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Bartholomew Books ~ Introduction and Table of Contents

  JOURNEYS WITH A BROTHERJapan to India~~~BARTHOLOMEW and the DALAI LAMAin the HIMALAYA  ~~~"I feel/sense a real kinship between Emmanuel and Bartholomew.  Their messages are so similar and so mutually supportive it gives me great hope that what they say is absolutely true and that we are really safe and everything is going along as planned.  ~ Pat Rodegast, channel for Emmanuel.~~~We are not isolated individuals living our own lives.  Every thought we think is influencing every person, place and thing on our beauthiful Earth.  I have always loved Bartholomew and his teachings for he explains this so clearly.  He shows us our spiritual obstacles and how to go beyond them. ~ Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Live.~~~ Preface and an Acknowledgment  As editor and publisher of the Bartholomew material, it falls to me to make the final decision on the form a new book is to take.  Because I felt the events that happened during this journey to Japan and India were an important addition to the teachings, I wanted this book to take the form of a narrative.  It is my hope that our outer adventures and inner discoveries will enable the reader to relate to the substance of Bartholomew's teachings in a more intimate way.  That these explorations changed our previous notions of reality is inescapable.  Whether we accepted them or not is a different story.  I would like to express my gratitude to those intrepid explorers who accompanied us, taking a chance and jumping into the unknown.  I am doubly grateful for their willingness to share their doubts, fears, identities, and triumphs in the following recorded sharings, as they became an integral part of the unfolding drama.  All the first-person impressions are mine, since in the end, my own story was the only one I could really tell.My appreciation to Justin Moore, who, in the face of serious technical difficulties, kept the equipment and tapes functioning.  To Phyllis Johnson for the seemingly endless hours of transcription and her almost supernatural accuracy in translating the scribling we chose to call editing.  To Mary-Margaret Moore, my deep gratitude for her integrity and the graciousness, patience, and good humor with which she has met my constant requests for more information, more clarity, more editing, and more interviews.  And as always, my deepest gratitude to Bartholomew, who has transformed this idea of a journey home into a possibility for this lifetime.  ~~ The Editor  ~~~~Introduction  As the time approached to write yet another introduction, I began to ask others just what it is people are interested in hearing about in these pages.  And what most people want to know is what, if any, changes  have taken place in me during the three years since our last book went to print.  So what to say about that?  I feel the most obvious shift in my awareness has been that the Bartholomew energy has "settled into me" in a new and deeper way.  I mention this because I feel the same "settling in" is also happening to others who have been working not only with the Bartholomew material but also with many other approaches.  I think there is, if I may use an old Christian concept, a "quickening of the spirit" for vast numbers of people, and I am so very grateful to all these forces, seen and unseen, that are assisting us.  What these years have taught me is that there is help to be had, when we get off our ego-ride and turn within in openness and with a sense of humility in the face of our need.  The trip to Japan and India played a great part in that "quickening" for me.  I had studied Zen Buddhism for years before my work with Bartholomew and still find it to be one of the clearest mirrors for Truth on the earth plane.  To actually experience some of that clarity in the Zen gardens and temples of Kyoto was a high point.  When we found ourselves atop a mountain in a shrine that had been the focus of pilgrims for centuries, none of us needed to "try" to feel the power of the site.  The power was absolutely present, as close as breath, as warm as the sunlight.  We cried, we laughed, we became Silence Itself.  Wonder of wonders.  Then, in the high Himalayan mountains, again the overwhelming Presence of Silence.  No need to "find it," or "tune into it".  All that was needed was the willingness to fall out of the mental chatter of mind and fall into the open arms of the Silent Moment, filled with vast peace.  No matter how difficult the external world was, and we had moments of extreme discomfort, both emotionally and physically, we always felt the ever-present option to fall once again into that ever-waiting Space.  Suspended high above the clouds, looking down onto the world below, you could sense the possibility of letting go of one's old world and awakening into an awareness that was ancient beyond ancient, yet pristinely new every moment.  I look back on those solitary walks along the valley rim as some of the most grace-filled moments of my life.  For me, one of the many great gifts from India to the world lies in its being the birthplace of one of the most awakened beings of this or any century.  I am referring to Ramana Maharshi, the Sage who brought us the direct approach to the Self, to God -- the approach of being willing to discover Who we REALLY are, not who we have been taught we are but Who, in our experience RIGHT NOW, we are.  When we ask "Who am I?" and do not answer with thoughts we have been trained to believe but simply see directly in this moment what is really there inside, we find something (or nothing) far different from what our minds have postulated.  Ramana clarifies this approach beautifully in the following dialogue with a visitor to his ashram: Q:  How shall I reach the Self? A:  There is no reaching the Self.  