Building Information Modeling is an innovative and promising development witnessed by the architecture, engineering and construction industry (AEC). With issues like over-budget and declining productivity pervading the AEC industry, Building Information Modeling instills a hope to minimize these issues to a large extent.MEP BIM Modeling
BIM in simple terms means creating a virtual 3D building before it is actually built with all the relevant data and proper geometry. Thus viewing the digital representation of a building helps to avoid or correct any potential problem in the pre-construction stage.
The 'information' part in 'Building Information Modeling' is of utmost importance. A BIM model digitally represents the real elements within the construction project along with its geometry, geographic information, spatial relations, quantities and properties of building components. This information can be extracted at any stage of the project.
BIM model is often confused with a 3D model. Not all 3D models are BIM models. Some 3D models created for visualization purpose that lacks intelligence and control for its position and sizes cannot be called as BIM models. BIM is lot more than 3D CAD modeling. It is a hub for rich information allowing access for product information, retrieving specifications for a part and many other details beyond geometric information.
BIM is a powerful tool that can simplify the construction process incredibly. A proper methodology needs to be adopted for proper implementation of BIM. By overcoming the challenges faced in adopting BIM, BIM can do wonders.