Okay honestly I should of kept this for the staff team to do but I figured I'd make this and organize it and then they can edit It when they wish.
This will provide you with lot's of information you should always abide by as well as follow very precisely. I shouldn't be preaching but people learn from their mistakes. Let's get the show on the road.
This will provide you with the rules of each forum itself.
Starting first with the chat sub forum branched off of General Discussion. This was posted by AK-47
The Chat Sub-forum
Welcome, this short post will guide you on how to conduct yourself whilst posting within this section, and will inform you of any rules/guidelines when posting in this section.
Please note: These rules/guidelines are subject to change at any time. If and when they are changed, the title of this thread will be changed to contain the date of the latest update. It is up to you from there to check regularly for any changes.
The following guidelines are to be followed at all times on this board:
No posts about RuneScape, there is a section dedicated for that.
No bug-abuse invitations(or requests).
No advertisements of any kind.
No introduction threads, the red carpet section is there for a reason.
No exchanging services or products, use the market.
No spamming, which is defined as a short or off-topic(meaningless) post.
The chat sub-forum is designed for you to discuss general topics which will not fit in any other section.
Ignoring these guidelines and creating any thread violating these rules within the sub-forum may result in an infraction and your thread being closed or moved to an appropriate section.
Nextly we have the accounts rules. This is a sub forum of The Site
This was posted by a community Veteran known as Richard.
Global Rule: Only an Admin and the user requesting may post in the thread to reduce spam
Merging Accounts:
In order for you to be able to merge an account, you must follow the rules, which are:
You must be able to prove that both accounts are yours
You must have more than 50 posts on one of the accounts
Ban Appeals
You can only appeal a ban if you can prove it was for an incorrect reason
You can only appeal a permanent ban - Temporary ones are NOT appeal-able (Unless the temp ban is for over a month)
You must have some proof you weren't doing anything, witnesses, screen-shots etc.
Deleting Accounts
Again, You must be able to prove that it is your account so you can not request anyones account to be deleted
You Will not be able to get your account back, so make sure you have definitely made your mind up
Nextly we have Forum Appeals rules. This is branched off of The Site ---> Appeals ----> Forum Appeals
This was posted by our Administrator known as AJ
Please read this guide, before considering entering your appeal.
Do NOT make a shoutbox appeal here. If you feel your ban was unjustified, use the report staff board.
Do NOT bump your topic, or reply unless asked!
Do NOT make more than one appeal per offence.
Please follow the layout 100%, so it is easier for a moderator to get down to the bottom of the situation.
What is this forum for? This is only for appealing FORUM bans and Infractions!
[Form Layout]
Were you Banned or Infracted:
Please indicate why you were Banned/Infracted:
What is the account you are appealing for? (provide link):
Please specify the date of Ban/Infraction:
Please provide as much detail to prove your innocence: Please try to make this as detailed as possible to improve your chance of getting your infraction reversed or your account unbanned.
Note: An appeal does not come with a 100% guarantee of being accepted.
Ps. If you are unable to connect to Rune-Server without the use of a proxy or change of IP it means you may have been wrongfully blocked by the Anti-Ddos. Please proceed to the following for more information:
He also posted at the bottom. Are you IP banned? Read here
Please note this is not for an account IP ban!(You receive a message on Vbulletin rather than not being able to connect)
If you feel you have been wrongfully IP banned by the Anti-Dos from Rune-Server the fastest way to get unbanned is doing the following.
1) Open a private message with Kevy
2) In this private message simply tell him the situation. What you see when you try to connect with your regular IP.
3) In the message make sure to give him your full IP in which you cannot connect with.
Please remember it may take some time, if you find yourself in the same situation 2 weeks after you've tried to contact Kevy, please private message Aj or Numbers
Next we will have something rather Important. Password request. Which is branched off of The Site ----> Accounts ----> Requests ----> Password
This was posted by our Administrator AJ
When making a password request, you must follow the exact layout or your request may be terminated. If it is an attempt to steal another users password, your IP will be banned, and all accounts linked to it may receive the same fate.
The account you're posting on must match the same IP/ISP before we even consider your request.
Instructions: Create a topic in http://www.rune-server.org/site/accounts/requests/password/. Copy and paste the form below within it, then fill out with the needed information. An administrator will assist you asap.
* = Mandatory
*Original Account Name:
*Previous Usernames (If Applicable):
*Internet Service Provider:
*Ip Address(www.ipchicken.com):
*Prior ISP information/Ip Address(es):
*State/Prov + Country:
*All emails associated with your account that you can remember:
*What needs to be done? Please specify:
Spoiler for FAQ:
Q: Why do you need this information?
A: To verify you are the owner. We can easily retrieve the information just from your account/detailed information, which we match with your responses.