If Self were to be reached, it would mean that the Self is not here and now and that it is yet to be obtained.  What is got afresh will also be lost.  So it will be impermanent.  What is not permanent is not worth striving for.  So I say the Self is not reached.  You are the Self, you are already that. The fact is, you are ignorant of your blissful state.  Ignorance supervenes and draws a veil over the pure Self which is bliss.  Attempts are directed only to remove this veil of ignorance which is merely wrong knowledge.  The wrong knowledge is the false identification of the Self with the body and the mind.  This false identification must go, and then the Self alone remains. Therefore, realization is for everyone; realization makes no difference between the apirants.  This very doubt, whether you can realize, and the notion "I have-not-realized" are themselvs the obstacles.  Be free from these obstacles also. Q:  How long does it take to reach mukti (liberation)? A:  Mukti is not to be gained in the future.  It is there forever, here and now.(1) One of Bartholomew's greatest gifts is that our work together has made seemingly difficult truths so very simple.  Again and again people say, "Bartholomew helps me see things simply, directly," and that has been my experience as well.  I have gradually realized, for example, the meaning of Ramana's approach of directly asking "Who Am I?"  I began with it being just a great idea, and now it is a Truth.  I have also learned the meaning of the Zen approach of "just sitting, no big deal."  These awarenesses have come directly from my spending more hours with Bartholomew, as we work together, not trying, just relaxing, flowing.(2)  When the words are spoken to clarify a point for someone, my understanding is also clarified.  When Love is fully  present for someone in pain and confusion, my sense of what Love really is becomes stronger.  And what I have truly discovered is that each of us, right now, in this moment, have the ability to be fully aware of our True Self, our God-Self.  Nothing extra is needed, nothing taken away.  Just this moment and our willingness to acknowledge that the "I" of Who we are is constantly present -- and that the experience of "I" never leaves.  How could it?  Where would it go?  It has finally occurred to me how very funny it is to say, "I have to find out who I really am."  Where will I go to find it?  Who will show it to me?  What a  joke -- and what an incredible relief to finally know that I am who I am -- now and always.  Thank you, Bartholomew, whoever, or whatever, you are. So I close this introduction with vast amounts of gratitude for all that has been experienced.  I am grateful to those stalwart ones who traveled with us on our journey, to our Tibetan cooks who became friends, and I am most deeply grateful to His Holiness, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, for his willingness to permit us to join him in this amazing adventure, and, as always eternally, to Bartholomew.  ~~ Mary-Margaret Moore ~~~(1)  Edited by David Godman, The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (London: Arkana Books, 1985),20. (For those of you interested in Ramana's teachings, I highly recomment this translation.) (2)  Mary-Margaret Moore has been "channelling" the energy Bartholomew for seventeen years.  She describes the process in the introduction to "I Came As A Brother".  "I begin by sitting quietly, calming myself through breathing.  Next, I set my intention for the highest outcome possible.  Then I wait, relaxing into the moment, eyes closed, yet alert.  In a few seconds the power begins to build around  and in my body.  I seem to become more alive, alert and aware.  Tingling sensations enter through the top of my head, travel down the neck and shoulders and lodge in my chest area.  The space around me becomes silently alive.  When that feeling has grown to a certain intensity, I 'know' we are ready to begin." ~~~~ Table of Contents1"Kyoto:  Day One - An Opening Statement that Takes Us by Surprise and "The Trying Practice of Staying Present"2"The Body's Language" and "Accentuating the Positive"3 "See No Judgment, Hear No Judgment, Speak No Judgment" and "The Relief of Relaxing Into the Moment"4Kyoto:  Day Four  "Body, Mind and Healing", " A True Story of Cellular Transformation: and "Your Body is the Best Friend You;'ll Ever Have"5"Giving Yourselves the Gift of Nourishment"  and "A Point of View is Only A Viewing Point"6" Who's There When You Ask, Who's There?"7 "Gratitude and The Bean Jar" - "Big Mind, Little Mind"8"Electromagnetic Grids - Choosing Your Blueprint" and "Uncovering the Shadow" 9 "Kyoto: Day Five - Farewell and a Late-Night Performance"10 INDIA - "A Brother Returns" and "The Fear That underlies All Fear"11"The Spiritual Pyramid and a Lively Discussion about Rules and Regulations" and "Is There Really a Separate You?"12"Pointing to the Pathless Path" and "Stumbling Over the Rules and Regulations" 13"A Surefire Formula for Happiness" and "The Current Prince of Peace" 14"Trying to Describe the Indescribable"; "From the One come the Ten Thousand"; "You Know the Ten Thousand, Now Know the One"15"Bartholomew Answers Personal Questions"; "A New Way of Growing" and "Changing Your Sexual Dialogue"16"Space and a Meditation on Emptiness"; "The Power of Chi"; "What IS the Ego?"; and "The Convoluted Question of Karma"17"The Time for Indulging the Small Self is Over"; "YOU Are Responsible for What You Create" and "There is No Continuous You" "Introduction and Table of Contents" - "Reflections of An Elder Brother - Awakening from the Dream" ~ BartholomewReflections of An Elder BrotherAwakening from the Dream~ Bartholomew ~"The "Bartholomew" material is one of the few sources of channeled information which consistently resonates within us on the