
For Immediate Release

April 20, 2016

Contact: Press@catherinecortezmasto.com

Cortez Masto was one of the first Attorneys General to sue the Big Banks and helped secure $1.9 billion in relief for Nevadans

View the ad,“Rendición de cuentas,“ here

Las Vegas, NV - Former Nevada Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto’s campaign launched a new Spanish-language television ad today. The ad, called "Rendición de cuentas” will air statewide on Spanish-language television and focuses on Cortez Masto’s efforts to hold accountable the Big Banks that preyed upon Nevada Latinos through greed and fraud.

“When the economy crashed, Nevada’s Latino community was preyed upon by the Big Banks,” said Mariela Hernandez, Political Director for Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate. “Thankfully, Nevada Latinos had Catherine Cortez Masto as our Attorney General to hold the Big Banks accountable. While her opponents, Sharron Angle and Congressman Heck, side with anti-immigrant extremists like Donald Trump on the issues that matter to us, Nevada Latinos know that Catherine Cortez Masto is from our community and on our side.”

View the ad back-up for “ Rendición de cuentas” below:


Voiceover: Casas perdidas, vidas destruidas. [Homes lost, lives destroyed,]

Text: Confesión de un banquero: “Sentí que estaba mintiendo…”


Headline: Las Vegas Sun: “Nevada Remains First In Foreclosures In 2008.” [Las Vegas Sun, 1/23/09]

2008: Nevada Had The Highest Foreclosure Rate In The Nation. “The Las Vegas metropolitan area ranked second in the nation last year for its rate of foreclosures, while Nevada held its top spot in the nation.” [Las Vegas Sun, 1/23/09]

·      77,000 Nevada Homes Received A Foreclosure Filing. “Seven percent of Nevada’s housing units, about one in 14, received at least one foreclosure notice in 2008, according to RealtyTrac. A total of 77,693 properties received a foreclosure filing during the year, an increase of 126 percent from 2007 and nearly 530 percent from 2006.” [Las Vegas Sun, 1/23/09]

2008: Lenders Foreclosed On 77,000 Homes In Nevada. “A bill that could keep as many as 17,700 Nevadans from losing their homes to foreclosure was signed into law Friday by Gov. Jim Gibbons. Gibbons approved Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley’s Assembly Bill 149 that sets up mandatory mediation hearings between lenders and home buyers who are struggling to make payments on their mortgages. […]The glut of foreclosed homes in Nevada has caused home values to plummet. Last year, 77,000 homes were foreclosed upon in the state.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 5/30/09]

2011: 58 Percent Of Nevada Homeowners Were Underwater On Their Homes. “Las Vegas residents have seen the worst home price declines of any major metro area in the nation; prices are down 60% from the August 2006 peak, according to the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller index. Vegas also had the highest foreclosure rate of any major U.S. city for 22 months until October. About 58% of Nevada homeowners are underwater on their homes, which means that they owe more on their mortgages than the current values of their property. That is the highest percentage nationwide, according to CoreLogic, a Santa Ana mortgage data tracker. ‘I understand the frustration,’ said Masto, who is part of that group.” [Los Angeles Times, 12/10/11]

Las Vegas Sun: Nevada Led The Nation In Foreclosure Rates For 62 Straight Months During The Recession. “Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto introduced the town hall panel, and did not fail to mention why this is such a critical issue in the Silver State, which led the nation in foreclosure rate for 62 straight months during the recession. ‘To understand what’s happening here you literally just have to drive around our communities, and see what’s happening in our neighborhoods,’ she said. ‘It’s been devastating here in Nevada, but it’s been devastating across the country.’” [Las Vegas Sun, 7/10/12]

Voiceover: Las familias Latinas en Nevada fueron víctimas de los engaños y avaricia de los bancos. [Nevada Latino families were victims of fraud and greed committed by the big banks.]


