Hey guys
Ive just added a new webclient to my Forums and im gettin some errors (not errors but yeah)
Screenshot by Lightshot
Just need to position it and get rid of the white so please.
Also feel free to use the applet.
Spoiler for Code:
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<a id="home" href="http://thelandoflegends.org/#!home">Home</a>
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function leavepage() {
return 'Please make sure you have logged out of the game before navigating away.';
window.onbeforeunload = leavepage;
If u want to use this, you just got to change the code="com.Client"> to your manifest.
<applet name="TheLandofLegends" width="100%" height="100%" archive="http://thelandoflegends.org/TheLandofLegends.jar" code="com.Client">
and the other things
Thank you guys in advance