and the Personality Type Four The Romantic / Individualist / Rebel / Seekers of Isolation or Seeker of Authenticity


the Personality Type Five Knowledge Seeker / Knower / Analyst / Avoider / Secretive One / Cerebral One / Philosophical One / Isolated One and the Personality Type Six Loyalist / The Dependent One / The Co-Dependent One / The Seeker of Caretakers / The Fear-Based One / The Anxious One and the Type Seven Enthusiast / Adventurer / Escapist / Fun Lover / Potential Addict and the Personality Type Eight Boss / Bully / Challenger / Asserter / Fighter / Control Freak / Aggressor / Attacker / Provoker / Antagonist / Potential Sociopath / Potential Psychopath.

To continue, the focus today will be on the consequences of being highly influenced by the agenda of the Personality Type Nine. From the book LIBERATION (Attaining Freedom from Personality via Realization):

The Relative Effects of Personality: Fears, Desires and Interrupted Happiness (continued)

In March of ’05, the following was offered in response to a question: The problem [in the relative existence] is always the personality—those ego-states that generate personas and the use of ego-defense mechanisms that they always generate.

The Advaita teaching offers an invitation to put an end to ego and arrogance in the relative existence by ending all false beliefs in ego-states. Identification with personality (which has been seen to include identification not only with the dominant type but with several of the other nine types) always results in the assumption of labels, personas, and ego-states.

The phoniness of role-playing eventually mars the entire relative existence and prevents most persons from ever Realizing fully What They Truly Are. To be inspired to become free of the effects of personality, the malfunctionings of personality must first be understood, so the next discussion will focus on the basic fears and the basic desires of Personality Type Nine—The Indifferent One / The One Obsessed With Avoiding All Disturbances / The Sloth.

Consider the following about Personality Type Nines:


Type Nines have a BASIC FEAR of loss and of separation (and of not being taken care of)

Type Nines have a BASIC DESIRE for continuity and for “peace of mind” (and for reaping the benefits of their perceived entitlement and being taken care of)


Type Nines are evidence of the fallacy of the concept “Blessed are the peacemakers”—at least as far as personality is concerned. As far as the Absolute is concerned, there are no blessings to be had at some future point since there is no future (and no future “one” to be blessed.) As far as the relative is concerned, nothing is farther removed from the concept of “being blessed” than personas living under the whims and the influences of identification with personality . . . with their assumed personas.

And most certainly that is the case with non-Realized persons who are identifying with their Type Nine personality. "Non-Realized" Nines have an unstated motto: “Never do today what can be put off until tomorrow or that—better yet—can be avoided forever.”

Because they have a desire to avoid confrontation, to avoid ever having to be in a challenging situation with other persons, and to avoid any occasion that ever has the slightest possibility of leading to any degree of conflict, they can eventually avoid all of the relative existence functions that are required for meeting the basic requirements of food, clothing and shelter.

That means avoiding regular employment and, instead, seeking out Type Two Helpers who will care for the Nine or seeking out Type Sixes or Threes who have assumed religious or spiritual roles. Those three types can find themselves being “used” by apathetic and lazy Nines in order for the Twos, Threes, and Sixes to support their own fabricated, altruistic image.

Eights can also be dragged into a Nine’s game because Eights love to “jump in” and take charge of situations that “need fixing.” Ones can be snared by Nines since Ones have a personality-driven desire to “make all things right.” Fours can be “moved” by the eloquence of Nines who are masters at detecting Type Four personas with romantic ideals and who want to “make the world a better place” by helping those who “need help.”

(Since non-Realized Fours disintegrate to Type Two and adopt Helper traits, they fall into the Nine trap as well.)

A Seven might consider it an “adventure” to move in a needy Type Nine person, having no idea that it’s far easier to get a Nine to move in than it is to get them to move out. Thus, it becomes clear why Nines are able to find so many other persons who are willing to care for them: so many among the varied personality types are driven in ways that make them susceptible to manipulation.

And Nines can become “The Great Manipulators” because they can “read” the other types and know how to appeal to that within each personality type that will elicit the support that Nines desire (and believe they deserve). Being adept at rationalization, they can make a comment like, “I’ve surrendered completely because God will take care of me.”

If asked about when they might start looking for a job or might begin and complete a task at hand, a typical response would be, “In God’s time . . . not mine.” They can eventually become quite stubborn with those who would encourage them to exercise, to move about, or to seek employment. Still avoiding confrontation, they become passive-aggressive but will use their skill of apologizing or “making amends” in order to defuse anger in others and to reestablish codependency.

