
Dylann Roof as a 5th grader at Rosewood Elementary School in Columbia in 2004Rosewood Elementary yearbook

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article24929815.html#storylink=cpy

Above, we see Dylann Roof with fairly large earlobes.

Above we see 'Dylann Roof' with small earlobes.


There would appear to be two Dylann Roofs.

Rita Katz who was reportedly the brains behind various fake Osama bin Laden videos. "She served in the Israeli Defense Forces."

Russ Winter writes:

The original Dylann Roof photos were first tweeted by Rita Katz at 7:37 am on the 18th.

'Arrest' of Dylann Storm Roof: The Hoax that Keeps On Giving

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is involved in the Dylann Roof false flag.

The SPLC posted 'the manifesto' on their website.

Reportedly, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a Mossad front.

Southern Poverty Law Center.

The SPLC was founded by Joseph Levin and Morris Seligman Dees.

In 1962 Dees defended the Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders.

The Ku Klux Klan is said to be run by the CIA and Mossad.

Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal.

The CIA and Mossad run both sides of the conflict.

Daniel Burrows (above) was a Grand Dragon until it was found out that he was actually a Jew playing the part of evil racist "white man". Kikes, KKK and the Racial Divide.

The current president of the SPLC is J. Richard Cohen.


Along with the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC has provided information about anti-Israel groups to the FBI.

Above we see Dylann Roof, the gentle Christian.

Dylann Roof

Dylann Roof's step-mother Paige Mann lives in Chapin, South Carolina.

She says that Dylan was a 'church-going, smart kid'.

'He went to catechism, he went to church...

'In the pictures I have of him he's happy...

Paige says that Dylann had recently got a job at a landscaping company run by a friend."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Above we see that Dylann appears to have no obvious moles on his face.

Above we see what appears to be Dylann's body double, a person with obvious moles?

Game of Thrones used a body double for Lena Headey.

The Game of Thrones' visual effects team composited Lena Headey's facial expressions onto the body of Rebecca Van Cleave to create the finished scene.

Read more: http://www.digitalspy.

Which is which?

FLETC has a training center located in Charleston, South Carolina.

It is situated on the site of the former Charleston Naval Base.

It is one of three FLETC residential training sites in the United States.

Learn more here: https://www.fletc.gov/about-charleston-center

As you can see, we took a screenshot from the FLETC. SMOKING GUN: Active Shooter Drills Charleston SC

FLETC Active Shooter Training

Charleston, SC

June-15 until June-19 2015

Charleston - Active Shooter Threat Training Program - June/17/2015

Above, we see what may be the original photo.

Above, we see the one photoshopped by the CIA and its friends?

Perhaps both are photoshopped.


"ELA reveals areas where the patches appear that suggest a differing compression speed and thus possible manipulation."
South Carolina Church Shooting: Were Photos of Dylann digitally altered?


The CIA has published a rambling racist manifesto, in which 'Dylann Roof' declares his hatred for blacks, reportedly.

The author is possibly a right-wing Rhodesian working for the CIA.

No prominant moles?

There seem to be two Dylanns.

Prominant moles.

No prominant moles?

Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, is the link that joins up DYLANN ROOF, SANDY HOOK and Elliot Rodger.

Dylann Roof was arrested in Shelby, in South Carolina.

The cast and crew of The Hunger Games used Shelby as a base.

Much of the Hunger Games was filmed in Shelby.

Elliot Rodger is the son of The Hunger Games assistant director Peter Rodger.

Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.


Above we see Dylann's step-mother with a butterfly, a symbol of mind control.


'Ken Mathews, an attorney who has been representing Roof in an ongoing drug-possession case, was, he says, "very shocked" to hear about what Roof had allegedly done.

'He tellsMother Jones, "The dealings I had with him, he was just a normal kid."

'He says he saw "nothing that would indicate that [Roof] would take this type of action."

'Mathews says he has seen no signs that Roof harbored any racial animus: "I had no inkling of anything like that in the dealings I had with him."

'Mathews has known the Roof family for years, dating back to a custody dispute between Dylann's father Ben and mother Amy over visitation rights concerning Dylann.'

The Lawyer Who Handled Dylann Roof

Dylann's father, 52-year-old Franklin Bennett Roof, is the owner of a construction business.

57-year-old Mother Amy, who's real name is Amelia, worked at Lake Murray Country - a Tourist Information Center.

Various witnesses have been quoted in the media as saying that Dylann Roof (above) was 'wild' and various  witnesses have been quoted in the media as saying that Dylann was 'sweet' and 'quiet'.

Has he been 'mind controlled' into having multiple personalities?

And has he been surrounded for some time by assets of the CIA?

Dylann Roof and his older sister Amber grew up "shuttling" between their divorced parents' South Carolina homes.


Dylann's high school friend Antonio Metze said: "He was pretty smart. I can't believe he'd do something like (the shooting)."

Metz said: "I never thought he'd do something like this.

"He had black friends."

A mutual friend introduced Dylann Roof to Dalton Tyler and the two of them began to share a home.

