
For Immediate Release

March 8, 2016

Contact: (702) 530-3482, Press@CatherineCortezMasto.com

In the ad, Cortez Masto talks directly to Nevadans about her record of solving problems

Watch the ad, “Big Family,” here

Las Vegas, NV – Today, the Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate campaign launched its first statewide television ad. The ad, called “Big Family,” tells the story of Cortez Masto’s family, her Mexican heritage, and highlights her record of solving problems.  As Nevada’s Attorney General, Catherine Cortez Masto focused on combating human trafficking, protected Nevada seniors from scam artists, and was one of the first Attorneys General in the country to sue the Big Banks.

Through her efforts, the state of Nevada won a $1.9 billion settlement with the Big Banks that brought much needed relief to Nevadans.  Cortez Masto also passed historic reforms in the Nevada legislature to take on human trafficking, including establishing the crime as a felony.  As Nevada’s Attorney General, Cortez Masto sponsored over 40 bills that became law, all of which received bipartisan support.

The ad is set to air in both Las Vegas and Reno.

“Family is important to Catherine Cortez Masto, with a large extension of her own all across Nevada,” said Zach Hudson, Communications Director for Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate.  “Her father’s family came from Mexico, her mother’s family came from Italy.  Catherine knows what it’s like for families to work hard in order to get ahead.  Her father started out parking cars at the old Dunes Hotel, and Catherine and her sister were the first in their family to go to college.  In her eight years as Nevada’s Attorney General, Catherine Cortez Masto stood up for ordinary Nevada families, whether taking on the Big Banks or getting tough on the sexual exploitation of teenage girls.   She’s spent her career working with Republicans and Democrats alike to solve problems in Nevada. Isn’t it time they started solving problems in Washington?”

View the ad back-up for “Big Family” below:


CATHERINE VO: I’m Catherine Cortez Masto and I come from a big family. A whole lot of people. A whole lot of love. And a whole lot of   food. My dad’s family was from Mexico. My mom’s was from Italy.

CATHERINE: 60 years ago they met here in Nevada and we grew as a family … really grew as a family.


Cortez Masto Was Born And Raised In Las Vegas. “Cortez Masto was born and raised in Las Vegas — both of her parents were raised in Las Vegas as well — and in 1986 she received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nevada. She is now bidding to become the first woman to represent Nevada in the U.S. Senate. ‘Now, that is the American Dream,’ she told the audience.” [Record-Courier, 8/14/15]

Cortez Masto Is Half-Mexican And Half-Italian. “A Las Vegas native and University of Nevada, Reno graduate, Cortez Masto said she is half-Mexican and half-Sicilian and represents the American dream, noting she was the first in her family to attend college.” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 8/14/15]

CYNTHIA, CATHERINE’S SISTER:  Dad got his start parking cars at the Dunes Hotel. But he went on to be the Head of Tourism for Las Vegas and helped build the city we know today.


Manny Cortez Served Four Terms On The Clark County Commission And Spent More Than 13 Years As The Head Of The Las Vegas Convention And Visitors Authority. “She didn’t have to look far for political role models. Her father, Manny Cortez, served four terms as a Clark County commissioner and more than 13 years as head of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority before retiring in 2004. ‘Obviously, he’s always been a role model,’ Cortez Masto said. ‘He taught me that you need to be honest with people, and they’ll respect you. They might not like what you say, but they’ll respect you.’ And there have been others, as well.” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 10/23/05]

Manny Cortez Headed The Las Vegas Convention And Visitors Authority For Years, “Making The Gaming City A Tourist Mecca.” “Cortez Masto is well-known in Southern Nevada, where her late father, Manny Cortez, headed the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority for years, making the gaming city a tourist mecca.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/9/15]

Manny Cortez Is “Credited With Revitalizing The Strip In The ‘90s” During His 13 Years At The Las Vegas Visitors And Convention Authority. “Cortez Masto comes from a political pedigree of the highest level in Southern Nevada. Her father, Manny Cortez, headed the Las Vegas Visitors and Convention Authority for 13 years, and is credited with revitalizing the Strip in the '90s while mentoring many power players in Nevada politics. He died in 2006.” [Las Vegas Sun, 4/8/15]

CATHERINE:  Dad lived his life following three principles, work hard, be honest and respect everyone, and that’s what I tried to do as Attorney General.