deepest and most meaningful levels." ~ Martin E. Segal, New Age Publishing"(Bartholomew's) concept of the divine nature of humanity and of the far-reaching implications of this possibility is served as an offering, not as a warning. This positive message has lasted long after other, more transitory, teachings have fallen out of favor; and Mary-Margaret Moore is certainly to be congratulated for taking personal responsibility for every word uttered by Bartholomew." ~ InnerViews~~~ My friends, please hear me: YOU ARE LIGHT. YOU COME FROM LIGHT, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE AN EXTENSION OF LIGHT. You have no form unless you choose to move into form. As Light, you are omniscient and omnipresent. There is nothing you need because you are the All. Your purity of consciousness moves and joins with the rest of the One. You are limitless in the boundlessness of creation. There is no place that is not your home because everywhere there is but Light. So wherever you go, you will simply find yourself, manifesting again and again and yet again, pushing past all limits of mind into pure, spontaneous creation. The small, limited self dies before the expansive explosion of your Being. You are pure Self, pure Consciousness, pure Light, moving through all of the past and the future. That is what you are. You have never been anything else, you can never be anything else. You and the Source are One. All separation is illusion. So know your Self and be free.~~ Bartholomew~~~Let us postulate that you have gone on a journey around the world. Upon completing it, you return home and wish to share your experiences with your loved ones. When you do, you are not going to relate the color of every pebble you stepped on, the view of every leaf on every tree, or the many mundane moments of your trip. What you are going to share are those things that so moved you that you yearn to give them as a personal gift. Some experiences may be difficult, some may be magical, but they all will be memorable.So it is when you end your life here in the physical body. There will be a pattern of energy to welcome you, and it is likely to say, "What, out of your life, do you wish to show us?" That sharing is the gift of the journeyer who comes home to the beloveds. Out of all you have done, those things you have most loved will come forward for you to give.Remember please, there is no boardroom of directors to sit you down and ask for an accounting. For most of you, there will only be one, because one great Being of Light is about all a newly freed soul can handle. And it will invite you to tell of your journey. From the very beginning of your life until the very end, the jewels, the gifts will be those times you have loved. Not loved perfectly, just loved the best you could. Please understand this deeply. You are not being judged, you are being guided.You are being urged to love yourself and your earth plane experience. There is no other statement as important when you die as, "Share with me." And in sharing the moments of your love, there will come an awareness of the beauty and worthwhileness of the whole journey. All the obstacles and events that did not go right, all the things you wish had been different, will fade. And you will understand that by those loving actions in your life, you have added to the love of the Whole.No one who dies comes up empty-handed of some loving action. No Love ever dies. You carry it in your Being, and give it as a gift. And so is it received, in gratitude.~ BartholomewIntroductionIn this day and age when every other person you know is doing what is now called 'channeling,' there seems to be a necessity to describe what exactly it is that I do, and why I bother to do it.First of all, it is important to state that there is nothing that feels 'channeled' about this experience. 'Channeled' as a word seems to reflect a narrowing rather than an expanding ... and the one word that seems to best describe what this process feels like is expansion. 'Channeling' sounds as though something from the 'outside' of you is somehow dropped into your body, remaining there until you have said and done what was to be said or done. So what really does it feel like?The best way to describe the unfolding which takes place is that, as I settle down, a vast silence begins to build within what I call my awareness. I become aware of a feeling-tone that is at the same time still, yet dynamic and extending ... silent, yet alive and full of potential. It is very hard to put into words. When the faces and surroundings have blended into what seems like a soft light, words come. These words come not form some energy that has dropped into my body, but rather from a place within me that is vaster than I usually experience myself to be, that is not confined to 'within me,' but rather removes the barriers of 'inside' and 'outside' until there is only a feeling of One. Not one THING, but just One. It is this feeling of present potential that we have named Bartholomew.Why name this process something like Bartholomew? Why not just 'It'? The name Bartholomew was created by two humans, John Aiken and myself, in 1977*. We decided that we needed to call all of this SOMETHING, and when we asked what 'All of This' wanted to be called, the answer was, "Anything you want, but remember - the formless has no name, being beyond the realm of name and form." We decided on Bartholomew as a reminder of that 'persona' in the past life whose name was Bartholomew, that now seems to be 'Mary-Margaret' in this life. All of these distinctions now seem unnecessary, but then was then, and now is now. So 'Bartholomew' as a name came into being as a reminder of that beginning time.So then, what is Bartholomew? Who knows? It is no THING, no FORM, no PERSON, no PERSONA. It is what it is -- wisdom and love and peace. It makes