Note from Roger Adams, Chairman of Interim Standards Board Nomination Committee
June 14, 2011
I am very pleased to announce the following individuals have been selected by the Nomination Committee to serve as members of the Interim Standards Board for the AA1000 Series of Standards:
Anant G. Nadkarni, Chairman -- Vice-President of Group Corporate Sustainability, TATA, India. Coordinates social, environmental and related initiatives for nearly fifty major Tata companies; previous AccountAbility Standards Board Member.
Professor Carol Adams -- Pro Vice-Chancellor (Sustainability) La Trobe University, Melbourne, the first University to apply the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles to its sustainability governance, management and stakeholder engagement processes; Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors; previous AccountAbility Council Member.
Ted Grant -- Special Assistant to the President/Chief of Staff at the Rockefeller Foundation, responsible for planning, board and internal governance, relationship management and strategic partner development; previously Senior Vice President, Office of the CEO and Chairman, JP Morgan Chase.
Jason Perks – Director, Two Tomorrows, lead trainer on Standards courses since 2006; experienced AA1000 AS Assurer; current Member of AA1000APS/AS Technical Committee.
John Scade -- Specialist CSR consultant and qualified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner; translated the AA1000 APS & AS into Spanish following their revision in 2008; current Member of the AA1000 SES Technical Committee.
Terence Jeyaretnam -- Director Net Balance, Australia; LEAD Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner; experienced AA1000 AS Assurer, current Member of AA1000APS/AS Technical Committee.
Kurt Ramin – Global Head of Standards at AccountAbility, previously director and advisor to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation at the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), London.
Members of the Interim Standards Board were selected based on a number of criteria, including: familiarity with AccountAbility and the AA1000 Series of Standards; experience using the AA1000 Standards; experience in setting and developing sustainability or other relevant standards; and familiarity with best practices in organisational and standard setting governance.
I would like to thank my colleagues on the Nomination Committee – Dr. Enrique Lahmann, global director of the IUCN; Christian Dreyer, executive director, JP Morgan Switzerland; Richard Boele, founder and managing director of Banarra; Liv Watson, Global Head of Research and Development at AccountAbility; and Kurt Ramin, Global Head of Standards at AccountAbility – for their hard work and diligence in selecting such a distinguished Board.
On behalf of the Nomination Committee, we are confident that the new Interim Standards Board will help maintain and further the legitimacy and credibility of the AA1000 Standards.
Roger Adams
Chairman, Nomination Committee