President Obama Praised Cortez Masto As A “Tireless Advocate” For Children, Women And Others – She Has A “Track Record Of Integrity.” “In a nearly 14-minute speech , Obama said Cortez Masto, a former Nevada attorney general, has shown leadership as a ‘tireless advocate’ for children, women and others, saying she has a ‘track record of integrity.’ Cortez Masto, 50, is backed by Reid and will likely face Republican U.S. Rep. Joe Heck, 53, who has won thrice since 2010 in the 3rd Congressional District in southwestern Clark County. Heck, a physician and brigadier general in the Army Reserve, has announced he’s seeking the GOP nomination, and is by far the most prominent Republican candidate so far.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 8/24/15]

Gov. Sandoval Praised Cortez Masto For Bills Toughening Laws On Sex Trafficking And Giving Resources To Victims. “Gov. Brian Sandoval said Thursday that staff in the Legislature and in the state Taxation Department are looking at the bill to determine if there could be unexpected hit. […] In a ceremony attended by about 30 people Thursday, the governor signed two bills   toughening the laws on sex trafficking. He praised Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto for leading the efforts to get this legislation passed. Sandoval said these bills will protect many people now and in generations to come.” [Las Vegas Sun, 6/6/13]

Sen. Reid Praised Cortez Masto For National Mortgage Settlement: “I’m Very Proud Of Her And Confident That The Work She Did Will Bring Dividends To The Beleaguered Housing Industry In Nevada.” “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., praised Masto for her role in negotiating a settlement for Nevada. ‘I’m very proud of her and confident that the work she did will bring dividends to the beleaguered housing industry in Nevada,’ Reid said on the Senate floor Thursday.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/9/12]

·      Sen. Heller: The Settlement Will Provide More Protection And Some Relief To Nevada Homeowners. “Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said he was pleased that the settlement would provide more protection and some relief to Nevada homeowners. ‘No state has been hit harder by the foreclosure crisis than Nevada,’ Heller said in a statement. ‘Unfortunately, abuses by the banking industry made a bad situation worse. Actions by the banking industry helped create this housing crisis. They have an obligation to help get us out.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/9/12]

·      Congressman Heck: I Have High Hopes This Settlement Will Provide Nevada Homeowners Much Needed Relief. “Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., said he is ‘happy to see that an agreement was reached. At a time when Nevada families are struggling the most to make ends meet, I have high hopes that this settlement will provide them much needed relief.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/9/12]

Gov. Sandoval Praised Cortez Masto For Support Of “Home Means Nevada,” A Program For Home Loan Modifications. “A program intended to help distressed Nevada homeowners stay in their homes with loan modifications has been given final approval and is underway. Officials on Friday announced that a state-affiliated nonprofit group, Home Means Nevada, has finalized an agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to buy a pool of mortgages. The nonprofit will then determine if those homeowners qualify for loan modifications. About 450 homes will be part of the first round, said Teri Williams, spokeswoman for the Nevada Department of Business and Industry. If a homeowner owes more than current market value, the principal balance may be reduced. For borrowers unable to qualify, they will be provided transitional assistance. […] Sandoval also acknowledged U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., Democratic Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and state lawmakers for their support of the program.” [Associated Press, 5/2/14]

National Notary Association CEO Tom Heymann: Cortez Masto Has Shown “Unwavering Dedication” To Remedying The Housing Crisis And Has “Emerged As A Beacon Of Strength And National Leadership.” According to a release by the National Notary Association, “‘Attorney General Cortez Masto has shown unwavering dedication to remedying a nationwide crisis that has mortgage servicers rethinking their approach to the supervision and training of Notaries,” said NNA Chief Executive Officer Tom Heymann. ‘In doing so, she has emerged as a beacon of strength and national leadership.’” [National Notary Association press release, 5/10/12]

PAUL, CATHERINE’S HUSBAND: Catherine took on the big banks when they preyed on homeowners.  And forced them to pay one point nine billion dollars to Nevadans.