Wall Street Journal: Areas With Large Hispanic Populations Were “Hit Hard” By The Housing Bubble. “When the national housing market began unraveling, so did the fortunes of many of the new homeowners. National foreclosure statistics don’t break out data by ethnicity or race. But there is evidence that Hispanic borrowers have been hard hit. In part, that’s because of large Hispanic populations in areas where the housing bubble was pronounced, such as Southern California, Nevada and Florida.” [Wall Street Journal, 1/5/09]

Headline: Las Vegas Review-Journal: “Downturn Hurt Latino, African-American Households Harder, Analysts Say.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/10/12]

Cortez Masto Estimated That Nationwide 1.3 Million Latino Families Lost Their Homes To Foreclosure. “Nevada Attorney General   Catherine Cortez Masto said an estimated 1.3 million Latino families have lost their homes to foreclosure across the country. That’s $54.4 billion in wealth that’s gone, she said. ‘It’s just been devastating. This should be a time when young families should be able to buy a home,’ Masto said.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/10/12]

HUD Secretary Shuan Donovan: Latino And African-American Families Are Almost Twice As Likely To Go Into Foreclosure As White Families. “Shaun Donovan, secretary of Housing and Urban Development, said Latino and African-American families are almost twice as likely to go into foreclosure than whites. Those statistics are ‘completely unacceptable,’ he said.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/10/12]

ACLU: Twenty Percent Of Nevada’s Foreclosures Were Among Latino Borrowers. “Twenty percent of Nevada’s foreclosures are among Latino borrowers, as are almost 20 percent of loans that are seriously delinquent, white borrowers account for only about 14 percent of foreclosures and 13 percent of seriously delinquent loans.” [ACLU Report: Justice Foreclosed, 10/17/12]

Voiceover: Como Procuradora General del Estado, Catherine   Cortez Masto inició investigaciones de fraude hipotecario contra los bancos más grandes de la nación. [As Attorney General, Catherine Cortez Masto initiated investigations of mortgage fraud by some of the largest banks in the country.]


2009: Cortez Masto Investigated And Found Broad Problems With The Bank Of America’s Interactions With Imperiled Borrowers. “In a complaint filed Tuesday in United States District Court in Reno, Catherine Cortez Masto, the Nevada attorney general, asked a judge for permission to end Nevada’s participation in the settlement agreement. This would allow her to sue the bank over what the complaint says were dubious practices uncovered by her office in an investigation that began in 2009. […] The breadth of the new Nevada complaint indicates that Bank of America’s problems extend throughout its mortgage operations, including origination, loan servicing and securitization. Nevada officials also found broad problems in the bank’s interactions with imperiled borrowers.” [New York Times, 8/30/11]

·      Cortez Masto Mortgage Fraud Task Force Kept Busy With So Many Shady Real Estate Players. “Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto asked Kelleher, a chief deputy, to head a mortgage fraud task force in early 2007. With so many shady real estate players and dicey mortgages, the new task force kept him busy. Then the foreclosure wave started, and the task force shifted its focus to scam artists falsely promising to keep Nevadans in their homes for a steep fee.” [Las Vegas Sun, 9/25/09]

CBS Local News: “Putting Fraudulent Loan Modification Companies Out Of Business Is Priority One For The State’s Attorney General.” In September 2009, CBS Eyewitness News at 5pmreported, “With Las Vegas number one in the nation for foreclosures… Scammers are finding easy victims to prey on. Putting fraudulent loan modification companies out of business is priority one for the state’s attorney general. Channel 8’s Edward Lawrence investigates. Nevada ranks number one in the nation for loan modification scams. It’s so much of a problem that attorney general Catherine Cortez Masto met the treasury secretary and secretary of housing and urban development in in Washington to ask for assistance. She walked away with an agreement for federal help.. And cooperation with 11 other states.” [KLAS, 9/17/09]

