Heyyy Army of Clubpenguinians, Purple Slime4 here. Welcome to my ACP Recap! This is ACP Recap #30 (happy twenty-tenth!) – Recruiting, Training, Practice Battles and nothing more. Today’s title is in Irish. For all of you dirty-minded people (including me, nooo!), you can notice the word… you know, that word… in the title. Teehee. Ok, sorry. I’m immature like that. Anyway, let’s get started! Oh and by the way, I extended ACP Recap’s recapping week by 1 day. Of course, it shouldn’t be 6 days.
You want it, you got it.
Sunday, 19th of January
ACP’s week started out splendidly with an AUSIA Tactic Session with cool tactics and great sizes of 20+, maxing 22!
AUSIA Tactic Session
Sizes: 20-22
Tactic rating: 8.7/10
Medals: 3
No other posts were posted today
Monday, 20th of January
Today, the AUSIA Force had another event: a Training Session where they showed good signs of consistency with sizes of around 18-20 and awesome tactics! The UK Force also started out their week with a fantastic event with yet again perfect tactics and amazing sizes of up to 45! Oh yeah! Also today, there was a post reblogged by Jerry from the ACPTR site. It was a post about ACPTR – the ACP Training Regiment, aimed to soldiers below the rank of Warrant Officer. So if you’re new, under the rank for Warrant Officer and want to learn more about ACP, join ACPTR! Check out the post.
AUSIA Training Session
Oh heck yeah!
Sizes: 18-20
Tactic rating: 8.9/10
Medals: 3
UK Training/Recruiting Session
Sizes: 30+ (maxed 45 exactly)
Tactic rating: 9.3/10
Medals: 4
Click HERE for a post about ACPTR – sign up today! Time is limited though.
Tuesday, 21st of January
KABOOM! Breaking news. Club Penguin has banned some CP army penguins – CP army penguins including Elmikey’s and some ACP soldier’s. And why? Recruiting. Banned forever all for that.. yikes. This news caused a crisis – will this be the apocalypse for CP armies? Well, the answer was pretty much no. Flipmoo posted about this on the ACP site, telling all soldiers to not recruit on CP while the specific reason of why some of us were banned is found. It turns out CP doesn’t allow us ”teams” to give away websites, eep. The good news is that we can survive without CP Recruiting and we’ll do fine without spamming websites – I know it. Anyway, today there was a USA Training Session that turned into a little PB against UPA since our USA Force stumbled upon them when logging on! This was practice for the DCP battle the next day.
USA Training Session/Small PB VS United Penguin Force
Back to the old days, OH YEAH!
Sizes: Around 20
Tactic rating: 8.8/10
Medals: 3
Click HERE for Flipmoo’s post about CP’s banning.
Wednesday, 22nd of January
After some bad drama, the ACP still fought strong. The epic USA Force fought DCP in a Practice Battle and won! It turned out to be very close, however the USA Force managed to overpower DCP and it was a sweeet, sweeet, sweeet victory! Yeah! Surely the USA Force is on a roll this week.
USA Practice Battle VS DCP [Win]
Sizes: 20+
Tactic rating: 9/10
Medals: 4
No other posts were posted today
Thursday, 23rd of January
No events or news today, break time!
No posts either, of course
Friday, 24th of January
Today there were two very nice events. Well, what do you expect? It’s Friday! There was a successful AUSIA Recruiting with beautiful sizes of 16-22 & wonderful tactics and a USA Training Session with good sizes of around 18 and wonderful tactics yet again! Where’s the UK Force though?
AUSIA Recruiting Session
Blue? No. Bleh.
Sizes: 16-22
Tactic rating: 8/10
Medals: 3
USA Training Session
The E+I Igloos: an uncommon tactic in CP armies, but a common tactic in ACP.
Sizes: Around 18
Tactic rating: 8.8/10
Medals: 3
No other posts were posted today
Saturday, 24th of January
Today, ACP’s mighty UK force (and some USA peeps!) battled against the Ice Warriors in yet another Practice Battle. We had equal sizes and tactics with IW so we both declared it a tie, and therefore both of us won…
UK Practice Battle VS Ice Warriors [Tie]
freeze up? never..
Sizes: 25-30
Tactic rating: 9.1/10
Medals: 4
No other posts were posted today
UK Forc
Current average size: 25-30+
Performance rating: 8.9/10
USA Force
Current average size: 20+
Performance rating: 8.8/10
Current average size: 20+
Performance rating: 8.9/10
LAST TIME: 26/30
Ah! ACP’s doing a bit better. But how? Well, let me tell you. The UK Force has rose in size from averaging 25+ to 25-30+. The UK Force has been getting good sizes of 30+, despite the frequency of their events. The USA force has rose to a comfortable 20+ on CP, instead of getting 15-20+. The USA Force has been doing very well lately, having a lot of Practice battles and Training sessions. The AUSIA force has done great this week, with consistent sizes of 20+ during events! So overall, ACP is getting better.
We had 8 events this week – 0 less than last week! We had 2 UK events, 3 AUSIA events and 3 USA events.
The highest sizes we reached this week was about up to 45 penguins during a UK Recruiting/Training session earlier this week. Last week, our highest sizes were just up to 30-35+ on CP.
13 posts were posted this week – 1 less than last week.
The average amount of views we’ve gotten this week is 883 views. Last week’s average was 814 views!
71, and I mean 71 soldiers joined ACP throughout the week. Good job recruiting and welcome, soldiers! This is 31 more recruits than last time.
Weird search terms of the week
operation rolling thunder quotes
cpps new 2014
little people clip art
the official “arm y” of club penguin
funny meme acp
when no permosion in one rank then acp
puffle birthday party
what is the new club penguin website
клуб пингвин
acp type a uniform
give me a responce to “you are a great leader and a great friend.”
protect club pinguin ate acp
Facts of the week
A 30-second ad for the first Super Bowl costed $42,000. For today’s Super Bowl, 30-seconds will run you $3 million.
You can buy strawberry cheetos in Japan.
Of all the creatures on Earth, the Praying Mantis is the only one with a single ear.
A research showed that an average dog has the intellect of a 2 year old child and can understand up to 250 words and gestures.
White chocolate isn’t really chocolate as it doesn’t include the two most vital ingredients found in chocolate: cocoa solids and cocoa liquor.
29% of San Francisco’s air pollution comes from China.
School desks have 300 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.
More people are killed by donkeys annually than in plane crashes.
5,865,696,000,000 is the amount of miles in a light year.
Originally, “The Lion King” was supposed to be called “King of the Jungle” – But, Disney realized lions live in the savannah, not jungle.
The human brain stops growing at the age of 18.
A lemon will float in water, but a lime will sink.
4,000 McDonald’s hamburgers (the equivalent of an entire cow’s worth of meat) are eaten every minute.
Only 2% of women describe themselves as beautiful.
The first cell phone cost $3,995.
Usain Bolt broke the world record in 100m final at the 2008 Beijing Olympics with an untied shoe.
According to NASA researchers, the perfect nap should last no more than 26 minutes.
There are 9 different ways in which “ough” can be pronounced: rough, dough, ploughman, Scarborough, slough, coughed and hiccoughed.
Video of the week
Watch it and learn, kids!
Poll of the week: results from last week
What’s your favourite search engine?
Google: 10
Bing: 0
Yahoo: 0
AOL: 0
Ask: 0
Other: 3 – Google Chrome, Mrtchy, my dog
New poll!
Take Our Poll
Hope you enjoyed my ACP Recap! See me next week, where I’ll probably post it even later. Fingers crossed…
~Purple Slime4