Your doctor may have prescribed a gluten and wheat free diet for you if you are unable to digest the gluten that is found in some cereal grains. The three main reasons why your doctor would have prescribed such a diet to you are the presence of celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis or a wheat allergy. In the presence of celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis, a gluten free diet will be prescribed and for a wheat allergy, the wheat free diet is prescribed.
Wheat Free For Health Reasons
Since wheat does have a high level of gluten, it is recommended that any person, who needs a gluten free diet, avoid wheat as well. The two other grain cereals with high levels of gluten are rye and barley. If you are on a wheat free diet because of a wheat allergy, you do not also have to avoid rye and barley as you would with a gluten free diet. Since oats are cross contaminated by being processed by many of the same machines that are used to process wheat, barley and rye, it is recommended that a person who is sensitive to gluten not consume oats.
Read The Labels
Since grain products are used in all kinds of foods, you will need to be careful in your food purchases and check the labels. Many prepared foods contain starches, emulsifier, flours, flavoring, vegetable proteins, stabilizer, soy sauce or vegetable gum, which could contain gluten or wheat. You can find grain products used in so many foods because they are useful as a thickener and for holding food products together.
Special Diet Products Are Available
Since so many people are in need of food products that are suitable for a gluten and wheat free diet, you are able to purchase these types of special food products at many of the larger grocery stores. Such a product will be clearly marked as gluten free or wheat free. You can also prepare your own foods from scratch so that you can be sure that your food contains neither gluten nor wheat.
You can enjoy eating on a gluten and wheat free diet despite any restrictions on wheat, barley or oats. While being on a gluten and wheat free diet may make it less convenient to get your meals and snacks, it does not mean that you have to give up on flavor or nutrition. You can find the healthy additions that you need for your gluten and wheat free diet so that you can fulfill your daily nutrition requirements without the addition of gluten or wheat.