Cortez Masto Secured $1.9 Billion In Mortgage Settlement Relief For Nevadans. “Cortez Masto said she decided to run for the Senate ‘to continue the work I did as attorney general, to protect consumers, homeowners.’ One of her proudest moments came in working to help foreclosed homeowners, she said. She was one of the first attorneys general to go after Bank of America, resulting in a   huge settlement of more than $1 billion for Nevada. She also helped negotiate a national mortgage settlement that resulted in $1.9 billion for Nevadans who were wronged in the foreclosure crisis. ‘Everything I’ve done is based on what people in Nevada were dealing with,’ she added.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/30/15]

·      National Mortgage Settlement Provided $1.88 Billion To Nearly 20,000 Nevada Homeowners, An Average Of $97,000. “Nearly 20,000 Nevada homeowners have received an average of about $97,000 as part of the $25 billion national settlement over questionable foreclosure and lending   practices by some of the nation’s largest financial institutions. In total,   Nevada homeowners have received more than $1.88 billion from the nation’s biggest banks between March 1, 2012 and March 31 as part of the national mortgage settlement, data show.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 5/21/13]

·      Nevada Homeowners Qualified For Up To $125,000 Plus Equity Under Terms Of Cortez Masto’s Mortgage Fraud Settlement.According to an article by the AP, “State Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto says Nevada residents who lost their homes to foreclosure in 2009 or 2010 have until Dec. 31 to submit an application for possible compensation under the federal Independent Foreclosure Review program. The date was pushed back from Sept. 30. Cortez Masto says that if the home loan was serviced by one of 14 large mortgage servicers, the borrower may qualify for lump-sum payments of up to $125,000 plus equity.” [CBS Las Vegas, 10/4/12]

Pahrump Valley Times: Cortez Masto Helped People Suffering Through The “Worst Mortgage Crisis In History, Ground Zero For The Crisis Nationally, Using One Of The Smallest Attorney General’s Offices In The Country.” “Attorney General Catherine Cortez-Masto is also term limited, but wouldn’t disclose any plans to run for another office. She detailed her accomplishments since January 2007. Her biggest task was helping people suffering in a state with the worst mortgage crisis in history, ground zero for the crisis nationally, using one of the smallest attorney general’s offices in the country, with a staff of 365 employees including 155 attorneys and 48 peace officers.” [Pahrump Valley Times, 10/30/13]

·      AG Cortez Masto’s Mortgage Fraud Unit Was “Among The Most Aggressive In The Country.” According to a report by Colleen McCarty of KLAS, “Nevada’s mortgage Fraud Task Force – arguably among the most aggressive in the country – has undergone some dramatic changes in the last few months. […] Since the task force’s inception in 2007, the task force has served as a trailblazer for criminal prosecutions of housing-related crime. Its developed a national reputation built on complex cases involving loan modification fraud, foreclosure scams and robosigning.” [KLAS, 7/3/12]


AG Cortez Masto Fought “Immense Pressure” To Join National Foreclosure Settlement Until She Got Bank Of America To Agree To Refinancing Nevada Mortgages. According to an article by 8 News Now Las Vegas, “Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto was one of the last nationwide holdouts on the national mortgage settlement. According to people familiar with the inside negotiations, there was intense federal pressure to jump onboard and settle with the five major banks. […]8 News NOW was told Cortez Masto wouldn’t join the settlement until she could get a separate deal against Countrywide, now Bank of America, for additional refinancing. That’s because Nevada already claimed they broke a previous deal. The Attorney General says that, for the first time, she has more enforcement options to go after them if they break this deal.” [8 News Now, 2/28/12]

·      Cortez Masto Was One Of The Last Holdouts To The National Mortgage Settlement. “After balking, Nevada’s state attorney general has signed the Silver State on to a $25 billion deal with the nation’s biggest mortgage lenders over foreclosure abuses. Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto declined immediate comment Thursday on her decision to join the settlement billed as the biggest involving a single industry since the 1998 multi-state tobacco deal. A spokeswoman says Masto will make a statement later. The agreement gives Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Ally Financial three years to reduce loans for nearly 1 million households. About 750,000 homeowners who were improperly foreclosed upon will get $2,000 checks. Only Oklahoma didn’t join. The 49 participating states agree not to pursue civil charges. Homeowners can still sue lenders civilly, and federal and state authorities can pursue criminal charges.” [Associated Press, 2/9/12]

