TONIGHT sees the second of the Students’ Union Election debates taking place with the candidates for UMCA, Welfare and Education facing questions from the electorate.
You can follow the action on this live blog or via our twitter account. You can see the full ASM coverage plan here.
A list of candidates running for Full-Time positions can be found here.
ASM does apologise for the lack of live streaming tonight.
Thank you for joining us tonight, we will be back on Thursday evening to cover the Election results.
Miriam Williams yn diolch i bobl am eu help. Nos Da o hi ac Nos Da o’r criw yma ym Mhantycelyn. Mae’r cyfnod pleidlesio yn agor yfory am 9yb tan 5yh brynhawn Iau.
Miram Williams thanks people for their help. Good night from her and good night from us live bloggers in Pantycelyn. The voting period opens tomorrow at 9am until 5pm on Thursday evening.
Q – With many Erasmus students living in Pantycelyn, how would you encourage them to get involved?
Hanna – I am the second language officer on the UMCA committee – I promote Welsh lessons and many Erasmus students do come to my Welsh classes. At the end of the day, it is up to them if they want to join this Welsh society.
Cwestiwn olaf y noson: Gyda’r myfyrwyr tramor yn byw ym Mhantycelyn sut fase ti’n cael nhw i ymwneud gyda’r gymuned Gymreig?
Hanna: Profiad o ddysgu Cymraeg i sawl un ac yn ymwybodol o’r broblem. Ei annog nhw i ddod i ddigwyddiadau UMCA yn cynnwys gwersi Cymraeg?
Q – Why do you think there aren’t more people running for the role?
A – I know there were a few people thinking of running for the role but I’m not sure why they didn’t. I was ready for any other opponents.
Cwestiwn: Pam wyt ti’n meddwl nag oes mwy o bobl yn sefyll am y rol?
Hanna: Wedi trafod a rai odd yn ystyried redeg ond yn credu bod y llwyth gwaith braidd yn ormod i nhw.
Q – “What is your opinion on the Welsh language society? Should it be separate from the Union?”
Hanna – A part wishes they could go independent as they are a Union in their own right. Hanna is not really in a place to talk about the things that have been happening with it right now.
Cwestiwn: Beth yw dy farn di am ddatgymalu UMCA o’r Undeb?
Hanna: Wedi bod yn ran o drafodaethau er mwyn gwneud hyn i ddatgan i berthynas rwng y ddau. Nid wyf mewn sefyllfa i ateb y cwestiwn yma y nawr.
Q – The role you are running for is very unique. How will you ensure equal prominence of both roles of UMCA President and Welsh Affairs Officer?
A – I would aim to divide my time between the office in Pantycelen and the office in the Students’ Union and devote equal time to the roles.
Cwestiwn: Mae’r rol yr wyt ti’n redegm yn un unirgryw. Mae bod yn Lywydd ar UMCA ac yn Swyddog Cymraeg yn ddwy rol gwahanol ac mawr. Sut wyt ti am sichrau ymrwymiad hafal i’r ddau?
Hanna: Dwi’n bwriadu treulio mwy amser yn swyddfa UMCA ac yn yr Undeb er mwyn gwneud hyn.
Q – Pantycelyn issue.
Hanna – I have been part of the campaign regarding Pantycelyn. What I can say is that if the University does decide to go back on their support for Pantycelyn, I know that I have the support of the Welsh community.
Cwestiwn: Sut fyddi di’n datblygu syniaday ar sut i achub Pantycelyn?
Hanna: Mae’n fater sy’n agos i’ng ngahlon i, ac roeddwn i’n un o’r rai oedd yn parod i ymprydio. Mae hi’n agos i fod yn benblwydd blynyddol achub Pantycelyn. Os bod y Brifysgol am wneud dro bedol unwaith eto, dwi’n ddigon parod i ymprydio unwaith eto.
Q – “Do you feel that Welsh students distance themselves from English speaking students, and how will you bridge the gap?”
Hanna – A lot of people say that it’s some sort of bubble. UMCA is a Union for Welsh speaking students in Aber and it’s not closed off from English-speaking students as long as they have an interest in Welsh and are willing to learn Welsh. We can’t force English-speaking students to come to these events. Try and get more promotion for the Welsh language to help bridge the gap.
Cwestiwn: Wyt ti’n teimlo fod UMCA yn pellhau ei hunain o’r gymdeithas Gymraeg? Os ie, sut all y gap gael ei gloi?
