
For the original post, visit Accidentally Green - Making healthy decisions that honor God and happen to help the environmnent.

Do you want to go green but don’t know where to start? Or is green living not such a concern, but you’re not sure how to begin making healthier choices?

I have some advice for you – start small.

Where do I begin?

Identify one area that concerns you the most and make one change.

Maybe you’d like to use safer personal care products. Start by switching out one toxic product for a safe one. You could:

Switch your antibacterial hand soap for a safer choice.

Try a new shampoo that doesn’t include parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate.

Stop using lipsticks that contain parabens.

Or maybe you’d like to start using safe cleaning products. My number one suggestion is to stop using bleach. Once you’ve done that, you could:

Stop using toxic oven cleaners and switch to a simple, completely natural oven cleaning method.

Stop using toxic toilet bowl cleaners. Switch to a safer method like castile soap and baking soda.

Stop using antibacterial all-purpose sprays.

Switch to the Norwex EnviroCloth and clean your entire house without any cleaning sprays.

Your concern may be in your kitchen. How can you make greener choices?

Stop buying products that use so much packaging. Buy larger boxes or bags of your convenience foods and divide smaller portions into reusable containers.

Start making the switch to real food. Pick one processed food you buy and find a way to make it from scratch. You might be surprised with how easy, frugal and delicious this change will be.

Start a reusable glass container collection – switch out glass containers for plastic containers. (Go ahead and find a new home for the plastic.)

What’s next?

Once you’ve made one small change and it’s a regular part of your life, then make another change. Keep going! Before long, you’ll notice your life will become much greener than you expected.

What is one small change you could make? Or, if you consider yourself to be green, what’s one small change you have made?

 Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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The post Help! I Want to Go Green … Where Do I Start? appeared first on Accidentally Green.

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