·      Cortez Masto Stayed At The Negotiating Table And Fought For Stronger Settlement Terms In The National Mortgage Settlement. “Attorneys general from California, New York and Delaware, who have all been cold to the deal in past weeks, are still talking with negotiators and may yet signal their participation, according to sources familiar with the talks. Attorneys general from Florida and Nevada also have issues, but are still at the negotiating table. ‘My office is continuing to review the intricate draft settlement terms and advocating for improvements to address Nevada’s needs,’ said Nevada’s Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto. Federal officials and state attorneys general could announce – perhaps as early as this week – the deal with some of the nation’s largest banks that could yield up to $25 billion for qualified homeowners. That would be more than any housing relief program has produced since the financial crisis began.” [CNN, 2/7/12]

Cortez Masto: Nevada Used Leverage From Bank Of America Lawsuit To Get A Larger Slice Of The National Mortgage Settlement.“Nevada used the leverage of a federal lawsuit it has pending against one large bank to reach a ‘side settlement’ and gain a larger slice of a nationwide foreclosure settlement pie, state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto said Friday. The $750 million worth of Nevada-specific mortgage relief and cash payments from Bank of America Corp. represented about half the $1.5 billion that troubled Nevada mortgage-holders and the state stand to receive in the nationwide settlement announced Thursday between 49 states and five large lenders. ‘I was not about to sign on to any settlement that would release Bank of America for its obligations and its wrongdoing in the state of Nevada,’ Masto told reporters Friday, the day after attorneys general in 49 states announced the $25 billion national agreement with mortgage lenders also including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc. and Ally Financial Inc.” [Associated Press, 2/11/12]

·      Cortez Masto: “We Were Committed To Bringing Them To The Table And Forcing Them To Work With Us To Engage In Immediate Relief For Homeowners Of This State.” “Masto said Nevada’s negotiations with Bank of America went late Wednesday before she agreed to sign. ‘We were committed to bringing them to the table and forcing them to work with us to engage in immediate relief for homeowners of this state,’ she said.’ ‘We have done that.’” [Associated Press, 2/11/12]

CHRISTINA, CATHERINE’S NIECE: She became a national leader in protecting children from sex traffickers.


Cortez Masto: Children In Nevada Are At Risk For Sex Trafficking. “Approximately 300,000 children are at risk of being prostituted in the U.S., and researchers consider Nevada a mecca for sex trafficking. State prosecutors and law enforcement have made the issue to a top priority in recent years with hopes to crack down on pimps and traffickers. Still, it’s a problem that requires the whole community to solve, Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto said during a press conference Thursday unveiling the documentary.” [Las Vegas Sun, 1/9/14]

AG Cortez Masto Sponsored And Pushed For Legislation To Combat Child Sex Trafficking In Nevada. According to an article by Alex Pompliano of the Nevada Media Alliance, “Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and other supports of the bill will join Sandoval as he signs AB67 into law. The bill establishes the crime of sex trafficking of children and adults, and makes victims eligible for state assistance and allows them to sue their traffickers. By doing so, the bill holds pimps accountable and protects the victims of sex trafficking. Cortez Masto, a primary proponent of the bill, says bills passed this year by the Legislature will serve as a springboard for more anti-trafficking measures in future years.” [Carson Now, 6/6/13]

Cortez Masto Persuaded Lawmakers To Pass A New Statute Toughening Punishment For Sex Traffickers. “An attorney general can also take on a wide   variety of projects. Masto sued Bank of America in 2010 over mortgage modifications, and last year she persuaded lawmakers to pass a new statute that toughens punishment for sex traffickers.” [Las Vegas Sun, 10/2/14]

·      Cortez Masto Bill Established Crime Of Sex Trafficking, Made Victims Eligible For State Assistance, And Allowed Victims To Sue Their Traffickers. “Nevada   AG Catherine Cortez Masto has made it her priority to come down tough on sex and human traffickers. During the 2013 Legislative Session, she introduced and helped pass Assembly Bill 67, which establishes the crime of sex trafficking of children and adults, makes victims eligible for state assistance and allows them to sue their traffickers. The bill, which became effective July 1, 2013, also increases the penalties for those found guilty of human and sex trafficking.” [Laughlin Nevada Times, 2/12/14]