·      AG Cortez Masto Met With HUD Secretary Of Foreclosure Scams And “Walked Away With An Agreement For Federal Help And Cooperation With 11 Other States.” In September 2009, CBS Eyewitness News at 5pmreported, “With Las Vegas number one in the nation for foreclosures… Scammers are finding easy victims to prey on. Putting fraudulent loan modification companies out of business is priority one for the state’s attorney general. Channel 8’s Edward Lawrence investigates. Nevada ranks number one in the nation for loan modification scams. It’s so much of a problem that attorney general Catherine Cortez Masto met the treasury secretary and secretary of housing and urban development in in Washington to ask for assistance. She   walked away with an agreement for federal help. And cooperation with 11 other states.” [KLAS, 9/17/09]


Cortez Masto Said Bank Of America “Didn’t Hold Up Its End Of A Settlement, So She’s Taking Action.” In August 2011, CBS 8 News Now reported at 11pm, “Nevada’s attorney general says she’s not backing down in her fight against Bank of America. Catherine Cortez Masto says the bank didn’t hold up its end of a settlement… So she’s taking action.” [KLAS, 8/31/11]

Cortez Masto: “You Know What From My Perspective, Don’t Come Into My State And Take Advantage Of These Folks And Think You’re Going To Be Able To Walk Away From It.” In November 2011, 8 News Now at 5am reported, “Colleen mccarty/investi gative reporter: the settlement stems from the robo-signing scandal that broke last year. Banks temporarily suspended foreclosures. Following allegations their employees rubber-stamped foreclosures with-out reviewing them. As the i-team reported last week. There’s evidence those practices continue here in Nevada. Just one reason the state attorney general says she won’t sign anything that lets the banks off the hook. Catherine Cortez- Masto/Nevada attorney general: you know what from my perspective, don’t come into my state and take advantage of these folks and think you’re going to be able to walk away from it.” [KLAS, 11/23/11]

Cortez Masto: We Will Hold Accountable The Key Players In Foreclosure Fraud. According to an article by Margaret Cronin Fisk of Bloomberg Business, “Deceptive business practices by LPS and its subsidiaries caused many foreclosures to ‘proceed under false pretenses,’ she said. ‘The robo-signing crisis in Nevada has been fueled by two main problems: chaos and speed,’ Cortez Masto said in today’s statement. ‘We will protect the integrity of the foreclosure process. This lawsuit is the next, logical step in holding the key players in the foreclosure fraud crisis accountable.’” [Bloomberg Business, 12/16/11]

Voiceover: Y los demandó para hacerlos responsables. [And she took them to court to hold them accountable.]

Text: Magazine cover: Nevada’s AG Picks a Fight.


Cortez Masto AG’s Office Investigated More Than 200 Companies For Mortgage Fraud. “More than 200 companies are under criminal investigation for mortgage fraud with ties to such things as identity theft and prostitution, Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto says. Edith Cartwright of the attorney general’s office said many of those companies have 50 to 100 complaints against them. Masto outlined her budget to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee on Monday, saying she has two attorneys and three investigators to handle the criminal cases. The office also has a federal grant to hire two lawyers and four more investigators. Masto said the investigations center on mortgage foreclosure rescue scams or loan modification scams. ‘They are looking at various ways to scam people,’ the attorney general said. ‘This is the easiest to set up shop and try to start taking dollars from mortgage fraud. But they are organized and they engage in other types of crime besides the mortgage fraud.’” [Las Vegas Sun, 2/21/11]

AG Cortez Masto’s Mortgage Fraud Unit Was “Among The Most Aggressive In The Country.” According to a report by Colleen McCarty of KLAS, “Nevada’s mortgage Fraud Task Force – arguably among the most aggressive in the country – has undergone some dramatic changes in the   last few months. […] Since the task force’s inception in 2007, the task force has served as a trailblazer for criminal prosecutions of housing-related crime. Its developed a national reputation built on complex cases involving loan modification fraud, foreclosure scams and robosigning.” [KLAS, 7/3/12]

Cortez Masto Doubled The Size Of Her Mortgage Fraud Investigation Team Even While The Department’s Budget Was Cut By 30 Percent. “Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto is doubling size of a mortgage fraud investigation team, even while the department is cutting its budget by nearly 30 percent. She’s using federal funds to hire two prosecutors and four investigators to handle thousands of complaints against more than 200 companies accused of loan schemes or predatory lending. Nevada was the state hardest-hit by the foreclosure crisis.” [Associated Press, 2/17/11]