Hanna: Barn pobl yw fod UMCA yn gul. Dwi o hyd yn dweud fod UMCA yn agored i bawb, ond myfyrwyr i Gymry Cymraeg ydyw. Mae UMCA’n cynnal digwyddiad ar eu cyfer nhw ond dwi am annog dysgwyr Cymraeg i ddod i’r diwgyddiadau yma drwy hysbysebu yn fwy effeithiol.
Q -How would you encourage clubs and societies to promote Welsh?
Appointing a Welsh language officer would be ideal but it’s not possible for every club. Would encourage Welsh students to join club/societies.
Cwestiwn: Sut fase ti’n hybu clybiau a chymdeithasau i hybu;r iaith Gymraeg?
Hanna: Ailadrodd ei pwhynt blaenorol ar rol Swyddog yr Iaith Gymraeg. Nod oes lot sydd angen i’w wneud. Dylid gofyn i fyfyrwyr Cymreig i ymuno a’r timau. Pethau bychain.
Q – Is a Welsh language officer realistic for all sports clubs and societies- especially for smaller societies?
I don’t think it’s an unrealistic option – if elected, I will be there to help them as will the Welsh-language officer.
Cwestiwn: (Cyfuniad o ddau cwestiwn) Ydy swyddog yr iaith Gymraeg ar gyfer pob clwb/chymdeithas yn realistig gan ystyreied bod sawl clwb/cymdeithasau a rifau prin?
Hanna: Nid yw’n annrealistig. Mi fyddai yno i’w helpu ond raid annog y rol o Swyddog y Gymraeg.
Cwestiwn: Sut fyddi di’n annog y rai sydd ddim yn medru’r Gymraeg i ddysgu’r Gymraeg?
Hanna: Mae’n cyfaddef bod dysgu Cymraeg yn hunllef ond mae hi am weld dysgwyr yn ymarfer drwy cysmygu gyda siardwyr Cymraeg gan ymwneud a chlybiau a digywddiadau cymdeithasol UMCA
Hanna – Agree with Free Up Wednesdays but doesn’t think it’s possible to free up the whole day. Shouldn’t just focus on sporting societies, all societies should be involved – including Pantycelyn societies.
Cwestiwn: Beth yw ti’n feddwl am yr ymgyrch rhyddhau dydd Mercher?
Hanna: Dylid y prynhawn yn unig fod yn rhydd i bob math o glybiau nid ond chwareon.
Hannah – 3rd year studying Welsh. Future of Pantycelyn is still at stake and one of her main aims is to keep the halls open for future Welsh students. Fight for and protect the rights of Welsh students for education through the medium of Welsh. Currently second language officer so is aware of the needs of learners. Try to make sure translations around campus are corrected. Work with societies to help make Welsh language speakers welcome. Work with alternative activities officer to create events that are suitable for all.
Hanna: Mae hi am wedi gwelliant yng nghwasanaethau cyfieithu’r Brifysgol ac yr Undeb
mae hi am weld Swyddog y Gymraeg yn cael ei pendoi ar gyfer pob cymdeithas a chlwb yn yr Undeb
Hanna: Myfyrwraig 3ydd blwyddyn yn astudio Cymraeg proffesiynol
Miriam Williams i gadeirio hysting Llywydd UMCA
The upcoming debate will be covered bilingually.
The candidates for Welsh Affairs and UMCA President are as follows:
Re-open Nominations (R.O.N.) About…
That brings an end to the Education Officer debate, we hope you enjoyed our coverage. The previous posts have now been updated further.
Next up is the Welsh Affiars and UMCA President debate. Starting in 5 minutes.
Alice – My policies are achievable over the year, so I can be fully ready to support all students. Trying to reach different points like assignments, quality of teaching as well as multilingual. Wants more people to come to Aber and appreciate the uni we have.
Will – Apologises for not doing much in Welsh. Understands there are gaps with an undergrad focus & wants to rectify this. Falling in league tables is an issue and thinks he can improve the standing of the uni in some way. Believes in the university – can be better & this can be realistically done.
Lauren – Experience in representation and sports and studying in a department that isn’t perfect. Several achievable and simple policies that aren’t solely based on education and stretch out into activities and Welsh language. Wants to make sure minorities are heard. Crucial time for higher education in Wales with Diamond Review.
Will T – Hasn’t got all the answers. Will have open door policy to help find out what students want to change. Elections coming up is a good opportunity to lobby politicians. Policies are achievable.
Jake – Believes best person to sit down with organisations to make sure we can work with best employers. Best person to take a ‘no nonsense’ position with politics within the SU. Best person because of experience in massive institutions to sort out problems.
Kerry – Policies are on the ball. Timetable needs to be addressed, student reps need an extra push, and special circumstances needs to be sorted out. All candidates are fantastic, fun elections, thanks for taking part.