·      Cortez Masto’s Bill Created New Tools For Law Enforcement To Stop Sex Trafficking And Gave More Recourse For Victims Of Sex Trafficking. According to a press release posted on the Mesquite Citizen website, “The bill was approved by unanimous votes of both houses of the legislature. The bill will now be sent to Governor Brian Sandoval’s for final approval. A public signing with Gov. Sandoval will take place. Background on AB 67: Changes the current pandering statute to the sex trafficking statute. The federal definition of sex trafficking will be used to increase penalties by one sentencing level. Creates law enforcement tools for racketeering, conspiracy, and wiretapping. Those convicted would have to register as a sex offender, and their assets will be seized, liquidated and provided as relief to the victims. Restitution will be mandatory with the ability to bring a civil cause of action. The prosecution will be allowed to preserve the victim’s testimony for trial.” [Mesquite Citizen, 6/3/13]

Victim Advocates Enlisted Help From Cortez Masto After Earlier Sex Trafficking Bills Had Failed. “THE FAILURE OF these three bills led to a closer examination of the links between the sex industry and Nevada’s elected officials. Who, exactly, were they afraid of offending? Meanwhile, NCG brought more and more people into its project. It organized training sessions, which led to neighborhood presentations, sermons, and position papers. The intensive organizing work came together on May 22, 2012. NCG convened over fifteen hundred leaders from sixty community-based institutions in the first Las Vegas Valley Community Convention. Assemblyman Hambrick was present, along with Lt. Hughes. Four bishops, three imams, and several rabbis also attended the convention, along with other local ministers and clergy. Significantly, the chief of staff for Nevada’s Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto also showed up. Andrea Swanson was invited to tell her daughter’s story to the assembled community leaders, who listened in stunned silence.” [Commonweal Magazine, 9/9/15]

·      AG Cortez Masto’s Involvement With The Sex Trafficking Legislation “Marked A Turning Point” As A Cortez Masto Aide Pulled Together Omnibus Bill Toughening Penalties On Pimps. “This event marked a turning point. The huge turnout, which included people from various backgrounds and both political parties, indicated that a serious effort to combat child sex trafficking was not only the right thing to do; it might also be politically feasible. Attorney General Masto assigned her top aide, Michon Martin, to scour other states for model legislation, then pulled together a task force that drafted a groundbreaking omnibus bill—Assembly Bill 67, which defined sex trafficking in Nevada as a crime, sharply ramped up penalties for pimps, gave law enforcement new resources for tracking and prosecuting offenders, and redefined children working in the sex trade as victims rather than as criminals.” [Commonweal Magazine, 9/9/15]

Cortez Masto Strengthened Laws To Protect Kids From Predators: “In My Office, We Actually Are The Investigators And Prosecutors. We Are The Ones Who Lure The Predators So They Are Not Preying On Our Kids.” “Masto’s work has resulted in new laws strengthening the registration and notification requirements of convicted sex offenders and preventing a person from luring someone believed to be a child. During her presentation the attorney general told the students how her office works to get the ‘bad guys’ each day. ‘It’s happening here and every community in our state. In my office, we actually are the investigators and prosecutors. We are the ones who lure the predators so they are not preying on our kids. We have laws that allow us to pretend we are the 12-year-old so that we can lure those predators. We have seen horrific cases here in Nevada and we want to make sure our kids are protected and they don’t become that next statistic,’ she said.” [Pahrump Valley Times, 3/21/14]

·      Cortez Masto Often Visited Schools To Discuss Internet Dangers With Children. “Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto said she often visits schools to discuss the dangers of technology, especially on the Internet, where children might trust strangers and sometimes hide activity from parents. When Cortez Masto walks into a sixth-grade classroom, she said almost all students raise their hands when asked whether they own a cell phone, belong to a social network, play video games with strangers and share photographs online. ‘This is at the sixth grade,’ she said. ‘The technology these kids use have become an extension of their being.’” [Las Vegas Sun, 8/2/10]

JOANNA, CATHERINE’S MOM: And passed laws to keep seniors safe from crooked scams.