Cortez Masto: Paperwork Failures Should Have Stopped Bank Of America From Foreclosing On Borrowers – But “They Went Ahead Nonetheless.” “These paperwork failures should have barred the bank from foreclosing on borrowers, the Nevada complaint says, but it went ahead nonetheless. This aspect of Ms. Masto’s complaint echoes a lawsuit filed in early August by Mr. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general, to block a settlement between Bank of New York and Bank of America covering 530 Countrywide mortgage pools. In that case, Mr. Schneiderman contends that Countrywide did not deposit loans into the mortgage pools as required and that the bank had no right to bring foreclosure actions against these borrowers.” [New York Times, 8/30/11]

·      Cortez Masto: Bank Of America’s Conduct Was The Most Anemic Of The Big Banks. “Thousands of homeowners complain that banks repeatedly lose their documents, fail to return calls or foreclose when a homeowner believes he or she is still negotiating a modification. Indeed, according to the lawsuits, Bank of America’s efforts were the most anemic of the big banks and were not confined to the Western states but rather ‘reflect a pervasive nationwide pattern and practice of conduct.’ The lawsuit noted that Bank of America ranked last in ‘virtually every homeowner experience metric’ monitored in a monthly report on the federal home loan modification program.” [New York Times, 12/17/10]

·      Cortez Masto: “Bank Of America’s Callous Disregard For Providing Timely, Correct Information To People In Their Time Of Need Is Truly Egregious.” “‘Bank of America’s callous disregard for providing timely, correct information to people in their time of need is truly egregious,’ Catherine Cortez Masto, the attorney general of Nevada said in a statement. Many Nevada homeowners continued ‘to make mortgage payments they could not afford, running through their savings,   their retirement funds or their children’s education funds.’’ [New York Times, 12/17/10]


December 2010: Cortez Masto Filed Lawsuit Against Bank Of America For Foreclosures Abuses: “We Are Holding Bank Of America Accountable For Misleading And Deceiving Consumers.” “The Nevada Attorney General’s office sued Bank of America Fridaymorning for allegedly deceiving homeowners through its residential loan modification and foreclosure practices. The lawsuit, filed in Clark County District Court and triggered by consumer complaints, named as defendants the bank’s parent company as well as BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, Recon Trust Co. ‘We are holding Bank of America accountable for misleading and deceiving consumers,’ Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto said. ‘Nevadans who were trying desperately to save their homes were unable to get truthful information in order to make critical life decisions.’” [Las Vegas Sun, 12/17/10]

·      October 2010: Ohio AG Richard Cordray Launched The First Major Legal Challenge To Bank Foreclosure Abuses Against Ally Financial. “This week we saw the first major legal challenge to the mortgage servicers and lenders at the center of the kerfuffle over ‘robo-signers’—the mortgage servicer employees who allegedly signed thousands of documents authorizing foreclosures across the country, without actually having reviewed the loan documents, as the law requires. Some say these middle-manager types (who have been identified at GMAC Mortgage LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp. and OneWest Bank, in depositions by consumer lawyers), if they did what they say they did, committed fraud in hundreds and even thousands of foreclosure cases by claiming knowledge of a financial matter of which they had no personal knowledge. This chaffed Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray so badly that he filed suitWednesday against GMAC and its parent company Ally Financial Inc., seeking $25,000 in civil penalties for each instance of fraud, plus untold thousands of dollars more in consumer restitution.” [Wall Street Journal, 10/7/10]

Voiceover: Recuperando casi $2 mil millones de dólares para las familias de Nevada. [Recovering nearly $2 billion for Nevada families.]