us feel beautiful and lovable and hopeful in its presence. It shines a light on that within us that is most aligned with the God-Self, the beauty and wisdom of our Being. It is a part of the One, and knows itself to be one with the All.What is all of this for? It seems to me that it has come to help us awaken from the unreal into the real. Perhaps Bartholomew says it best in the following quote:"The solution to the dream is to awaken. Just keep going by the sweetness of your awareness down to that place in your physical body where there is no dreaming, but rather a seeing of light, a feeling of silence and presence of love. Go there over and over. What happens, my friends, is that this part that has never slept and has no form begins to move closer and closer, enveloping the ego-separated dream. The resulting blend produces no loss, only awakening.""Understand, you have all dreamt a different dream, and together you have dreamt one dream. If you want help within the dream, I am not the best guide because my job is to help you awaken past that dream world. To talk about the dream characters -- how to heal a dream character or how to bring one back who has left your dream -- is not my purpose. You see, I would say that one dream is like another is like another. And there are those who can provide dream-help within the dream-state. But if your desire is to remember that part of you that has never slept or dreamt, then we are in rapport, and I may be able to assist."Year after year, I see those of us who have listened to the guidance and PRACTICED it beginning this awakening. I see us turning away from the belief that the illusion will make us happy, and turning to the only place where real safety lies -- within. I see the struggle we have as new temptations arise to turn us back to the illusion for happiness -- a new house? A new love affair? More money? But I now sense that we have begun to really learn that while all these new wonders are delightful and can be fully enjoyed, they are only passing clouds, here one moment, dissolving the next. We seem to be learning that the awareness of the vast sky is the goal, not the passing clouds. We seem to be awakening from the DREAM of who we THOUGHT we were to the knowing of what is Real.So I dedicate this book to all of us who have heard what our 'brother' has said, and have kept our vision on the goal-less goal, and have supported one another as we journeyed on this journey that goes nowhere, but is everything. Without each others' support, humor and love, no awakening would have been possible.~ Mary-Margaret Moore _____ *All of this began when John hypnotized me for a back problem, and sent me into a 'past life,' where we ran into this experience. For further information on the beginning of this process, see the introduction of "I Come As A Brother, A Remembrance of Illusions". Table of Contents1"Awakening from the Dream"2"Your Life is Perfect"3"Who am I?"4"Hawaii Workshop"Do You Want To Be Free?You Are Already EnlightenedThe Psyche Yearns for WholenessAllowing BlissMountains and MonkeysThe Delight of the PhysicalWho Am I?The Heart of GodYou Are Not Who You Think You AreGuilt Is A MessengerAn Exercise in AwarenessLove Is In Your HeartThe Illusion of Time and SpaceLooking In The Wrong PlaceMaking Creative Movements In Your LifeFind Yourself and Be Free5"Energy, Miracles and Goddesses"6"Breathe In, Breathe Out"7"Strength in the Face of Adversity"  8"To Live the Ordinary Life"9"The Inner Landscape" 10"Fourth Dimension Awareness" 11"Jamaica Workshop" EgoThe Razor's EdgeListenSeeingSweet Mystery of LifeWhere Is The Light?Allow Yourself to FeelCo-ConspiratorsThe Best Friend You Ever HadYou Have To Be Present To PracticeLeading With The HeartDo What Comes Naturally - BreatheThe Back DoorAs Below, So AboveGod Is The Ultimate HappinessPeace In The PresentYou Are What You Seek12 "Introduction" and "Table of Contents" - "I COME AS A BROTHER" ~~ Bartholomew "I COME AS A BROTHER" ~~ Bartholomew  "I COME AS A BROTHER" to remind you of the necessity to understand that all of creativeness is equal.  The concept on the earth plane and other levels of reality that states that there are some creatures with less God in them than others IS AN ILLUSION.  You share equally with all of the great Beings that you have given power to, whether here now or in the past, seen or unseen.  I come to remind you that you have ALWAYS been a part of the Source, so that you can say within your being:  "Ah, I remember, I have NEVER been separate.  Love is always here, pulsating through all that I do.  And all my pain isn't because I am not loved, but because I forgot that I could Love."  Love is not an abstraction, it is a quality of Being that exists in everyone in equal measure.  It can be activated at any time by the conscious will that says, "I CHOOSE TO LOVE."  The Law of Love will show you clearly the actions, the words and the thoughts that you need to  perform or think.  All the rest is just a REMEMBRANCE OF ILLUSIONS.  This is all man needs to know -- you can trust the Love because it carries the Law.  ~~ Bartholomew  ~~~~  "Among the many books 'channeled' through a human source the best ones have what can be described as a simple, yet profound, wisdom in which the collaboration between persona and wisdom reveals a deep unity.  This is such a book." ~~ New Frontier "Bartholomew, whoever he is, has won my heart . . . His words are haunting and inspiring. ~~ The Sun "Bartholomew's messages are so incredible.  Success to all of you in your selfless service to mankind and the Universe." ~~Swami Saraswati Devyashram Introduction Deciding what to say in this introduction has proven more difficult in many ways than the seven years of channeling that produced the book.  The difficulty comes in having to decide which things would be of most interest for the greatest number of people.  