Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DN Journal.
1. for $875,000
The owner is under privacy protection, but Ron Jackson revealed the buyer as JM Bullion, an “online retailer that supplies individual investors with physical gold and silver products at the lowest prices possible“. Their website is still an informational placeholder, but I’m sure work is going on in the background for their full launch. Alexa rank near 1.2 million. At the time of the acquisition, the company said,
“We are thrilled to announce our acquisition of Since our company’s inception in late 2011, we have experienced tremendous growth, with sales projected in the nine figures for 2013. Over the next few months, we will be developing as a parallel brand to JM Bullion, offering clients the same outstanding customer service, pricing, and delivery times that JM Bullion clients currently receive.”
2. for $250,000
I just wrote about this one last week after they published an interesting blog post on their motivations for buying the domain. The owner, Jon Yau, was kind enough to stop by and comment on that post. Traffic leader for the week, with an Alexa rank near 150,000.
3. for $175,500
This pricey sale on NameJet is owned by Joshua Perla, who also owns, which “is the largest producer of New Year’s Eve events in the Times Square Area.” With, they currently only offer New Year’s info & booking for NYC parties, but they list Chicago, LA and Miami as coming soon…..and I’m sure that’s only the start. Alexa rank only around 10 million.
4. for $81,250
Whois shows the owner as Michael Kupfer, but it’s affiliated in some way with Michael Jackness’ is developed exactly as you would expect, and it has an Alexa rank near a million. If the name Michael Jackness is familiar, it’s because he’s been involved with domains such as, and He also flipped his $190,000 acquisition of for $415,000 in less than 6 months back in 2011.
5. for $65,000
Whois shows brand protection company Mark Monitor as the owner. No site resolves.
6. for $57,500
Owned by Nokta Domains, the domain is parked. After the acquisition, they told DNN in part, “We are mainly focusing on one-word or two-word generic, commercial domains and was one of them. We believe that, $57,500 is a fair price for a one-word domain and we are proud to be the owner of this domain. In a very near future, it will be impossible to find a one-word domain with 5 figure prices.“
7. for $50,000
Here’s something you don’t see everyday….a .com redirected to a .travel. In this case, to “San Francisco Travel is a private, not-for-profit, 501(c)6 membership organization, headed by a Board of Directors made up of 45 business leaders from various companies, elected by the membership.”
8. for $36,000
An upgrade from An independent laboratory network.
9. for $35,421
Owned by an individual in Texas, you can see its coming soon placeholder below.
10. for $30,000
A Japanese language site, which needed the domain due to a rebrand a year ago. “Sansan is a cloud-based business card management service for corporations.” Alexa rank near 250,000.