Q: Can other users see my answers?
A: No, only the Administrators and yourself can.
Next we have another Layout & Rules published by AJ
This can be found by going to The Site ----> Accounts ----> Requests ----> Miscellaneous
Please follow these rules. Failing to do so may cause your request denied/locked. We're trying to make it easier on the administrators, and make it fair for all.
Do not bump your posts
Do not post requests for other members
Follow the layout
You must be a donator to make a request.
Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in your request being denied.
What you can request
Username request (*You may only request a username in use if: User has less than 10 post and has been inactive for 1 year. User has less than 100 post and has been inactive for 2 years. Final determination to be made by request handler. Special Characters will be declined, and names must be no shorter than 4 characters and no longer than 12 characters.)
Removal of a rank
Rank diversification (Make donator secondary etc.)
User title requests (Donators+ only)
Account merges (Not a guaranteed acceptance, you must be the Original Owner of both accounts.<Warning: Thanks can not be transferred or altered>)
What you cannot request
Transferring of a rank (Give member my donator)
Account deletions
Account prune
User statistics styling
Images in usertitle requests
Any alterations to reputation
Removal of expired infractions
Username requests
-Only request your old, inactive accounts to be merged onto your new ones (in cases such as recently reclaiming a lost account)
-Do not request a merge with a recently active account or an account you were using simultaneously with the account used to post the request
Your request will not always be responded to so check it frequently to see if it's been handled (locked). If you have a problem with a handled request, send a private message to Xenon.
Another layout/requirements posted by AJ This can be found by going to The Site ----> Accounts ----> Reports ----> Report Members ----> Scammed/Phished reports
Please remember every report is investigated to the furthest of our ability. It is your responsibility to be not only cautious but know who you are dealing with.
Before creating a report make sure you have the following information.
Full image(or)video/text transcript of the conversation if outside of Rune-Server. This means you will post the XML/TXT file of the image/video presented in [code] tags. The offenders MSN/AIM must be provided in both areas of proof.
The offenders Rune-Server name, along with a Rune-Server conversation. For the report to be Valid, there had to be some kind of contact/discussion about a deal. (Ie. I can sell you X, please add me XXX@hotmail.com).
Spoiler for Format:
1) Username of the accused:
2) Date of the offense:
3) Please provide proof of the initiation of the conversation Rune-Server:
4) If the deal resulted over an IM service please provide the Transcripts and Screenshots of the full occurrence:
5) Please provide any addition details in which you feel will help us come to a determination:
6) If possible, please provide images of the paypal/trade transaction(Ie. Handing over $$):
Please remember, submitting false reports WILL result in action against your account.
Pease keep in mind before making a report against a member:
You might think this would go without saying, but I'd like to remind you to always attempt to settle disputes first.
Prior to making a report, make an effort to contact the person you think may have just scammed you. It may even be circumstances that do not allow trades to progress.
For this reason, before using both your time and the time of the staff team, I advise you first make contact and attempt to settle the dispute before bringing the report into this forum.
Next we have a nicely short written post by Mister Maggot who is a respected member in the community as well as a EX-Moderator.
This can be found by going to The Site ----> Accounts ----> Reports ----> Report Members ----> Shoutbox Reports.
When you report someone that's posted a link, please take a picture of the entire screen while hovering your mouse over the link to show the end location of the hyperlink.
This would be a quick example
Spoiler for Simple Example:
Let's just say this was posted by the big wig/BOSS also known as Kevy.
Donating rules. This can be found by going to The Site ----> Accounts ----> Donations ----> Donating Rules.
Dear members,
if you want to donate, please read these rules first.
1) You can only donate money via Paypal.
2) When donating, make a thread in this section. You will be contacted on msn by kevinjoe@hot.ee
Let's make this a bit clear. That thread is REALLY outdated. So things could of changed.
Next we have this simple published post by AJ This can be found by going to The Site ----> Forum Support Center ----> Suggestions
Simple. Your suggestion must have serious reasoning behind it, foolish and "sloppy" are not allowed. If you're serious about your suggestion, you will take time to give a good outlook.
Please do remember:
-No suggesting rank(s)
-Only forum-side suggestions, that aren't already suggested or implemented.
-A foolish reply just to post.(Ie. Lol this is worthless, lolumad, support, bumping). If you can't create a constructive post, you risk your post to be deleted, or further action if necessary.
Next we have another post published by AJ. You can find this by going to The Site ----> Forum Support Center ----> Complaints
These rules must be followed, along with the official forum rules found here: http://www.rune-server.org/index.php?P=Rules.
A complaint CAN NOT contain any of the following. If it does, you risk your topic being closed or worse.