Cortez Masto Played An Important Role In Mortgage Settlements Totaling At Least $1.9 Billion Helping Nevada Homeowners Hurt By The Foreclosure Crisis. “The process of fact checking involves reporting the facts as best known at the time. When new facts arise, verdicts can change. That happened here. Regarding Cortez Masto’s campaign video, the claim is correct that she played an important role in mortgage settlements totaling at least $1.9 billion that held banks accountable and helped Nevada homeowners hurt by the foreclosure crisis. Truth meter: 9 (out   of 10).” [Reno Gazette-Journal 3/23/16]

·      Cortez Masto Helped People Suffering Through The “Worst Mortgage Crisis In History, Ground Zero For The Crisis Nationally, Using One Of The Smallest Attorney General’s Offices In The Country.” “Attorney General Catherine Cortez-Masto is also term limited, but wouldn’t disclose any plans to run for another office. She detailed her accomplishments since January 2007. Her biggest task was helping people suffering in a state with the worst mortgage crisis in history, ground zero for the crisis nationally, using one of the smallest attorney general’s offices in the country, with a staff of 365 employees including 155 attorneys and 48 peace officers.” [Pahrump Valley Times, 10/30/13]

GOP Former Washington AG Rob McKenna: Cortez Masto Improved The National Mortgage Settlement For Nevada And Held The Banks More Fully Accountable. “Strong independent evidence came today. Her campaign emailed a quote about her role in the national settlement from attorney Rob McKenna. He wrote, ‘As Attorney General of Washington, I served on the National Mortgage Settlement Executive Committee. I saw firsthand Catherine Cortez Masto’s successful efforts to improve the settlement for Nevada residents and hold the banks more fully accountable. Catherine helped improve the settlement’s initial terms, such as: allowing states to seek additional litigation against the banks. Catherine also secured a separate agreement for Nevada with Bank of America. Due to Catherine’s efforts on the National Mortgage Settlement, as well as other litigation she pursued against the banks, Nevada received more than $1.9 billion in relief for struggling homeowners.’ It is obviously key that he was part of the executive committee behind the ultimate terms of the national settlement. Also significant is the fact that McKenna is a Republican.” [Reno Gazette-Journal 3/23/16]

·      DEM & GOP Attorneys General For Arkansas, Illinois, And Nebraska All Praised Cortez Masto’s Work On The National Mortgage Settlement. “The campaign also sent similar testimonials from former Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and former Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning. […] Regarding Cortez Masto’s campaign video, the claim is correct that she played an important role in mortgage settlements totaling at least $1.9 billion that held banks accountable and helped Nevada homeowners hurt by the foreclosure crisis.” [Reno Gazette-Journal 3/23/16]


AG Cortez Masto Fought “Immense Pressure” To Join National Foreclosure Settlement Until She Got Bank Of America To Agree To Refinancing Nevada Mortgages. According to an article by 8 News Now Las Vegas, “Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto was one of the last nationwide holdouts on the national mortgage settlement. According to people familiar with the inside negotiations, there was intense federal pressure to jump onboard and settle with the five major banks. […]8 News NOW was told Cortez Masto wouldn’t join the settlement until she could get a separate deal against Countrywide, now Bank of America, for additional refinancing. That’s because Nevada already claimed they broke a previous deal. The Attorney General says that, for the first time, she has more enforcement options to go after them if they break this deal.” [8 News Now, 2/28/12]

·      Cortez Masto Was One Of The Last Holdouts To The National Mortgage Settlement. “After balking, Nevada’s state attorney general has signed the Silver State on to a $25 billion deal with the nation’s biggest mortgage lenders over foreclosure abuses. Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto declined immediate comment Thursday on her decision to join the settlement billed as the biggest involving a single industry since the 1998 multi-state tobacco deal. A spokeswoman says Masto will make a statement later. The agreement gives Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Ally Financial three years to reduce loans for nearly 1 million households. About 750,000 homeowners who were improperly foreclosed upon will get $2,000 checks. Only Oklahoma didn’t join. The 49 participating states agree not to pursue civil charges. Homeowners can still sue lenders civilly, and federal and state authorities can pursue criminal charges.” [Associated Press, 2/9/12]