For example, we could talk about how it all began, how it feels to do the channeling, the things that have been valuable and invaluable about all of this, "Why me?", and on and on.  In the end, I made the decision by examining the things that interested me the most and hope that it is so for you. So, let's start with how it feels for me to be a 'channel' for what is called a 'higher' and 'wiser' level of energy named Bartholomew.  I begin by sitting quietly, calming myself though breathing, feeling the breath inside my body.  Next, I set my intention which goes something like, "To the highest power that I am capable of reaching, I pray that You allow my truth to manifest here and may only the highest good result for all concerned.  Please help my brother/sister.  We are grateful."  Then I wait, relaxing into the moment, eyes closed, yet alert.  In a few seconds the power begins to build around and in my body.  I seem to become more alive, alert and aware.  Tingling sensations enter through the top of my head, traveling down through the neck and shoulders and lodging in the chest area.  Now I seem to be a part of whatever I am sitting on --no separation between 'me' and 'sofa.'  The space around me becomes silently alive.  It's as if all the probable questions and answers are somehow contained in energy patterns swirling around me and whoever is with me.  When that feeling has grown to a certain intensity, I 'know' we are ready to begin.  I open my eyes.  Often the room and all in it appear as soft, yellow, dancing light.  'Personalities' are blurred, and fall into the background; 'otherness' moves forward and is easily seen.  I have puzzled over what this 'otherness' might be - the soul?  the deep Self? the totality of all the loving moments of the person's past?  But whatever we might call it it FEELS like and LOOKS like a beautiful, powerfully moving energy expansion which seems to be filled with endless possibilities.  It is to that part of  us that ll exchanges are addressed, and out of which all of the sharing comes. Then quietly, the energy moves between you and me and forms a sort of invisible roadway that we can move back and forth across.  Once that roadway is felt to be established, then the area around you begins to take on various sections.  It's as though you are in the center of an amazingly beautiful color wheel, some parts of which are transparent as glass; others darker, less clear.  It is to those darker areas that we travel and spend most of our time investigating the contents.  It seems to me that one of mankind's main purposes is to  increase the vibrations of those darker areas until they are also clear and totally balanced.  My awareness moves into that darker area, and 'looks around,' and then words begin to flow.  When all of the area has been traversed by us, we move on to the next area. The chapters of this book have been taken primarily from public meetings which have a bit of a different flavor about them than does a private reading.  When there are many people present, the procedure is the same until I open my eyes.  At that moment, I scan the group, 'looking for the roadway in.'  It appears in a few seconds and I allow my awareness to travel down the open road until I find myself stopped and still and centered.  Then - and this is hard to describe - my awareness seems to expand until all fo the people in the hall are in that awareness.  When that is done, the words begin to come.  I state the subject that has been selected the moment before, and then begin moving around 'in' that subject area.  It is important for you, the reader, to understand that there are thousands of things that could be said in ay of these areas.  Because of that, and because I am still learning my craft, I sometimes find myself disoriented by the overwhelming beauty of possibilities.  So the first few moments are often choppy and hesitant.  But soon I settle down and find my way to where the combined energies of the people in the room most need to have me travel.  There is a human element still present here in that I am NOT in a trance nor have I been 'taken  over' by some separate entity.  My consciousness is very much present but my sense of ego seems to fall into the background and let this bolder, faster moving energy lead the way. The importance of what I have just said is enormous if you are going to get maximum understanding out of the chapters that follow, because they have been taken from the public sessions and EDITED, not rewritten.  This was done in an attempt to capture some of the individuality of what we call the Bartholomew energy.  It does not read like a Pulitzer Prize novel, nor was it meant to. Another pertinent question, is how do we make sense of contradicting answers given to the same question?  The answer I am about to give rests on one of the most basic understanding that I  have gained from the Bartholomew energy - that there is no such thing as TRUTH in the way that we think of it.  It seems that we humans expect to walk down a linear road called 'life' (which often feels like 'death') and assume that when we finally reach the end of that road, we  will find in front of us an immense 'book of Truth,' before which we will sit and absorb its wisdom.  And when we have digested all the pages, we can then say that we know TRUTH. But my work has shown me another view, one that I find more exciting, alive , and possible.  And it shows up clearly as I work with another person.  When you ask a question, I feel a response that is already a part of your question -- so the answer given to one person must differ from the one given to any other person, because any given response is a part of YOUR totality, which is unique and beautiful.  Another person's totality has different movements of past, present and future and so the answers must be different.  