- Reports(To post a report go here: http://www.rune-server.org/site/accounts/reports/)
- One worded replies (Ie. No, support).
- Staff Feedback (If you are complaining about a member of staff and have valid evidence of any abuse, please use the report staff section).
- Complaints about specific users. If a user has broken a rule please use the appropriate report board, or if you disagree with a system they have used, feel free to suggest amendments to our current systems in place in the suggestions board.
Next we have a post from an Ex Moderator who we hardly ever see. His username is Streetwave. You can find this by going to The Site ----> Forum Support Center ----> Forum Related Help
Please read the following guidelines and keep them in mind before posting.
This section is for Rune-Server related help only.
Do not post multiple threads about the same question, your question will get answered.
Follow all the official forum rules.
Do not report here. Use the report post feature at the bottom left of every post or use the Reports board.
Thank you,
Rune-Server Staff
Next we have Numbers posting the Sectional Rules for The Red Carpet. This can be found by going to General Discussion ----> The Red Carpet
The Red Carpet Sub-forum
Welcome, this short post will guide you on how to conduct yourself whilst posting within this section, and will inform you of any rules/guidelines when posting in this section.
Please note: These rules/guidelines are subject to change at any time. If and when they are changed, the title of this thread will be changed to contain the date of the latest update. It is up to you from there to check regularly for any changes.
The following guidelines are to be followed at all times on this board:
Farewell threads are not permitted as they only create unnecessary drama.
You may only post a thread if you are a new or returning* member only!
Along with these rules, all global http://www.rune-server.org/index.php?pageid=Rules apply as well.
Although posts aren't counted in this section, please take personal conversations to private message.
*Returning will be defined as being inactive for 1 year or longer.
The http://www.rune-server.org/general-d...on/red-carpet/ is designed for you to introduce yourself to the community.
Ignoring these guidelines and creating any thread violating these rules within the sub-forum may result in an infraction and your thread being closed or moved to an appropriate section.
Next we have a post published by Vastico. He's a Ex Moderator. This can be found by going to General Discussion ----> Chat ----> Intellectual Debates and Discussions
Dear Members,
The Intellectual Debates and Discussions section is for you to debate/discuss any topic you wish in a civil and mature manor.
Please make sure you're not creating a double thread on a topic that already exists. With the grave digging rule Exempt it is best for topics to not be repeated.
Grammar & Spelling
When making a new topic or replying to an existing one you must use the English language, use punctual grammar and the correct spelling. This does not mean you are not allowed to make a mistake, however those caught breaking this rule on purpose will be given a warning and possibly an infraction for repeat offensives.
"One Word" Posts
This is strictly forbidden, if you wish to post in this section you cannot make a post stating that you simply agree or disagree, you must provide reasoning behind your post. This is not strictly for "one word" posts but can be expanded to several words should the occasion arise.
While we agree that heated arguments may occur there will be no flaming of another member, this is a mature section and there should be no valid reason for you to flame one another. If you disagree with a member do so in a civil manor, not by flaming or harassing the member.
Evidence, Documentation and Quotes
If you are to use any evidence whether it be documentation or a quote please provide a valid link to your source. If you do not know the source please state that the documentation or quote is not yours.
The gravedigging rule is exempt to this section as we feel that new users have a right to express their opinions no matter how old the thread. (If it is a very old topic and nobody wishes to discuss it any further then we may close the topic.)
All other official forum rules apply!
Many Thanks
This was posted by a respected Moderator just like all of them Scu11 It can be found by going to General Discussion ----> Literature & Language Arts
Literature/Language Arts Sub-forum
Welcome, this short post will guide you on how to conduct yourself whilst posting within this section, and will inform you of any rules/guidelines when posting in this section.
Please note: These rules/guidelines are subject to change at any time. If and when they are changed, the title of this thread will be changed to contain the date of the latest update. It is up to you from there to check regularly for any changes.
The following guidelines are to be followed at all times on this board and its sub-forums:
Bumping is disallowed throughout the forum within a 24 hour period, you may not post consecutively without the second post being 24 hours after the first, you may also not reply to any thread with the sole intention of bumping it
All other forum rules apply such as flame/spam, these can be located here
The literature/language arts sub-forum is designed for you to post your own original user written literature and linguistic arts.
The following types of threads/posts are not allowed to be post in the literature/language arts sub-forum:
Threads containing adult material. Please be aware of the inappropriate content rule on the main rules page, this carries over into this section. Erotica and other 18+ content does not belong in this section.
Threads not written by you. This section is for original and user written content, not to post stories you've found elsewhere on the Internet.
Ignoring these guidelines and creating any threads or replying within any comments listed above within the sub-forum may result in an infraction and your thread being closed or moved to an appropriate section.