
Ornaments of Love Coloring Book

by Sharlin Craig

Contains the complete story

as well as 21 coloring pages!

Ornaments of Love Coloring Book

Slowing Down with Family at Christmas Time

This beautifully designed coloring book is a companion or stand-alone book to the original Ornaments of Love picture book. It contains not only the complete story of Ornaments of Love, but also provides 21 full-size coloring pages for artists of all ages.

The Ornaments of Love coloring book was created to bring families together at Christmas time. It provides families a perfect way to reduce holiday stress by spending quiet time coloring pages that showcase angels, bells, stars and much more.

Coloring pages range from easy to difficult, perfect for all family members!

Additional complimentary coloring pages are available to print online with the purchase of the coloring book.

Make this a special gift for your loved ones by also purchasing the original ‘Ornaments of Love’ picture book with full color illustrations.

Purchase the Coloring Book

on Amazon

Includes a link at the back of the book to extra free coloring pages to download and print for every member of the family!

Amanda with one of the

extra free coloring pages ⇩

Another page in the book

that Amanda colored in ⇩

My Review

Ornaments of Love Coloring Book contains the complete story from the original picture book with 21 full-sized coloring pages. This book is entirely in black and white, perfect for coloring. The story reminds us of the importance of family time and making memories while the coloring pages will help the family do just that when coloring in together. There is a link at the back of the book to download extra free pages for the whole family!

Amanda loves the coloring pages. On a few occasions, we sat together and enjoyed coloring in while listening to Christmas music. Even her sister has joined in the coloring fun! I recommend it as a great companion to the original Ornaments of Love picture book.

Amanda coloring in one of the pages from
the Ornaments of Love Coloring Book

Samantha and Amanda enjoying the coloring pages
from the Ornaments of Love Coloring Book

A page that I colored in

Another page that I colored in

Related Post:

Ornaments of Love Review
~ the original picture book ~

About the Author:

Sharlin Craig

Sharlin Craig, a Detroit native who now resides in southern California with her husband and daughter, is dedicated to writing inspirational children’s books that touch the spirit of her readers. A graduate of Oakland University, she’s taught music to children for several years while also writing music and lyrics. She’s combined her love for children and writing into authoring her debut children’s Christmas picture book, ‘Ornaments of Love’.

Sharlin believes that with the right surroundings and daily encouragement, children are boundless. She’s passionate about helping children feel understood and empowered through her books and hopes that her stories make them smile.

Author Links:

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Disclosure: I received a free digital copy of this book for my honest review.

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