

I have been working on DethWish for over a year now, on and off, and I think it's time to make a proper project thread.

I'm one of those people that has to have everything perfect, if a pixel is off, and i can see it, it will bug me until i fix it.

So, what I strive for is perfection. DethWish is going to be a pk based server, with content and models from the best eras of runescape.

This project was inspired by Anxiety-Pk.

Please feel free to let me know what to add/change/fix.

Hope you enjoy my thread and support me through this :].

Client Features

-667 Character/NPC models

-634 Item models

-602 GFX/Animations

All cache packed (Thanks to Logic)

-Custom Login Screen

-Custom gameframe 525 mixed with 602

-Edited interfaces to be more eye appealing

-602 skill tab

-Full curses and regular prayer interfaces

-Items kept on death

-New hit marks with Critical hits 100%

Many others

Server Features

-100% fully working curses and regular prayers

-95% of everything has player saving

-Dicing 100% working in clan chat (turns you facing north and rolls the dice)

-All emoticons/option tab stuff works 100%

-XP counter with player saving

-Run orb with proper drain and resting 100%

-Magic/Ranged/Melee formulas are almost perfect (melee needs to be worked on)

-Duel arena 100% no dupes

-Special fight caves minigame for new firecape

-Pk chest with random reward.

-Vote shop with choice of coins/reward chest/or membership for a month after a certain amount of votes

-Pk store with great rewards

-Donator shops with great rewards

-Pk point/Bounty system

-Autocast like in runescape

Many more features, everything is all working except what I have in the list below

Spoiler for Stuff that needs to be done(May seem like alot but alot of the low priority stuff i'm not gonna do till after hosted):


Lower priority:

Server Sided:

-fix any dupes if you have any left.

-magic shortbow doesnt show correct projectile gfx.

-dragon spear needs special attack.

-make wrath and retribution use proper anim and gfx.

-change special to special attack 100% on spec bar.

-when trading a player, you should be able to go to trade tab and see what just the person you are trading is saying in the chatbox while in the trade.

-add risked wealth to items kept on death interface.

-after everything is finnished get rid of all right click and hover id's beside the items/objects and other things.

-fix if you die at jad you should respawn out of fight caves not home.

-fix updating between makeover mage and equipment interface.

-fix karils stand anim and veracs run anim to newer ones.

-make gmaul spec for npcs a bit quicker.

-when you open up equipment interface or items on death or makeovermage interface make it remove side icons, also make it so you can't logout in certain interfaces, after you remove sideicons it might do that automatically.

-when run energy hits 0, turn off run no matter what.

-fix player facing direction and weilding weapons when they first login for other players.

-remove spec bar from some range weapons, when you switch from non corrupt to corrupt, add spec bar updating between interfaces.

-add better attack/followdistance for big npcs.

-for the other players you're not attacking with multi barrage it will show barrage orb even if it's the first freese for them, it's random, and sometimes one player will get two hitmarks.

-make it so if you type something then logout, it will clear your chatbox.

-make it so if you type over 99 in set level it will set it to 99.

-clicking coffins in barrows is kinda weird, but fine.

-make it remove items equipted to inventory when you die as donator.

-xp counter drop down xp drops for ever skill you trained in that hit but it should all combine ever skill in 1 xp drop, even when using a multi spec like claws, also reset xp doesnt work so i'm deleting it for now.

-make attack option in duel arena first no matter what.

-make cckick command kick player for like 5 minutes from clanchat.

-add update to prayer and mage books when you do click to level skills.

-wind strike doesnt work on regular spell book.

-dragons fire breath anim isn't 100% correct.

-when maging or ranging and you cast and spell then quickly run in the opossite direction then quickly cast again, your character wont turn until your time to cast the spell begins.

-stuff in initialize may be slowing down the server for everyone, maybe in process to.

-bank search doesn't work properly, withdraws the wrong item and it doesn't have playersave, needs to not push text when enter something, also the search results are weird, if i search dragon, diamon bolts will come up aswell - disabled for now.

-make unban set players endban and startban time back to 0.

-when you login you train attack no matter what, even if you switch weapons ater you login, you have to actually click the attack style for it to train the different skill.

