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Hello Rune-Server!

This is Brendan, the Server Manager of DyreScape, a new and upcoming RuneScape Private Server.

This will be an advertisement simply addressing DyreScape, and how it's run. With that being said, let's get this started!

DyreScape was created by two individuals, Tskumi and Brendan, in late November of 2015. Tskumi and Brendan had been working on a project together prior to starting DyreScape. They both decided to leave that project and begin their new journey within DyreScape. During December of 2015, we were in our Alpha Phase of DyreScape, meaning that nothing were to be official including items gained, stats gained, and anything else regarding your account. On January 8th, we officially launched DyreScape.

To this date, DyreScape has received numerous donations from very friendly and generous people helping us out. We have also had a spike in the player base, initially starting at four staff members, now at around 30 players with five staff members. We average at least five players online at a time, and peak at around 10.

Our staff team, and our development team is very dedicated towards DyreScape. Although we are a small server with a small community, we have large goals, and we strive to meet them. Currently, new content that is thought to come into the game is first brought to the community, to see if they would like the update to occur. Why do we do this? It's simple, we want DyreScape to be a server where the community runs the updates, as it brings content for what they want to see, and that is what's truly important to Brendan and Tskumi.

We have a full schedule for our development team including customized cosmetics (Black Gnome Scarf, Reversed Third-Age Melee), customized armors (Dyre Virtus Set), and even Ironman Mode!

We are currently in search of YouTubers, Players, Graphics Designers, and even Staff Members!

Ranks Within DyreScape

Staff Ranks


In charge of DyreScape, the person who has the final say.

Server Manager

Manages the server, helping with donations, bug issues, and anything else that would arise with the server

Forums Manager

Manages the forums, declaring the advancement of the forum to be secure or not

Community Manager

Manages donations and community based events such as giveaways, minigames, etc.

Staff Manager

Manages the staff team, deals with promotions and demotions and also helps with improving individual staff members

Media Manager

Manages the media ranks - YouTuber / Graphics Designer


Can be either forums or server based - Helps progress the server / forums to a higher level

Global Administrator

Administrates both forums and game

Game Administrator

Administrates game

Forums Administrator

Administrates forums

Global Moderator

Moderates both forums and game

Game Moderator

Moderates game

Forums Moderator

Moderates forums

Server Support

Helps players get around the server, introducing players to new areas or simply answer a question

Player Ranks


Creates YouTube videos based on DyreScape

Graphics Designer

Creates different graphics either for DyreScape or for the members within DyreScape


Highlest level donator of DyreScape

Extreme Donator

Moderate level donator of DyreScape


Lowest level donator of DyreScape


Ex-Staff Member / Member of 6 months+


Custom Launcher

Home Area

Shops Area

Custom Torva Armour | Dyre Torva Set

Custom Pernix Armour | Dyre Pernix Set

Make sure you come and check out the next upcoming server today!

Kind regards,

DyreScape - Server Manager,


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