Cortez Masto Took A Personal Interest In Elder Fraud And Worked To Pass Law Allowing AG’s Office To Investigate Senior Abuse, Neglect, And Exploitation. “Cortez-Masto said she was raised by her grandparents as well as her parents, and takes a personal interest in elder fraud. ‘I saw how they were scammed quite often in our community and so when I got into office, I was able to work with an assemblywoman and pass a law for the first time allowing our office to investigate for elder abuse, neglect and exploitation,’ she said.” [Pahrump Valley Times, 4/23/10]

·      Cortez Masto’s Legislative Liaison Testified In Support Of Bill Creating Senior Protection Unit. RANDAL MUNN (First Assistant Attorney General and Legislative Liaison, Office of the Attorney General): “On behalf of Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto, we want to express our support for A.B. 226. The protection of our seniors is one of the highest priorities of the Attorney General. We see a growing need as the population shifts to baby boomers entering that aging stage. We take this area of the law seriously and support any enhancements that will bring necessary resources. We are reevaluating the priorities of our Office and this will be one of them.” [Senate Judiciary Committee Minutes, 5/24/07]

·      Nevada Legislature Passed Bill Creating A Special Unit In The Attorney General’s Office To Prosecute Crimes Against The Elderly. In May 2007, Nevada legislators passed: “AN ACT relating to older persons; creating the Unit for the Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against Older Persons within the Office of the Attorney General; authorizing the Unit to investigate, prosecute and commence certain legal proceedings to prevent certain crimes against older persons; providing for a civil penalty to be imposed against a person who commits certain crimes against an older person; creating the Repository for Information Concerning Crimes Against Older Persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Legislative Counsel’s Digest: Section 5 of this bill creates the Unit for the Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against Older Persons within the Office of the Attorney General.” In May 2007, the bill passed unanimously in both chambers and was approved by the Governor on July 1, 2007. [A.B. 226, Introduced 3/1/07]

Headline: Elko Daily Free Press: “AG Helps Senior Citizens Guard Against Scams.” [Elko Daily Free Press, 8/7/14]

AG Cortez Masto Met With Seniors To Help Them Prevent Being Scammed. “After reviewing a medical bill, a Southern Nevada woman noticed a doctor had routinely charged her husband for visits that were sometimes seconds long and involved no interaction. Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto told a group of senior citizens at the Elko Senior Center about the incident Wednesday to illustrate how easily scams can occur. In the case, a woman took note of how often doctors would pick up a chart and quickly leave the room or peek in the door to wave, as she sat by her ill husband day after day. After the woman received the bill, Masto said, she realized the charges were bogus and filed a complaint with prosecutors.” [Elko Daily Free Press, 8/7/14]

·      Cortez Masto: Medicare Fraud Is Rampant In Nevada, Noted Her Grandparents Had Become Scam Targets. “Masto said Medicaid fraud in the state of Nevada is rampant. ‘(For) Medicaid alone in 2013, the state budget was $1.8 billion. We believe that 10 percent of that $1.8 billion is lost to fraud,’ she said. But Medicaid fraud is only one in a whole host of scams inflicting Nevadans, and in many cases, the tar-gets are elderly people. Masto said she wanted to make residents aware of the more common scams so they could identify and avoid falling victim to them when they happened. The attorney general’s office consumer protection division investigates and prosecutes scam artists, but Masto said she also wanted to warn citizens of the problem because she saw her own grandparents become targets as they grew old. ‘It was the worst thing to see,’ she said.” [Elko Daily Free Press, 8/7/14]

·      Cortez Masto Encouraged Seniors To Contact Her Office If They Are Victims Of A Scam. “While acknowledging it’s embarrassing to be a taken by a scam, Masto encouraged all victims to contact her office. ‘My office is complaint driven,’ she said. ‘We can’t help you if we don’t hear from you.’ As a general rule, Masto advised residents to be skeptical, particularly   with anyone asking for money. Always verify requests for personal information with the actual company or entity purporting to need the information. Carefully check bills and bank accounts. Residents can get a free credit score once per year, which will tip them off on possible identify theft.” [Elko Daily Free Press, 8/7/14]

CATHERINE: I’m Catherine Cortez Masto, I approved this message because I’ve spent my career solving problems, isn’t that something we need more of in Washington?