In reading the following chapters, please be willing to accept these different views of the same thing.  The answers or comments always come out of the energy that is immediately before me, never out of some 'storehouse of wisdom' to be pulled out, ready made, and simply fed into the moment.  So, if we can stretch ourselves past our various limited points of view, we all have the opportunity to be much vaster in our sense of knowing and limitlessness. The final, most often asked question: who, or what, is Bartholomew.  My answer has to be, 'I don't know and I really don't care.' I do what I do, in partnership with this energy, because of the years I have found it to be helpful to myself and to others.  'By their fruits, you will know them,' and I have come to know and absolutely trust whoever or whatever this energy may be.  I believe it to have the utmost love and concern for 'others' while providing practical tools for making our journey 'home' more alive and creative.  But there are a few things that I can truthfully say reflect what Bartholomew is:1)  It is a part of me, but greater than me, or who I now believe myself to be.2)  It is energy - this I absolutely know.  It is an energy that makes me more alive, expanded, and loving - and definitely more humorous.3)  This energy has a vast range of perception.  Past and future are bridged with ease, and grace, and accuracy.  It has depth, moving into the vast beginnings of the world and bringing out knowledge that I have absolutely no conscious memory of.  The range, to me, seems 'limitless.'4) The energy has a spiritual flavor, rather than a karmic one.  Questions like, "Will I ever have any money?" or "Will I marry Joe?" are best left to others in this field. This energy's concerns are with giving us tools to awaken from the illusion of our separateness from the One -- again and again, this has proved to be its deepest concern.  Bartholomew has come as a brother and as part of a universe of equality to remind us all fo what we already know - that we see an illusory world of separation, and it causes us pain.  But we, as brothers and sisters to this energy, and to the rest of the Createdness, have within us the ability to know the One.  And it seems to be Bartholomew's loving job to remind us that we created the illusions and we, Thank God, can end them. ~~ Mary-Margaret Moore - 1984 Mary-Margaret Moore spent her first eighteen years growing up in Hawaii and the next five obtaining two degrees from Stanford University in California.  She has been a seeker of clear awareness for many years, using techniques ranging from the study of the power of Christian saints to Zen Buddhism.  She has been working with the Bartholomew energy for the past eight years and presently lives in Northern New Mexico.  Table of ContentsRELATIONSHIP 1"What Love is Not"  2"Soul Groups"3"The Gift of Sexual Energy"4"The Love of Self"SELF5"Fear" 6"Spiritual Beings on the Earth Plane"7"To Be A Master"8"The Twelve Strands of Power"9"Advanced Energy Fields"THE PATH 10"Living Out of the Moment"11"Opening the Heart"12"Meditation as a Guide to Inner Awareness"13"The Message of St. Francis"14"The Comforter" "Introduction" and "Table of Contents" - From the Heart of a Gentle Brother ~ Bartholomew From the Heart of a Gentle Brother~~Bartholomew~~"Over these many years, Bartholomew has been consistent in 'his'* statement that our only safety in this world of change lies in the heart.  In this book, 'he' leads us with gentle caring, on a search through various techniques, to reach and remain in the Heart of God. For those of us who have chosen to follow these simple suggestions, 'his' promise of peace within and Freedom without are becoming a reality."  ~~"Throughout Bartholomew's many discussions there is a deep sense of love and compassion for all existence and a joy and gratitude expressed for participation in this existence.  Perhaps the most important message Bartholomew imparts is expressed more in spirit than in words -- we each hold a deep wisdom that we can embrace whenever  we choose."  ~ New Frontier  ~~   "This Bartholomew book/energy is regarded as being 'very special' by all who read it  here.  I am thrilled to have been instrumental in introducing this blessed energy to so many."~ L. Bell, Australia _____ * 'his' is punctuated in this fashion to remind us that Bartholomew is not masculine, nor a person, but a vast, alive, compassionate, wise energy field. ~~~~One of your primary obligations on the earth plane is to take energy from the amazing sweeps of rarified spiritual power called the Vastness and bring it down into physical form, so It can have Its expression and Its understanding here.  To remind you of this, I would like to speak about the last drama of the Christ.  As one of the most compelling dramas of all time, you can place it in your awareness to help you journey Home.  Let us remember what it was He did at the end of His Life and why it serves today as a model for you.There are very few human experiences as devastating or as painful as the one the Christos undertook at the crucifixion.  In the midst of that event, with humiliation, ridicule, and disbelief added to intense physical pain, a cry went out.  "Forgive them, they know not what they do."  When he said this, do you think Jesus was talking to God?  Could it be the Divine was not aware of the web of circumstances surrounding those last moments of His Beloved?  Do you really feel that Jesus the man could have been aware of the need for forgiveness and the Divine was not?If He was not speaking to God, let us ask to whom was He speaking?  The Christ was speaking to you and to everyone that has come to the earth plane after the moment of that plea.  Please dwell on this statement.  It is the message of the cross.  