·      Cortez Masto Stayed At The Negotiating Table And Fought For Stronger Settlement Terms In The National Mortgage Settlement. “Attorneys general from California, New York and Delaware, who have all been cold to the deal in past weeks, are still talking with negotiators and may yet signal their participation, according to sources familiar with the talks. Attorneys general from Florida and Nevada also have issues, but are still at the negotiating table. ‘My office is continuing to review the intricate draft settlement terms and advocating for improvements to address Nevada’s needs,’ said Nevada’s Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto. Federal officials and state attorneys general could announce – perhaps as early as this week – the deal with some of the nation’s largest banks that could yield up to $25 billion for qualified homeowners. That would be more than any housing relief program has produced since the financial crisis began.” [CNN, 2/7/12]

Cortez Masto: Nevada Used Leverage From Bank Of America Lawsuit To Get A Larger Slice Of The National Mortgage Settlement. “Nevada used the leverage of a federal lawsuit it has pending against one large bank to reach a ‘side settlement’ and gain a larger slice   of a nationwide foreclosure settlement pie, state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto saidFriday. The $750 million worth of Nevada-specific mortgage relief and cash payments from Bank of America Corp. represented about half the $1.5 billion that troubled Nevada mortgage-holders and the state stand to receive in the nationwide settlement announcedThursday between 49 states and five large lenders. ‘I was not about to sign on to any settlement that would release Bank of America for its obligations and its wrongdoing in the state of Nevada,’ Masto told reporters Friday, the day after attorneys general in 49 states announced the $25 billion national agreement with mortgage lenders also including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc. and Ally Financial Inc.” [Associated   Press, 2/11/12]

·      Cortez Masto: “We Were Committed To Bringing Them To The Table And Forcing Them To Work With Us To Engage In Immediate Relief For Homeowners Of This State.” “Masto said Nevada’s negotiations with Bank of America went late Wednesday before   she agreed to sign. ‘We were committed to bringing them to the table and forcing them to work with us to engage in immediate relief for homeowners of this state,’ she said.’ ‘We have done that.’” [Associated Press, 2/11/12]

Voiceover: Catherine Cortez Masto. De nuestra comunidad.

A nuestro lado. [Catherine Cortez Masto. From our community.

On our side.]


Cortez Masto Was Born And Raised In Las Vegas. “Cortez Masto was born and raised in Las Vegas — both of her parents were raised in Las Vegas as well — and in 1986 she received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nevada. She is now bidding to become the first woman to represent Nevada in the U.S. Senate. ‘Now, that is the American Dream,’ she told the audience.” [Record-Courier, 8/14/15]

Cortez Masto Is Half-Mexican And Half-Italian. “A Las Vegas native and University of Nevada, Reno graduate, Cortez Masto said she is half-Mexican and half-Sicilian and represents the American dream, noting she was the first in her family to attend college.” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 8/14/15]


President Obama Praised Cortez Masto As A “Tireless Advocate” For Children, Women And Others – She Has A “Track Record Of Integrity.” “In a nearly 14-minute speech , Obama said Cortez Masto, a former Nevada attorney general, has shown leadership as a ‘tireless advocate’ for children, women and others, saying she has a ‘track record of integrity.’ Cortez Masto, 50, is backed by Reid and will likely face Republican U.S. Rep. Joe Heck, 53, who has won thrice since 2010 in the 3rd Congressional District in southwestern Clark County. Heck, a physician and brigadier general in the Army Reserve, has announced he’s seeking the GOP nomination, and is by far the most prominent Republican candidate so far.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 8/24/15]

Gov. Sandoval Praised Cortez Masto For Bills Toughening Laws On Sex Trafficking And Giving Resources To Victims. “Gov. Brian Sandoval said Thursdaythat staff in the Legislature and in the state Taxation Department are looking at the bill to determine if there could be unexpected hit. […] In a ceremony attended by about 30 people Thursday, the governor signed two bills toughening the laws on sex trafficking. He praised Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto for leading the efforts to get this legislation passed. Sandoval said these bills will protect many people now   and in generations to come.” [Las Vegas Sun, 6/6/13]