Two minute conclusion speeches are now beginning.
Q – How are your policies different from the other candidates’?
Will T – They are here to address things that are important. My policies are achievable – a lot of people will appreciate having more lectures recorded.
Jake – I’m not actually running on any policies because they should be a collaborative thing. I am the best person to get your policies through.
Kerry – I don’t like to make policies that I can’t keep. I am the only one that has addressed special circumstances, it is not fair across the Uni and this should be addressed.
Alice – I want to make sure that all students have the same quality of teaching and feedback across all departments. I think I can really bring something to this, coming from a department where this hasn’t been the best.
Will – My policies are practical, and I recognise that there may be gaps in my policies. I would love to hear from people about this. I think my policies are good at addressing the concerns of students. I provide a wide range of ideas and within reason, they can be implemented.
Lauren – My policies are different to other candidates’, as I have experience. I have worked closely with the union and the past education officer. This gives me the experience to know what is plausible and would be possible. Therefore, I have made small but realistic policies.
Q – What is your knowledge of the SLTAs and have you ever nominated someone?
Alice – Found out about it when researching the role and nominated people last weekend.
Will – It’s a great recognition to staff in the University. I personally haven’t nominated anyone but hope to rectify this soon.
Lauren – SLTAs currently in their 4th year – gives appreciation to various staff, students and departments. Have nominated in various categories and have been nominated myself. Feel they are one of the highlights of the education year. A great publicity point.
Will T – I came across them when researching the position. I’m considering nominating one of my lecturers.
Jake – Really important for two reasons. Encourage lecturers and give students a chance to recognise the work their lecturers do.
Kerry – Fantastic idea – was lucky to be involved in the first SLTAs. Was lucky enough to nominate two members of staff. Please vote, because it’s an incredible thing.
Q – “How will you protect rights of students to access Welsh medium education? Will you fight for more Welsh medium modules?”
Will T – Big supporter of Welsh language as it’s a big part of Aber and a big part of identity. More modules should be available. Finds it interesting that there are some Welsh modules not available through the medium of English. But overall more modules in Welsh should happen.
Jake – Trying to ensure there is more Welsh medium education is crucial to the identity of Aber. We need to make sure the best lecturers are involved in teaching Welsh.
Kerry – If you can speak and write in Welsh you should be able to learn more in Welsh. I would fight for Welsh.
Alice – Welsh is a big part of Aber as a bilingual uni. Before making any decision of adding more modules in Welsh we should look at other Welsh universities to see what they offer. This would make sure you can get a big picture of what you can implement. Survey students to see what they want.
Will – Yes I do believe we should have more modules in Welsh as well as other languages. Obviously dependent on resources and departments – so it would vary. Believes it would improve international standing.
Lauren – Obviously the medium of Welsh is important to Aber and important to keep the language thriving with young people as it’s said to be a dying language. All modules in Welsh wouldn’t be possible but we could talk to Welsh students to see what modules they would like in Welsh.
Q – Are you sympathetic to the striking teachers?
Alice – I think I am sympathetic to the teachers because they answer our needs for education. It is important their needs are also answered. I just want to make sure that a dialogue is in place between the two and is thereby done the right way.
Will – I am sympathetic, however, this does not mean I will be passive or apathetic. The fact is in the end we have to make a resolution to this or students will suffer.
Lauren – Yes, I am sympathetic. Obviously there is a good reason behind it. There needs to be a good relationship between the union and teachers. We should stand with them; it would be damaging not to.
Will T – I am sympathetic – we shouldn’t be overly negative to our teachers as we will all have jobs one day and will understand.
Jake – I am sympathetic, but it is a complex issue. Should we really let it get to the stage where there is a strike? There should be dialogue between us to allow education to be protected.
Kerry – It is a sensitive issue, in the sense of their point of view I am sympathetic. However, strikes need to be arranged around lecture time to allow our education to continue.
Q – How are you going to make sure that students are consulted throughout your time?
Will T – Initiate online referendums.
Jake – Social media is a good source to initiate debate.
Kerry – Student reps are there to be your voice. If you have any individual concerns then I’d invite you to email me or come and see me in person.
Alice – The most important thing is communication, through multiple platforms. An open door policy is a good idea. Communication is key on different levels.
Will – We have to allocate the resources available. If they’re already available there is clearly a lack of awareness that they’re available. We need to build the awareness.
Lauren – Students reps are great at spreading student voices. Only people who know what students want are the students. Would use the termly academic rep meetings. Would work closely with the other Sabb officers.
Q – “Once elected, what would you do if a marking boycott was announced the next day?”