In your most extreme moments, your major obligation to yourself and to the wholeness of Life is to continue to manifest the love, beauty, power, and acceptance of your destiny as it is given to you.  The Christ's was a victorious ending, achieved under the most dire of circumstances.  If He can do it, I assure you He came to say, "So can you!"Do not be separate from His teachings.  When it enters your consciousness you can live from His point of power, it becomes the beginning of that reality.  The path of the warrior is to know every event comes to remind you of why you are here:  To love to the best of your heart's ability, to be as accepting of all parts of your life as you possibly can, and to remember there is a power that exists, without question, and It runs your life.  If you depend on It, as He did, you also will be carried Home.~~ Bartholomew  ~~~~Introduction by Mary-Margaret MooreIn the eight years that I have been doing this Bartholomew work, I have been asked a lot of questions.  The ones most often asked are:  "How could an educated and reasonably intelligent woman like you deal with being a psychic?"  And "How did you come to know that you were really in touch with some awareness that was different from your own?"  And lastly, "How have you dealt with the huge changes that this lifestyle has brought?"  The answers are so different than what they were eight years ago, the only way to be clear is to begin at the beginning and try to show their unfoldment.Physical difficulties carried Mary-Margaret to Socorro, New Mexico, to visit old friends Doctors John and Louisa Aiken.  They believed in relaxation through  hypnosis, so Dr. John Aiken recommended it as a technique to relieve the pain of her back problems.  He started with a mental suggestion.  "Go down a hallway and open the door."  She did.  The door opened into a past life and Mary-Margaret was overcome by a totally new feeling.  The energy we call Bartholomew started talking to Dr. Aiken.I would describe that year as one of interest and excitement combined with equal potions of panic.  My background had been strongly Zen, which emphasizes the impermanence of all things, and certainly does not recommend letting such a thing as this Bartholomew experiment become too important.  The Zen masters all admit that such things are possible, but they strongly suggest you view them simply as passing clouds of not much importance.   The goal of Zen is the awareness of that which is beyond all name and form.  So, my first reaction to  having Bartholomew arrive on the scene was, "Let's get all of the information we can from this energy in as short a period of  time as possible and then drop it, and back to za-zen."  Well obviously, that did not happen and it is because I began to experience the usefulness of this energy, both for me and others.  I saw, time after time, that this energy did have a vaster point of view, that it could "see things we could or would not see," and sharing that made a difference in terms of helping us change our limited points of view.  It did seem to be what it claimed, an elder brother who just wanted to help out.In that first year, fear was often present, I was afraid I was operating under some grand ego illusion that would end up plunging me into a karmic mess that would take lifetimes to pull out of.  So, in working with this fear, I decided to deal with it in various ways, and with as much consciousness as possible.First and foremost, I decided to stand responsible for the validity of all of the information that was being given, to whatever extent that I could.  If, for example, Bartholomew said an event would take place, then it was my intention and responsibility to follow up and verify if it indeed did happen.  If suggestions were made that were to help one's spiritual unfoldment as a seeker, did they work as stated?  Was there a change?  It was very clear to me, and still is that we have no reason to believe any psychic, myself included, unless the material available for checking on the 'earth plane' can be validated.  If we can see the information proves truthful, clear, and  helpful, then it seems to me that we have some basis for believing all of the material they give us about the 'unseen worlds,' about the journey Home, about our past lives, all of that.  So this became my primary aim.  I carefully watched the workings of this process and, as the years went by and the energy chalked up what I would call clarity after clarity, I began to relax and to allow myself to acknowledge that the information, the world view, indeed the cosmic view being presented, might be valid. The second way of overcoming the fear was the use of the I Ching,** that ancient Chinese book of changes.  It became my cross-check for all of this process.  Now, please realize I had worked for years with this amazingly difficult yet awesome text and had found it to be, if properly and patiently used, one of the clearest voices of truth that I had at  hand.  So time and time again, I turned to the I Ching for guidance.  Question:  How should I view the phenomenon called Bartholomew and our workings together?  Answer:  First hexagram, The Creative:  "In relation to the universe, this hexagram expresses the strong creative action of the Deity.  In relation to the human world, it denotes the creative action of the holy man or sage, of the ruler or leader of men, who through his power awakens and develops their higher nature."  Again, another throw.  Hexagram #14, Possession in Great Measure, nine at the top:  "In the fullness of possession and at the height of power, one remains modest and gives honor to the sage who stands outside the affairs of the world."  And finally, the one that most filled me with peace, hexagram #50, The Caldron.  Supreme good fortune, six in the fifth place:  "The ting has yellow handles.  