DEM Sen. Reid Praised Cortez Masto For National Mortgage Settlement: “I’m Very Proud Of Her And Confident That The Work She Did Will Bring Dividends To The Beleaguered Housing Industry In Nevada.” “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., praised Masto for her role in negotiating a settlement for Nevada. ‘I’m very proud of her and confident that the work she did will bring dividends to the beleaguered housing industry in Nevada,’ Reid said on the Senate floor Thursday.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/9/12]

·      GOP Sen. Heller: The Settlement Will Provide More Protection And Some Relief To Nevada Homeowners. “Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said he was pleased that the settlement would provide more protection and some relief to Nevada homeowners. ‘No state has been hit harder by the foreclosure crisis than Nevada,’ Heller said in a statement. ‘Unfortunately, abuses by the banking industry made a bad situation worse. Actions by the banking industry helped create this housing crisis. They have an obligation to help get us out.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/9/12]

·      GOP Congressman Heck: I Have High Hopes This Settlement Will Provide Nevada Homeowners Much Needed Relief. “Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., said he is ‘happy to see that an agreement was reached. At a time when Nevada families are struggling the most to make ends meet, I have high hopes that this settlement will provide them much needed relief.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/9/12]

GOP Gov. Sandoval Praised Cortez Masto For Support Of “Home Means Nevada,” A Program For Home Loan Modifications. “A program intended to help distressed Nevada homeowners stay in their homes with loan modifications has been given final approval and is underway. Officials on Fridayannounced that a state-affiliated nonprofit group, Home Means Nevada, has finalized an agreement with the U.S.   Department of Housing and Urban Development to buy a pool of mortgages. The nonprofit will then determine if those homeowners qualify for loan modifications. About 450 homes will be part of the first round, said Teri Williams, spokeswoman for the Nevada Department of Business and Industry. If a homeowner owes more than current market value, the principal balance may be reduced. For borrowers unable to qualify, they will be provided transitional assistance. […] Sandoval also acknowledged U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., Democratic Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and state lawmakers for their support of the program.” [Associated Press, 5/2/14]

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan: Cortez Masto Was “Very Deeply Involved” In The Settlement Negotiations And Nevada Will Receive One Of The Largest Benefits Because It Was One Of The Hardest Hits States And The Separate Bank Of America Case. DONOVAN: “Well, Nevada is, as you say, one of the places that was hardest hit and I have to compliment your attorney general, Catherine Cortez Masto, who was very deeply involved in the settlement negotiations, has done extensive investigations, and will be part of the monitoring committee, working with the monitor that I talked about to make sure that banks live up to these promises. Because it was one of the hardest hit states, Nevada will get – will be in the top five of the largest benefits from the settlement, about $1.5 billion will go to Nevada for help, and. because of separate cases that your attorney general brought. there are additional benefits that will be coming to Nevada, as well. The other thing I should mention is that Bank of America has committed, because of the extent of the lending that Countrywide did in states like Nevada, has committed to a special program that will provide deeper principal reduction and they’ve agreed to go out and – and to reach to every – every Countrywide borrower who is more than 60 days delinquent and underwater on their loan. So, because Countrywide lending was so extensive in Nevada, that is a special benefit to Nevada families that have been hard hit.” [Housing And Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan Teleconference, 2/10/12]

National Notary Association CEO Tom Heymann: Cortez Masto Has Shown “Unwavering Dedication” To Remedying The Housing Crisis And Has “Emerged As A Beacon Of Strength And National Leadership.” According to a release by the National Notary Association, “‘Attorney General Cortez Masto has shown unwavering dedication to remedying a nationwide crisis that has mortgage servicers rethinking their approach to the supervision and training of Notaries,” said NNA Chief Executive Officer Tom Heymann. ‘In doing so, she has emerged as a beacon of strength and national leadership.’” [National Notary Association press release, 5/10/12]

Cortez Masto: Soy Catherine Cortez Masto y apruebo este mensaje. [I’m Catherine Cortez Masto and I approve this message.]

