
I’m back!  The fourth of July week is always a crazy busy time.  We live in a vacation community, so all of our summer friends visit during this one, insane week of visiting and boating, parades, and fireworks.  The grand finale is always a BBQ birthday party for our oldest.  She is a girl who looooves her a party.  This year I asked her if she wanted some sort of theme for her party, and she replied– “yeah, like I want a LOT of people.”  Okay, then…

It’s one of the best weeks of the year, but I do love the day after (today).  When a few simple summer activities start to put us back in a routine.  Routine is too strong of a word.   More like a rhythm.

Also, blogging can re-enter my life!  I’ve missed it.

Let’s kick things off with the Edelweiss Dress, shall we?  Have you seen this pattern?  It’s was floating around blogs this past June with some really fantastic combinations.  I love when a pattern goes on tour–so much inspiration!  The pattern, I should mention,  is from the lovely Adrianna from Crafterhours, available at Hey June.

Here is my version, modeled by the newest 6-year-old on the block!

The pattern details how to sew on ruffled straps using fabric, but I have been on an eyelet kick after these pajamas, and I love that it’s 1.) incredibly sweet and 2.) an easier option.  I bought this particular eyelet at a garage sale, but when I was browsing that section in Jo Ann’s, I saw wider, softer eyelet that I think I’ll try out for the next version…

A bit about Adrianna’s patterns…I LOVE them.  She is incredibly detailed, and taping them together is a snap because everything is so beautifully labeled.  Putting together PDF’s is a pain, and I’ve had some (albeit free) versions that I’ve actually just tossed aside because I could not figure it out.  I am incredibly lame at puzzles and spatial reasoning skills, so I have a special appreciation for Adrianna’s patterns.  If you’ve never done the whole download-and-print PDF pattern deal, I highly recommend starting with hers!

And back to the Edelweiss dress…  I can’t. wait. to make another.  I love how simple it is to sew, I love how it feels like something really special, I love the exposed back, and I love that you hum the Edelweiss song from The Sound of Music the entire time you sew.

The skirt for this dress should be fuller than the version I made.  There are skirt pattern pieces, but there are also just rectangle sizes listed, and I used those but forgot to cut it on the fold.  Whoops.  To make up for this I only gathered it in the front.  I think it works just fine this way, there’s still plenty of room for trampoline jumping…

Let’s look at those straps again…

The fabric is all from Jo Ann’s, too, although I forgot which specific line.  I loved the combo for Fourth of July festivities!  The closure is supposed to have two buttons, but I had one big one in my stash, and was finishing this baby up at the 11th hour, so one button it was.  Two would be better, though.

This dress has already been worn three times, which means it is a HUGE success.  I love that it is summer and dress weather for my little girl.  The school year doesn’t lend itself well to dresses, so it’s been a treat to see her (willingly) choose to wear something I’ve made her.

So, that’s what I’ve been sewing, can’t wait to catch up with all of YOU.

Who’s participating in Kids Clothing Week for SUMMER??  I just bought Dana’s shorts pattern, so I’ll be trying some of those versions out…can’t wait!  What patterns do you have your eye on?

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