
We were ushered out of the office early on Friday, so I jumped on a train and headed straight home–only to find myself stuck in a tunnel with the weekend ahead! Eventually I made it home, and the moment that I'd finished going through some mail and straightening up the house, John arrived to whisk me off to dinner. We met up with our usual Friday night dining companions and his Mom, and though it had been a look week for everyone, by the time we polished off a dosa and our first beers, everyone was chuckling. After our feast, we headed across the street for gelato and espresso before heading home to bed. John and I started the season finale of Law and Order: SVU only to discover the next morning that we'd fallen asleep moments after the opening credits!

John stayed in bed as long as he could on Saturday morning, but eventually he leapt into the kitchen to start on our breakfast. While potatoes roasted, my guy ran down to the local co-op for avocados and Sightglass Coffee while I brewed tea and caught up on email. After poached eggs over avocado toast, we jumped back into bed with that episode of SVU we hadn't managed to finish the night before. After our morning indulgence, we both got to work–my editorial calendar and to-do lists on the kitchen table, John's metronome ticking in the living room. After a bit of midday housekeeping, John ran a few errands while I soaked up a little inspiration and listened to this great podcast from New Hampshire Public Radio all about weddings. We sweated out last night's indulgences with his and hers circuit workouts before heading to the market for supplies, and decided to make a late-night paella. We toasted with two glasses of white Rioja and curled up on the couch with an episode of The West Wing before bed.

John woke us both up early on Sunday morning, and soon delivered me breakfast in bed–toasted three cheese semolina topped with a poached egg and a cup of tea. After breakfast John got to practicing while I pulled out my laptop and pulled together some truly gorgeous upcoming content. We pulled out the butane torch for a little afternoon DIY, and I played around with fonts for an invitation mockup (more on that to come!) before trying a new tortilla recipe for a late afternoon supper. After our repast, John worked on a brewing project while I dug into my current read and as it grew dark, we hopped in the car for an evening drive. Back at home we curled up with The West Wing and a few squares of dark chocolate before calling it a night.

Though my alarm went off at its usual hour on Monday, John silenced it and we promptly headed back to sleep. We were up early enough though, and enjoyed breakfast potatoes and avocado toast with poached eggs while watching the finale of American Dream Builders, which John and I have been obsessed with. We moved onto his & hers activities before I headed out to meet a girlfriend for an afternoon of chitchat; we caught up over glasses of prosecco enjoyed alfresco and took a stroll through Hayes Valley. One of our dearest pals arrived at our apartment not long after I made it home, and we spent the rest of the day making plans, talking strategy and eventually, eating and drinking. There was a trip to the neighborhood co-op for cheese and crackers, her charming paramour arrived with a growler full of Petite Syrah and we had a late supper of pesto before saying goodnight.

Tell me, what were you up to this weekend? Trips to the beach, a glass of rosé at a café table in the sunshine, or perhaps a bit of gardening?

Image by Katie Stoops, "Clarice" peep toes by Kate Spade.

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