Their laziness or apathy is often mistaken for “a state of divine peacefulness” that comes as a result of “working their religious or spiritual disciplines.” One person said of an unemployed Nine, “He’s my ideal. He lost his job, but his level of spiritual development has left him with such peace that he can live in the back of his car and be okay with that.” The truly awake and aware did not see that Nine as a “Spiritual Giant” but as one who is really dedicated to avoiding work at any price.


The toll on Nines is cumulative. Eventually, they are criticized for their refusal to mobilize by those who do not understand the effects of their personality type. After years of such criticism, Nines become disparaging of themselves, exacerbating the destructive traits of their type, relatively speaking.

Their predilection for procrastination leaves them perpetually in a dependent state . . . often appealing to a god or some external power to intervene and take care of them. To meet basic requirements, Nines can become adept at impressing others, at making others believe that the Nines are special, at earning respect and admiration, and at creating through those actions a network of idealizing supporters who will be willing to take on the task of meeting the basic needs of the Nines. The Nine, at that point, is never freed from playing the game.

When stressed or pious, Nines disintegrate to Type Threes. Embroiled as Threes are in the tasks of image-fabrication and image-maintenance, disintegrated Nines can eventually become exhausted. They deplete their energy with (a) appeals to relatives and friends and acquaintances to meet their basic requirements or (b) with constant efforts to manipulate. Once they exhaust all sources of support, they can become frustrated and angry and fatalistic.

Dissociation further blocks any possibility of coming to know authenticity and to be free of the living under the influence of the Personality Type Nine. Rather than seeking awareness, they try to block out all awareness. Eventually, they can become totally dysfunctional. If they worked as hard at a job as they work at (1) avoiding work and at (2) finding other persons to take care of them, then Nines could be completely independent, but that is seldom their goal. Having no independence and thus never being truly free, who could possibility be happy with those personality traits and the behavior they inspire.


"Realized," Type Nines—just as is the case with all other types that realize—can stop their avoiding and can become productive enough to meet their own basic requirements for food, clothing, and shelter. Being realistic for a change, Nines can function in the natural way whereby each meets his / her own basic survival needs.

The Nine can then abandon the dependency-producing, supernatural, magical thinking that makes him / her believe that either some supernatural power, or something or someone external, is supposed to take care of the Nine. Then, the Nine can realize, can meet his / her own basic needs, and can then live naturally. Naturally? Yes. The deer, which lives naturally instead of supernaturally, does not expect another deer to do its grazing for it. Post-Realization, an element of practicality begins to mark the relative existence of Type Nines . . . an element that had never manifested before.

Realized, the Nines automatically stop the past behaviors that led to such a sense of separation. Taking care of their own physical requirements, the fear of not being taken care of disappears (along with the sense of entitlement that led them to believe that they deserved to be taken care of by others).

They leave that fantasy world that they had “lived in” where they preferred the escapism of oblivion and the avoidance of reality. Contrary to what many persons imagine Realization can lead to—such as “not feeling anything” or “being fatalistic” or “never having any pleasure”—the "realized Nine" (as is the case with all that realize) can become truly free and independent. And only if truly free and independent can the fullness and pleasures and joys of AS IF living happen.

[For you to review and consider if interested: What the nine basic personality types can generate if they are manifesting at a high rate:

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 1 score can indicate perfectionism, rigidity, judgmentalism, excessive criticism, and excessive self-criticism. It can inhibit the development of two of the 7’s positive contributions, namely, a sense of lightness and a joy of living.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 2 can indicate an excessive dependency on relationships in an effort to feel worthy and loved; can result in extreme histrionics at times; can cause a sense of entitlement; can inspire excessive focus on self and can drive persons to seek love excessively.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 3 can indicate a concern with image, with being super “successful,” with seeking applause and affirmation in excessive levels; can cause one to become a status-seeker; and can inspire excessive focus on self.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 4 can indicate one an overly-romanticize view of life; can result in one being less in touch with reality; can drive one to rebel constantly and / or to be angry and / or to fight; and can inspire excessive focus on self.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 5 can indicate excessive avoidance and can cause excessive concern with being more knowledgeable than others.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 6: Can cause an excessive sense of hypervigilance; can cause a sense; can cause excessive fear; and can cause excessive anxiety or even paranoia.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 7 can indicate the presence of the Addictive Personality Disorder; can cause people to want to escape and to obsess about having too little freedom; can cause people to avoid responsibilities; can lead to chaos.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 8 can indicate anger, aggressiveness; an excessive desire to control; and an attraction to submissive types.

AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH 9 can indicate passive-aggressive behavior; excessive avoidance; a sense of entitlement; and dissociation.]

To be continued.

Please enter into the silence of contemplation.

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