Headline: Las Vegas Review-Journal: “Cortez Masto’s Senate Hopes Mirror Her AG Track Record.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/30/15]

As Attorney General, Cortez Masto Visited All 17 Counties To Help Nevadans Address Domestic Violence, Sex Trafficking, Home Foreclosures, And Prescription Drug Use. “As attorney general, Cortez Masto visited all 17 counties to help Nevadans with their problems, from domestic violence and sex trafficking to home foreclosures and prescription drug abuse, which is just as prevalent in the rurals as it is in urban Las Vegas and Reno.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/30/15]

·      Cortez Masto Spent Eight Years As Attorney General Working In A Bipartisan Manner To Fight Sex Trafficking, Sex Offenders, And Protect Seniors. “After five terms in the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid is leaving behind some pretty big shoes to fill. And so far there are three candidates hoping to do that. Of course the Democratic Party wants to see that seat stay blue. The Reid Machine is fully behind Catherine Cortez Masto, who spent 8 years as our Attorney General. There she fought sex trafficking, sex offenders and to protect senior citizens. She says bipartisanship politics is the key. ‘These are all areas I have a proven record of working on in a bipartisan manner. It is about building partnerships and coalitions. That’s what we need in Washington and I have a proven record to show I can do it,’ Cortez Masto said during a recent interview.” [KTVN, 2/1/16]

Cortez Masto Will Work In A Bipartisan Way To Expand The Middle Class, Increase The Minimum Wage, Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform And Ensure Nevadans Have Quality Access To Education. “Cortez Masto, the granddaughter of a Mexican immigrant, said she plans to work with both major political parties, if elected, and work on expanding the middle class, increase the minimum wage, pass comprehensive immigration reform and ensure Nevadans have quality access to education. ‘In contrast, my opponent, Republican Congressman Heck, votes with his Party 90 [percent] of the time and is part of the problem in Washington. Congressman Heck opposed comprehensive immigration reform, supports devastating cuts to education funding, and voted to tear families apart by defunding deferred action. The choice for Latino voters in Nevada is clear: while I will always stand with them, Congressman Heck stands with his Party in Washington.’” [Latin Post, 2/17/16]

·      Cortez Masto Will Fight For The Middle Class By Opposing Privatizing Social Security, Supporting A Minimum Wage Increase, And Avoid Free Trade Agreements. “‘Hopefully I can become Nevada’s first female senator,’ where she’s looking forward to taking on the challenge of Washington, D.C., Cortez Masto began saying. […] She spoke about her goals as U.S. senator, including to fight for the middle class, to keep Social Security from privatization, increase the minimum wage, keep jobs in the United States and avoid free trade agreements. ‘The next time you come to Washington, D.C.,   come to see me as your United States senator,’ she said.” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 8/14/15]

Cortez Masto Said She Isn’t Concerned With Polls Or Pundits, She Wants To Talk With Nevadans About The Issues, Find Out What’s Important To Them, And Fight On Behalf Of Nevada. “Cortez Masto is not concerned about polls or pundits that call the race a toss-up. ‘Right now my focus is just on this race, it’s on getting out and talking to people about the issues,’ she said after the forum. ‘I came out early and rolled out my campaign on April 8 just for that reason. I wanted to make sure I was getting around the state, similar to what I did when I was attorney general, and continue to talk about the issues, to learn what’s important to them and the things that I want to fight for on their behalf.’” [Record-Courier, 8/14/15]

·      Cortez Masto: Nevada Needs A U.S. Senator Who Is Going To Work For The Best Interests Of The State. “Cortez Masto reached her term limit as attorney general last year and set her sights on another goal. ‘I have worked very hard on behalf of the state — on behalf of people, women, children, seniors — fighting on their behalf for businesses so that they can continue to grow. And that’s what we need in this state, somebody who is going to work on behalf of the best interests of this state as a United States senator.’” [Record-Courier, 8/14/15]


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