
Helo, llysnafedd4 porffor yma!

Welcome to my ACP recap! Today’s language I used was, no, not random spam – Welsh.

Yesss. Huzzah. Booyah. You know what? Today’s ACP Recap’s ONE YEAR anniversary (part 1). Currently we are in the week that I recapped on my first ACP recap post that was posted on the 27th of May 2013 (which summarised the 19th-26th of May). Can’t believe we made it a year. Yeah, yeah.. it IS the 41st ACP recap post, it could have been the 52nd one but you know I have holidays and laziness and stuff. Bad, bad, lazy slime.

It’s ACP Recap #41 – One year already?!?

Anyways, I had to change my days again for CPAC. Yeah.

Enjoy the recap! Oh and..

You got it bro.

Saturday, 17th of May


AUSIA Tactic Session 


Sizes: 14-16

Tactic rating: 7.8/10

Medals: 3

Server bars: 1

CPAC Spring Showdown Finals VS Doritos [Victory]

double bombs to da max!!!

Sizes: 27-35

Tactic rating: 9.5/10

Medals: 5

Server bars: 1




Sunday, 18th of May (GOT FIRST IN THE TOP TEN!)


UK Unscheduled Training Session

E+Q’s really  turning into a common tactic here

Sizes:  14-20

Tactic rating: 8.8/10

Medals: 2

Server bars: 1


Click HERE for the results of our first Card jitsu tournament hosted by Agent Brando and Bigmail! Congrats to the winners!

Click HERE for Bigmails’ ACP Times Issue #1!


Monday, 19th of May


USA Training Session

yeahhhh party in the U-S-A yeahh-eah-eah-eah its a party in the U-S-A

Sizes: 14-16

Tactic rating: 8.3/10

Medals: 3

Server bars: 1


Click HERE for my last ACP recap!


Tuesday, 20th of May


UK Tactic Session

our cake emotes bring all the recruits to the yard damn right they’re better than yours

Sizes: 15-20+

Tactic rating: 8.2/10

Medals: 3

Server bars: 2




Wednesday, 21st of May 


UK Recruiting Session

Sizes: 20-25+

Tactic rating: 8.7/10

Medals: 3

Server bars: 3

USA Practice Battle VS Global Defenders [Loss]

may we celebrate losing this PB with some cake!!!

Sizes: Around 15-18

Tactic rating: 8/10

Medals: 4

Server bars: ???




Thursday, 22nd of May


AUSIA Tactic Session

acp ausia is not amuuused

Sizes: 15-18

Tactic rating: 8.8/10

Medals: 4

Server bars: 2

UK Ulead

acp why are you so angry?? that puffle just found money!

Sizes: 13-14

Tactic rating: 8.6/10

Medals: 2

Server bars: ???

USA Recruiting Session

*cheesy laugh*

Sizes: 15-20

Tactic rating: 7.7/10

Medals: 3

Server bars: 5


Click HERE for Mchappy’s CP cheats post about the newww CP future party!

Click HERE for my post that’s for the soldiers who have NOT commented on the active count and got their rank removed. 


Friday, 23rd of May



they see me tootin’ they hatin’

Sizes: 15-20

Tactic rating: 8.8/10

Medals: 4

Server bars: 1

UK Training Session

too many pink penguins these days

Sizes: 17-25

Tactic rating: 8.8/10

Medals: 3

Server bars: 3

USA Practice Battle VS Dark Warriors [???]

so cropped!!!

Sizes: 15+

Tactic rating: 8.8/10

Medals: 4

Server bars: 1




UK Force

Current average size: 20+

Performance rating: 8.7/10

USA Force

Current average size: 15-20+

Performance rating: 8.6/10


Current average size: 15-20

Performance rating: 8.7/10


Last time: 26.1/30 


Search terms of the week

+oaglethorp acp

snaily5 gullible

nrop girl

press release for pringles hamburger flavor

result of cee 27 april 2014 indian army lancydown

work hard nike

result of cee 27 april 2014

club penguin gary passwords future party may22 2014

jujuflower of cp armies

хорватская армия

symo presioentel election 2010

how to deal with a rebellious army squad video


to become acp after 12th 2014 how

nike you dont know wallpaper

vampire penguine


Facts of the week

Tropicana, Sierra Mist, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Gatorade and Aquafina are all owned by Pepsi.

By the time you finish saying “I love you,” about 20,000 cells in your body will die and be replaced by new ones.

A film called “Modern Times Forever” is actually the longest movie of all time – The movie is 10 days long.

You can spell the words “upside down” upside down using these letters of the alphabet: umop apisdn

You have a better chance at becoming president than winning the lottery.

800 different languages are spoken in New York City, making it the most diverse city on Earth.

A “hyperpolyglot” is a person who knows how to speak 11 or more languages.

Video of the week

Poll of the week – results from last week: What’s your favourite sport?

American football: 2

Soccer: 5

Tennis: 3

Basketball: 4

Swimming: 2

Cricket: 3

Golf: 1

Table tennis, volleyball, gaming, baseball, badminton, rugby: 0

Poll of the week

Take Our Poll


Hope you enjoyed my recap! See you guys soon.


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