Will T – Have to get external markers in to mark the work. Extend revision period before exams – push exams back if boycott happens before exams. Try and lobby unions to get unions & unis together to discuss any issues.
Jake – SU has limited power with negotiating with Uni – working with other Uni’s around the country to see what has caused the boycott. Negotiating wages is part of what he does everyday so he’s experienced in this.
Kerry – Marking boycott isn’t a fair way of assessing issues. Have an organised union meeting to find out why it is happening – stress unfairness to students and how it’s their job to make them graduate. Find a solution during this process.
Alice – Important to bear in mind that communication is key – make sure students are aware it’s happening and that they can discuss it with students. Can communicate students’ worries to those involved.
Will – Will try and contact all relevant parties (unions & Unis). First thing to do is make sure students are informed about the situation and reschedule marking. Work to try and get issues resolved ASAP.
Lauren – Will stand with staff to make sure everyone is united and get the quickest resolution possible.
There will be a 2 minute speech from the candidates to start.
Alice – I’m a Masters student in Information Library studies. My aim as Education Officer is to bring change. My policies are the following – see Manifesto. My aim is to make sure my policies are all reachable and doable over the summer and to set things up for next year, while working with the other officers.
Will – 3rd year joint History and English. I do not promise anything revolutionary. I wish to push for the following – Manifesto.
Lauren – 3rd Genetics student, institute rep for two years for IBERS and was nominated in last years SLTA. Is the Social Secretary for badminton. Involved in the union. Is hoping to achieve the following: Manifesto.
Kerry – 3rd year, studying childhood studies and I am also running for NUS Wales delegate. My policies include the following: Manifesto
Jake – I am not running on any policies. I do not have the answer to your problem, but I can tell you that your degree is not enough on its own for the future. I hope you vote me in so I can work with the people here to make your policies a reality – Manifesto.
Will T – 3rd year, InterPol student from Swansea. I didnt consider standing initially, but have done so. I am aiming to pursue the following policies: Manifesto
The Education Officer Debate is now starting.
The candidates for Education Officer are as follows:
Miss ALICE DUCLOS Manifesto
Lauren Marks Manifesto
Re-open Nominations (R.O.N.) About…
The debates for Welfare Officer have concluded. After a ten minute break the Education Officer debates will begin.
To close, there will be a 2 minute summary speech:
Ieuan – It is up to you at the end of the day, you should judge everyone on their manifestos and who you think is going to do the most. It is your decision; I hope you have enjoyed this evening.
Ria – We’ve heard a lot of ideas tonight, I would just encourage everyone to vote tomorrow. Only 23% votes last year and we need to get people to represent their voice.
Ziq – As with the other candidates said, we are all equally great. You should vote with regards to your preferences. We are the people that you will have to depend on in welfare. She wants to make sure all these issues are covered.
John – It is important with these positions for people to not be afraid to push boundaries – he has already got into a bit of trouble doing this. Everyone here would make an excellent welfare candidate; you should vote for someone who you think should win.
Q – “What is your opinion on support groups led by students?”
Ieuan – It’s quite difficult to provide financial support – important to find out what students are doing.
Ziq – The current groups such as Nightline are great but it’s very difficult to get qualified professionals in to help students. Need to try and get money from NUS to help with the provision of services.
John – Support groups led by students are a fantastic thing but they need to be run properly. Extra financial support to help run them is crucial.
Ria – Not sure whether student support groups are the best idea because at the end of the day, the students running them are still students. Should get more professional support.
Q – “What do you propose for welfare in Llanbardan?”
Ieuan – More welfare support in Llanbardan in the form of more contact hours. Wants to make sure there’s enough time on both campuses with advisers and officers.
Ria – Move support and advice into a private room. Make the welfare office more accessible and available all year round.
Ziq – As a student who uses both campuses she understands how the situation is with Llanbardan welfare. Not enough time for welfare support. See if it’s possible to move to a different room.
John – Clear that the vast majority of students live closer to main campus and there’s a decent range of support here for students. Make sure all students know what’s available for them on main campus.
Q – What sets you apart from the other candidates?
Ziq – During intro, stated that she ticks all the boxes (except mature, welsh, postgrad). This means she has a general understanding of what is needed for people from different backgrounds. She wants to help and guide people.
John – The main difference is that I’m going for policies that not everyone else is. Improving for all students, not just the minority – to include all.
Ieuan – We’re all in this together, but he has seen too many friends go through things. He would make sure nothing bad happens with regards to welfare.
Ria – My policies extend to other things, through my policy of Rehabilitation Support. For example sports rehab is of concern, by making sure lectures are recorded for example.
