
Hello ACP!

Be you the common member or the high and mighty moderator you all have something in common. In my four years in ACP I’ve seen what all of you have the potential to do. I miss seeing ACP in the spotlight, at it’s perch on top, and all that good feeling you got from being part of it. I know a lot of you that are new don’t know what I’m talking about because come to think of it ACP hasn’t been on top for a year or so now.

You all have the power to put this legendary army back on top and thats what I’m going to ask you to do today. The first step is recruiting. It’s not fun, and it seems like work most of the time but just like our allies the RPF showed us it works. They were down in the middle of nowhere in armies and just like that they soared to the top. A legendary status is waiting for you if you can get this army back on top.

I’m sure you’ve met a few old ACP vets and they’ll speak of how they were there when Boomer brought ACP back up or when Oagalthorp established ACP as a world power for the first time don’t you want to be like them? ACP can be pulled out of this so fast you couldn’t believe it but it all starts with you.

Start recruiting double, triple, quadruple time all of you! Theres 25 – 30 of us in ACP if we all recruited 10 people into ACP everyday, even if only two of them stayed active and only one of them stayed for more than a month in a few months ACP would be so big you wouldn’t believe that just before it was hanging for life.

Listen to your leaders and put your trust and your faith into them. Put your trust in me and realize that what I’m saying is true. Lets do this together. I guarantee if you’re one of those people who listens to my advice, stays dedicated to ACP, and helps bring it out of this depression you could very well someday become an ACP legend and tell all the aspiring recruits in ACP about how you had a part in ACP’s revival. 



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