
Hope your coffee is hot, this should take you about 2 minutes and 28 seconds to read (According to Forbes, the average adult reads 300 words per minute)

A lot of the marketing strategies I know and use, feel like common knowledge to me.

This thought doesn’t cross my mind as often as it probably should —

Someone might might find this valuable…maybe I should share (write) it

I am sure it’s happened to you, too. You are an expert in a specific area and forget what you know is very valuable.

It’s no secret, I am a huge fan of automation. I am also a fan of working smarter, not harder. With all the software available to all of us, it simply doesn’t make sense not to leverage it to our advantage.

We should all be extremely grateful of the time we live in.

I mean, there is software out there that can help us;

Save time

Increase productivity

Operate more efficiently/effectively

Save money

Lower stress levels

Keep you sanity

And about a million other things.

How to Automate Your Lead Generation in 4 Shockingly Simple Steps…

FREE Blueprint Reveals How You Can Systematize
Your Lead Generation for Less than $50 per Month

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Why I Automate My Appointments

One of the biggest time wasters is trying to schedule appointments via email.

Over the years, I have wasted hundreds (if not thousands) of hours trying to coordinate a phone appointment, and/or meet for lunch/coffee.

There is so much back and forth, trying to find a time that works for both people’s schedule. People are busy, so this step needs to be avoided, if possible.

Person #1 sends an email on Tuesday afternoon, this person happens to be on the West Coast.

How does Thursday at 2:00 pm work for you?

Person #2, who is on the East Coast, doesn’t receive the email until Wednesday morning

I can’t do 2:00 tomorrow, how does Friday at 11:00 sound?

Person #1, responds Wednesday morning

Friday is no good. How about Monday at 11:00?

Person #2, responds

Monday at 11 works for me

For the first 3 and a half years in business, this is how I scheduled my appointments. It was extremely inefficient. This was a problem for both parties.

At the time, I didn’t know any better. No one told me about these appointment schedulers available online.

I hope to save you from this problem because you can set it up for FREE!

How to Automate Your Appointment Scheduling

About a year ago, I signed up for a service called Time Trade. Notice I said “sign up”, not necessarily started using the service. It took me a few months to finally take the time to learn how to set it all up.

It can literally be done in 20 – 30 minutes, at the most.

I was lazy and stubborn. I didn’t want to have to “learn” to use another software.

There is not much of a learning curve. You could sign up right now and have your personal link within 20-25 minutes.

Don’t make the same mistake I did.

It has not only saved me (and prospects) a ton of time, but lowers stress levels of the back and forth, unnecessary emails.

How to Easily Remember the URL

I used to have to open up Time Trade and grab the URL to send to people via email. It was time consuming, but it still automated the appointment scheduling.

I then remembered that I had Pretty Link installed on my site. I completely forgot about this. This is such a valuabel free plugin. If you don’t have it, download it from WordPress right now. It’ll make your links look pretty.

What exactly is Pretty Link?

Shrink, beautify, track, manage and share any URL on or off of your WordPress website. Create links that look how you want using your own domain name!

So I create a pretty link that I can easily remember. One that I can send in an email very easily.

Here are what my two links look like;

www.MyDomain.com/30 — 30 minute phone conversation

www.MyDoamin.com/60 — 60 minute phone conversation

Simple and extremely effective.


You can do all this for free. I believe Time Trade allows 5 free appointments each month. I upgraded and I believe it was $49 for the year, which is money well spent.

Give it a try.

Sign up for Time Trade

Install Pretty Link

Create an easy to remember link, something like www.YourDomain.com/appt or something like that

Share your link with prospects, colleagues, clients that you want to have an appointment with.

Add it in your email signature, your Facebook page, Twitter profile, etc.

That’s it.

You’re appointment scheduling is now automated.

How to Automate Your Lead Generation in 4 Shockingly Simple Steps…

FREE Blueprint Reveals How You Can Systematize
Your Lead Generation for Less than $50 per Month

>>> Grab Your FREE Blueprint Here <<<

The post How to Automate Your Appointment Scheduling…for FREE! appeared first on Adam Dukes.

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