In the language of symbols this means a great deal.  The line is the ruler of the hexagram and has over it a sage with whom it is connected by position and complementary relationship.  The ruler is 'hollow' (receptive), hence capable of receiving the power, that is, the teachings of this sage.  Thereby he makes progress."The third way of overcoming the fear was really very practical.  I paid attention to  how I, and others who were listening, were feeling in their lives and what I saw was peace-producing.  We were becoming stronger, fuller, more alive, and most of all, less fearful.  "By their fruits ye shall know them."  And the fruits of decreasing fear and a stronger sense of  hope and peace seemed, even to my doubting mind, to have validity.But how does a graduate of a Stanford University Graduate School bridge the gap between "rational mind" and "Big Mind?"  Well, it was the same process as above, In time, doing what was suggested, listening with inner awareness, and then watching how that inner awareness worked in the world became my criteria.  Was my rational mind any better at helping me out?  No.  Did there have to be a choice between both parts of me?  No.  I found I could use both tools, the "rational mind" for rational things, and "Bid Mind" for big things.  And what are these big things?  Things like letting go of fear, understanding the nature of pain and how to deal with it, finding separation dropping from my awareness and a kind of wholeness coming in its place, and perhaps most magical of all, feeling the beginnings of that sought after wonder, love.  Not just for those that are my beloveds, but Love -- unspecified, without object.  And a few times, by the grace of the Unknown, without subject.  I delight in having had a good strong academic education, for it has brought me tremendous joy.  But I am also incredibly grateful "rational mind" is not the only mind alive and well in our universe.  So, for the final question, how do I deal with my lifestyle, a lifestyle that was certainly not a conscious choice of mine, and a lifestyle that quite often pulls me out of the mainstream of the world and puts me in some other kind of flow?  The answer, honestly given, is that being out of the mainstream doesn't seem to matter.  Yes,  I am seen by some as a freak, a nut, or at worst, a devil.  But those are other people's words, and they do not feel real to me when I contemplate them within myself.  And I do contemplate them within myself, for I feel it is also part of my responsibility to listen to what is given, to internalize it as a working power and to decide whether it rings true for me or whether it does not.  What are real are the feelings of love, peace, and gratitude that are building in me year after year as I attempt to carry out my part of this experiment.  And I am delighted to remember it is and experiment, a wonderful, organic process of unfoldment,  extension and creation.  It isn't something static I  have to fill the form of but rather a process that I am a part of.  In the end, you know, I am the laboratory of this experiment, so I have to look to the laboratory for proof of the worthwhileness of the whole attempt.I find I am not the same person I was before this began.  I am no longer afraid of what the future might hold, not only for me but for the world and all of us in it, because I now feel one overriding thing to be true.  We are part of a protective power of a Reality that Cares, that intimately intensely, and continuously Cares.  We have, each of us, an inner 'something' which guides us every moment we choose to turn our awareness to it and listen.  We are, all of us, participating in a  glorious expansion of awareness both mysterious and awesome.  We are not what we think ourselves to be.  We are so much, much more and so much, much greater than our limited minds would have us believe.  We are a part of the Vastness in some wondrous way and it is our Life's delight to find out this is so.  I cannot thank Life enough for the opportunity to awaken, to awaken to the fullness of Who We Are, and for the incredible joy that awakening brings.  ~~ Mary-Margaret Moore  Table of Contents1"A Foot in Both Worlds" and "Harmlessness"2 "The Challenger and the Challenge"3"The Endless Sky" and "Safety is an Inside Job"4"Divine Relationship"Part Two"INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP EXERCISES" "A Stream of Unconscious Consciousness" "Patterns from the Past"Part ThreePart Four1"Do we make mistakes?"2"How does one move from "I BELIEVE this is Truth to I know this is truth?"3"Safety, spontaneity, and living in the moment"4"Life is living you."5"If there are no rules, by what standard then do I live my life?"6"How can I feel Peace?"7"Could you talk about prayer?"8"Do we have to choose between finding God and having money?"9"How do we know, out of all the suggestions about spiritual freedom given, which ones to use?"10"Hidden within the pain of the loss is the antidote to the pain!"11"When the spirit leaves the body after a person dies, does it incarnate immediately?"12"A patient is dying. And a very compassionate nurse wants to know how to ease such statements as, "Why is God punishing me?"13 "What does it mean to have this illness called AIDS sweeping so terrifyingly across the world?"14"What about animals?"15"Why are children born handicapped?"16"Is the drug Ecstasy usable for spiritual development and for harmonizing relationships?"17"In relationship, is one person's purpose more important than another's? 18"How does one deal with the feelings that arise when one feels betrayed?"19"Would you address the issue of fear?"20"What is the highest octave and purpose of sex?"21"How can I empower my life?"Bartholomew's Vocabulary "Introduction" and "Table of Contents" - Journeys With A Brother - ... See More

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