
An update from our sister Sobha in Dharwar, India, by Patty Asplund:

Sobha and her husband, Arun, have been busy during recent months with church, school, camps, and projects old and new. Here is a “taste” of what the past eight months have held:

This past year, the HIV Project and church ministry have continued, with staff doing the best they can to keep everything running smoothly. Meanwhile, Arun and Sobha have started many new centers in the Share and Care Project.


In June the new school year started up once again. Children came back with renewed zeal, ready for NEW classes, with NEW books and NEW uniforms—always exciting!


In July Sobha was at a youth camp, with nearly 125 young people attending. Not even the monsoon rains—which had returned in June—were able to dampen the spirits of those attending.


Most recently, in January, Sobha and Arun have been visiting the homes of their new children in many villages, and concurrently looking into starting Share and Care Projects in new areas. Sobha visited some Devadasies (girls dedicated for life to the service of temple deities) in the town of Jamakhandi, where she shared the Gospel and prayed for the women. She also invited them to the next ladies retreat, which will take place in September.


Some specific prayer needs:


* Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more pastors to work alongside Arun and Sobha.


* More matrons are needed for the children’s home. Pray for discernment and wisdom in the selection of godly people whom God has called to this work.


*Please pray that the Spirit of God will work in the hearts of the Devadasies and remove all obstacles in their way.


*Please pray for Sobha’s daughter Melissa’s future plans: She was not admitted to Malone University, and is preparing to re-take the SAT while teaching English to the children. She will volunteer for two months with Remember Nhu in Thailand and then start working toward the next step. Sobha asks for prayer that God will guide her so she will be useful.

Patty Asplund is an International Women’s Team member and volunteer contributor.

Advancing Native Missions’ International Women’s Ministries has begun an online Bible study called iWomen. Contact Autumn to learn more, and look for the weekly lesson on Monday morning. 

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