Dear Addams Community,
We hope everyone is having a fabulous week! It has been wonderful to actually have five days with our students! As with most of us, our students seem to function at a higher rate of efficiency when they are in their normal routine. With Monday being the first day of the third trimester, we brought the 8th graders down to the gym at the end of the day for a short “expectations” assembly. Mr. Szwed and I stressed the importance of staying focused during this third trimester in order to finish their careers in District 54 on a high note. Students were excited to hear a little about end of the year celebrations, while being reminded that our academic and behavioral expectations remain constant through the end of the year. Please note that by district policy eighth grade students may not have any missing work in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. Read on for some more noteworthy items.
Family Dinner Night
Please join Addams PTA at Panda Express on Barrington Road for: Family Dinner Night, this Thursday, February 26 from 11:30 am to 7:30 pm. Panda Express is donating a percentage back to Addams PTA for all dine in and/or carry out. See attached flyer for more details. PandaExpressFlyer
PTA News- STC Elementary Summer Scholarships
Does your 7th grader attend a camp or enrichment program over the summer? The Schaumburg Township Council of PTAs offers summer scholarships for students of District 54 who are currently in 1st through 7th grades.
Scholarships will be awarded for the full cost of the program/camp up to $125.
The parent/guardian must be a member of the PTA at the school attended by the child applying for the scholarship by March 1, 2015.
Applications must be turned in to the Addams Junior High office no later than Friday, March 20, 2015.
See more details in the attached application and hard copies are available in the office. PTA scholarship application
Questions? Contact Mikel Eppenbaugh at
A note from Hoffman Estates High School to all of our families
On Sunday, March 1st, 2015 Hoffman Estates High School is hosting Dr. Samuel Betances and his wife, Dr. Laura Souder, to speak to families. Dr. Betances is the author of the book Winning the Future through Education and founder of Souder, Betances, and Associates, Inc. Dr. Betances uses the story of his personal journey, dropping out of high school to graduating with a Doctorate from Harvard University, to motivate students and create awareness with educators. Dr. Betances was at HEHS all day on January 28th, meeting with teachers and speaking with students, and he will return to partner with HEHS for two more visits. Please consider taking time on March 1st to attend this important presentation. Flyers are attached to provide you with more information about the event. We hope that you will be able to attend.
HEHS Betances – English HEHS Betances – Spanish
Report Cards
Friday marked the end of the 2nd trimester. Teachers are wrapping up grading so that report cards can be created. Report cards will be put in the mail the first week of March.
Schaumburg Parent University – March Class
Schaumburg Parent University (SPU) is designed to involve more parents in the life of the school, to strengthen family relationships, and to improve parenting skills that will ultimately result in improved student success academically, socially and emotionally. We will host one evening program for parents in March: School Related Anxiety at 5:30 p.m. March 12 at the District 54 Professional Learning Center, 522 E. Schaumburg Road in Schaumburg.
District 54 social worker Tricia Johnson will assist parents in understanding the difference between common stress and anxiety disorders and will provide helpful strategies to help children manage stress.
If you are interested in attending this event, please see the attached flyer. Childcare will be available. For more information about Schaumburg Parent University and to register, visit our website at Schaumburg Parent University presents School-Related Anxiety – March 12
Have a great rest of the week!
Chris Bingen
Jane Addams Junior High