-issue with the ::brid command, you hit 0s on barrows npcs when you use it.

-make items kept on death items a bit farther apart, if have like 1000k items it overlaps a bit.

-add all but one option to banking.

-add playersave to ignore list.

Client Sided:

-still get random t1 or t2 errors sometimes, and null pointer exceptions.

-add quick prayers.

-fix duel on chatbuttons interface or change it to yell.

-fix messed up pernix cowl model if possible.

-make it so you can draw the context menu over the chatbox and the gamescreen together.

-add poison flash sprite to hp orb.

-add better looking quest tab (shorten scroller).

-add full clan chat.

-fix beard showing through neck.

-fix some weapon weilds, there hovering a bit off hand like dharok axe or javelins mostly for male characters i think.

-add 10x hits.

-you can see your boots through comp cape with certain items on, also you can see through cape with items like virtus.

-add sprite outlining for lunars.

-add item definitions.

-add donator crown.

-some models show invisible parts instead of black, like halloween mask.

-fix friends list, when you have a friend then delete him, then readd him, it doesnt say online for your friend until you right click private and set it as on or private, also when you add a person to your ignore list and they have you added it should say youre offline to them.

Higher priority:

Server Sided:

-if trading or staking or selling to shop over max cash, make it drop the other cash, also make it take the cash up too 2147m but leave the rest, for all, frombank, tobank, etc.

-when you die with noted or stacked items you only keep 1, it should be 3.

-when buy noted or stacked items with full inventory, it still takes your coins, you can also only buy 1 item at a time from points stores, also it doesnt say if you have a full inventory when buying from point stores.

-make it so you can sell noted/stacked items to general store without them vanishing, so make them turn unoted.

-general shop is buggy, if you sell item then sell another item, buy first item back it will delete both items from shop.

-when you buy 500 over an amount that you dont have enough cash for, it loops through it till you buy it so basically it just takes long to buy it.

-make it so you can buy more than 1 stacked item if you just have 1 inventory space available, also make it so you can buy more than 1 item at a time from point stores.

-add object/projectile/attack clipping for player/npc.

-fix when autocasting and click a different spell, it shouldnt take the autocast sprite off.

-when player a follows player b and player b attacks player a, player a runs away, it also doesnt even if you're not following them, probably has to do with player following to close for second player following, also if following player then opposite player follows you and you run, they follow too close.

-bug with barrows couldnt find connection vertex dropping packet, i was attacking dharok npc then i clicked stairs in the middle of the fight then it did that, it was like i randomly went to a different height, everything looked like i was still in the cave, but the npc was gone.

-fix unarmed attack animations.

-npcs never hit 0s.

-combat needs to be fixed, i like never hit 0s on players, and always hit 0s on them when there wearing no armour and so am i.

-attacking without spec on npcs and yourself, has really low hit ratio, also any spec without a damage bonus doesnt work on npcs.

-bug where if you click 4th attack style it hits 0s and then if you switch to other attack styles they hit 0s too, they didnt hit 0s before you clicked 4th attack style.

-fix fightmode, when switching from a ags on block mode to a whip, since whip only has 3 fightmodes, it will sorta null, and not set a fightmode, could have to do with attack styles not added fully, also add saving to fightmode.

-add wings to member general store.

-npc soulsplit doesnt heal you.

-protect from melee for players is not currently working.

-make it so only your server can connect to your client.

Client Sided:



Higher priority:

-look at combat fighting, like eating/brewing timers and such, just see how pking is.

-look at economy and see if certain things need to be changed.

Lower priority:

-add summoning eventually.

-add summoning tab/summoning orb/summoning bank button eventually.

Things I may need to change:

-add certain links/guides in quest tab if needed.

-change pkp/votep/donatorp/rare shop prices if needed.

-add more money making methods/drops to npcs if needed.

-add some items to the vote/donator stores if needed.

-change killstreak reward if needed.

Spoiler for Media:


Almost all specials working!



Thank you to the following people (in no specific order):



Few other people, just forgot there rune-server names, have them on skype :P.

Rune-server community for all the tutorials/snippets and helpers.

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