Q – The future of the Aberystwyth University nursery is under consultation. What would you do for student parents?
Ieuan – Need to work to find a solution.
Ria – The University nursery is the most expensive in Aber, even with funding. The minimum should at least be the provision of a list of alternative nurseries.
Ziq – Expensive nursery costs put off student parents. This shouldn’t be a barrier to student parents.
John – Having a nursery is important. I don’t know enough about the issue to comment further.
Q – “What is your knowledge of the Pantycelyn situation so far, what would you do to ensure students can live in their language of choice?”
Ziq – In a grey area, most information seen is in Welsh. Not well informed because I’m not Welsh but so important to support all students. Pantycelyn is important because it defines all Welsh students – important for students to fight for it.
John – Disgusting how uni has treated the students here – believe they shouldn’t be shipped to Ffem Penglais. Fully support the protests that happened – congratulate them & push hard for Pantycelyn to be rennovated as a Welsh hub with accommodation due to being fully aware the Uni is undecided.
Ieuan – In a sense the building could be refurbished. As part of the Union it stands as a strong part of the Welsh foundation. It’s great to see the Welsh language thrive as it tends to disappear at Secondary School.
Ria – Aware that Fferm Penglais will have a Welsh block. More expensive to live in the Welsh accommodation block. Work with Uni to ensure refurbishment is completed, so Welsh students have a nice place to live.
Q – “Welfare Officers in the past have rejected the idea that the role isn’t a fluffy position of just tea, condoms and cuddles – do you agree?”
Ieuan – It’s not a relaxed job. It’s all about doing something.
Ria – Sexual health and welfare in the Union are all important. I want to make sure that I genuinely help people in Aber.
Ziq – Welfare is such a broad issue. The only way to engage most of the time is to talk about the above. It’s difficult to engage with people if they’re not sure what the welfare officer does.
John – There are a lot more important issues than condoms, tea and cuddles. There are a lot of serious things behind the role.
Follow up question for John – What do you think of special events for postgrad students?
John – Good idea.
Q – “Why do you think postgrads don’t get involved?”
Ria – Harder to get postgrads involved with the uni. Use results of survey to see how postgrads can be helped.
Follow up question for Ziq – Can you clarify how you are going to accommodate postgrad needs?
Ziq – We should create more awareness to make sure they are more involved in what we have for them. It is not visible to many, so we should try to get more opinions from them to see how we can help.
Q – “Do you think that postgraduates have different welfare needs?”
Ziq – “We need to give the same support to everybody.”
John – “We’re all people, we all have the same needs. For the most part, the same support is a good thing.”
Ieuan – “We are all equal at the end of the day. It’s about knowing what is available to you in terms of support.”
Ria – “As a postgraduate myself, I believe it’s an issue of promotion and advertising. They need to advertise certain things to postgraduates more specifically.”
Q – “What do you believe the role of the welfare officer is? Note that none of you are welfare advisers?”
Ieuan – All about students. All about looking after students’ mental and sexual health, and making sure students are going through university supported no matter the issue.
Ria – To be accessible, flexible and to answer all queries. To do with policy completion – all policies are achievable in the year term.
Zia – Welfare is someone you can look at like a mother – they support you and care about you. Trying to make it a more general issue.
John – Welfare is about ensuring every student has the best possible experience- the minority is important but so is the majority.
Questions that have been submitted will now follow.
Ziq – 3rd year business management with law student. Is looking into increasing the awareness and support for all students. To increase inclusiveness. Main policy is to educate people to increase awareness so students understand what affects people and can be considered bullying.
John – 3rd year economics student. Wants more social space on campus. Possibly do something with Cwrt Mawr Bar. Wants to improve accommodation and a cheaper sporty card.
Ria – Fundamental concern with raising awareness and cohesion in Uni. Committed to ensuring that all students have full knowledge of what’s going on; mental health awareness; sports rehabilitation policy; to initiate a sexual health campaign; and to make access to Llanbardan campus safer. Supporting, strengthening & sustaining student welfare in Aber.
Opening statements to start.
Ieuan – Plays for the University rugby team. Decided to run because friends have gone through things regarding student support and these are things he wants to do if he gets elected.
The Welfare candidates are as follows:
Mr JOHN MORGAN Manifesto
ZIQ (Auzee Ziq Rosmadee) Manifesto
Re-open Nominations (R.O.N.) About…
The meeting is due to start shortly. The Welfare Officer debate will be up first.
Welcome to tonight’s coverage, the debate is due to start soon. You can get involved on twitter by using the #AberDebate hashtag.