Text: Disclaimer: Aprobado por Catherine Cortez Masto. Pagado por Catherine Cortez Masto para el Senado. [Approved by Catherine Cortez Masto. Paid for by Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate.]


Headline: Las Vegas Review-Journal: “Cortez Masto’s Senate Hopes Mirror Her AG Track Record.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/30/15]

As Attorney General, Cortez Masto Visited All 17 Counties To Help Nevadans Address Domestic Violence, Sex Trafficking, Home Foreclosures, And Prescription Drug Use. “As attorney general, Cortez Masto visited all 17 counties to help Nevadans with their problems, from domestic violence and sex trafficking to home foreclosures and prescription drug abuse, which is just as prevalent in the rurals as it is in urban Las Vegas and Reno.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/30/15]

·      Cortez Masto Spent Eight Years As Attorney General Working In A Bipartisan Manner To Fight Sex Trafficking, Sex Offenders, And Protect Seniors. “After five terms in the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid is leaving behind some pretty big shoes to fill. And so far there are three candidates hoping to do that. Of course the Democratic Party wants to see that seat stay blue. The Reid Machine is fully behind Catherine Cortez Masto, who spent 8 years as our Attorney General. There she fought sex trafficking, sex offenders and to protect senior citizens. She says bipartisanship politics is the key. ‘These are all areas I have a proven record of working on in a bipartisan manner. It is about building partnerships and coalitions. That’s what we need in Washington and I have a proven record to show I can do it,’ Cortez Masto said during a recent interview.” [KTVN, 2/1/16]

Cortez Masto Will Work In A Bipartisan Way To Expand The Middle Class, Increase The Minimum Wage, Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform And Ensure Nevadans Have Quality Access To Education. “Cortez Masto, the granddaughter of a Mexican immigrant, said she plans to work with both major political parties, if elected, and work on expanding the middle class, increase the minimum wage, pass comprehensive immigration reform and ensure Nevadans have quality access to education. ‘In contrast, my opponent, Republican Congressman Heck, votes with his Party 90 [percent] of the time and is part of the problem in Washington. Congressman Heck opposed comprehensive immigration reform, supports devastating cuts to education funding, and voted to tear families apart by defunding deferred action. The choice for Latino voters in Nevada is clear: while I will always stand with them, Congressman Heck stands with his Party in Washington.’” [Latin Post, 2/17/16]

·      Cortez Masto Will Fight For The Middle Class By Opposing Privatizing Social Security, Supporting A Minimum Wage Increase, And Avoid Free Trade Agreements. “‘Hopefully I can become Nevada’s first female senator,’ where she’s looking forward to taking on the challenge of Washington, D.C., Cortez Masto began saying. […] She spoke about her goals as U.S. senator, including to fight for the middle class, to keep Social Security from privatization, increase the minimum wage, keep jobs in the United States and avoid free trade agreements. ‘The next time you come to Washington, D.C., come to see me as your United States senator,’ she said.” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 8/14/15]

Cortez Masto Said She Isn’t Concerned With Polls Or Pundits, She Wants To Talk With Nevadans About The Issues, Find Out What’s Important To Them, And Fight On Behalf Of Nevada. “Cortez Masto is not concerned about polls or pundits that call the race a toss-up. ‘Right now my focus is just on this race, it’s on getting out and talking to people about the issues,’ she said after the forum. ‘I came out early and rolled out my campaign on April 8 just for that reason. I wanted to make sure I was getting around the state, similar to what I did when I was attorney general, and continue to talk about the issues, to learn what’s important to them and the things that I want to fight for on their behalf.’” [Record-Courier, 8/14/15]

·      Cortez Masto: Nevada Needs A U.S. Senator Who Is Going To Work For The Best Interests Of The State. “Cortez Masto reached her term limit as attorney general last year and set her sights on another goal. ‘I have worked very hard on behalf of the state — on behalf of people, women, children, seniors — fighting on their behalf for businesses so that they can continue to grow. And that’s what we need in this state, somebody who is going to work on behalf of the best interests of this state as a United States senator.’” [Record-Courier, 8/14/15]


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