According to  Dalton Tyler, Dylann had been "planning something like that for six months."

Tyler says: "He was big into segregation and other stuff. He said he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something like that and then kill himself."

A photo has emerged of Tyler wearing a T-shirt with the Confederate Flag.

Kimberly Konzny, the mother of one of Dylann Roof's childhood friends, told AP that she was not aware of Dylann saying anything racist.

"He was a really sweet kid," she said.

Kasab - innocent patsy. INNOCENT PATSY HANGED

Dylann's 'friend' Joseph Meek Jr. told AP that Dylann had said that something had to be done for the "white race" because black people were "taking over the world."

Meek said of Dylann: "He said he wanted segregation between whites and blacks."

Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, told AP that Roof  appeared to be a "disaffected white supremacist."

Just hours before the shootings, Rev Pinckney met with Hillary Clinton as part of her presidential campaign.

(Politicians cannot always be trusted. Ex-Tory MP Harvey Proctor questioned - murders of children)

Dylann Roof is from Eastover in South Carolina.

Above, we see a medic with the South Carolina Army National Guard using moulage techniques to FAKE casualties.

This was during a training exercise in Eastover last year.

File:U.S. Army Sgt. Megan Girr.

A Facebook photo shows the suspect Dylann Roof wearing two flag patches: one of Apartheid-era South Africa, and the other of Rhodesia, before it became majority-ruled Zimbabwe.

The flags look photoshopped.

The owner of the Facebook page has many black people on his friends list (Photos below).

What we know about Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof

When Roof was stopped in his car, he was cooperative towards the Shelby PD officer who stopped him.

Charleston church shooting suspect Dylann Roof in custody

Reportedly, the gunman reloaded five times and told a victim, "I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go."

In March 2015, Roof was arrested on unspecified drug charges in Lexington County, South Carolina, local television outlet WIS reported. He was arrested again for trespassing in April, the Post and Courier reports.

Elliot Rodger (above) probably did not kill anyone. Aangirfan: ELLIOT RODGER

A Facebook page reportedly belonging to Roof identified him as a Columbia, South Carolina resident who attended White Knoll High School in Lexington, South Carolina, about 120 miles northwest of Charleston.

Roof's uncle, 56-year-old Carson Cowles, said he recognized his nephew in the surveillance footage.

Roof's MySpace page contains only a music track from the Christian death metal band "A Thousand Times Repent."

S. Carolina church shooting suspect identified as Dylann Storm Roof, 21.

In March 2015, the authorities in South Carolina carried out a practice drill.

According to the National Guard press release announcing the drill:

"The South Carolina National Guard, along with state and county emergency management agencies, will conduct a disaster readiness exercise called Vigilant Guard...

"This exercise will test the ability of the National Guard to support response operations based on simulated emergency scenarios such as ... mass casualties."


On the evening of 17 June 2015, nine people were killed at an African-American church in Charleston, in South Carolina.

Reportedly, the chief suspect is a young white gunman.

After the shooting, a bomb threat was reported near the church.

This could suggest a 'false flag' operation by intelligence agents.

Police spokesman Charles Francis described the suspect (above) as a 21-year-old white man in a gray sweatshirt/hoodie.

Note that his face is not covered.

The suspect left the church in a black four-door sedan car.

Dr Norvel Goff, a senior African Methodist Episcopal pastor, gave this description of the shooting after meeting families and the mayor:

"He [the gunman] walked in, from my understanding, not so much as a participant but a brief observer, who then stood up and started shooting."

A helicopter with a searchlight was used as police searched the area.

Police took a man with a backpack and a camera into custody, but later said that he was not the suspect.

After the attack, Jeb Bush canceled an appearance in Charleston that was due to take place early on 18 June. Hilary Clinton left the Charleston area before the shooting took place.

Local broadcaster WCSC reported that the FBI was at the scene of the crime.

"A female survivor told family members that the gunman initially sat down in the church for a bit before standing up and opening fire, according to Dot Scott, president of the Charleston NAACP.

"The gunman reportedly told the woman he was letting her live so she could tell everyone else what happened, Scott said."

shooting at Emanuel AME.

Rev Clementa Pinckney (above) the pastor of Emanuel AME church and a Democratic member of the South Carolina Senate, was one of those shot dead.

Pinckney helped lead a prayer vigil in April for Walter Scott, a black South Carolina man who was shot dead by a police officer.

Pinckney campaigned for legislation to require law enforcement officials to wear body cameras while working.

This is Anders Breivik with the big ears and big nose. He was a liberal.

This is Breivik's double, who was one of the shooters in Norway.

Dylann Roof is a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, according to his pastor.


But, the CIA and its Zionist-Nazi friends like to kidnap American children and mind-control them.

"Col. Bill Risher" of Bamberg, South Carolina, reportedly supplied children for Michael Aquino.

The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp

Dylann Roof's father Franklin and his step-sister Morgan 15, at Lutheran Church. Dylann' sister Amber roof alerted authorities to Dylann Roof’s presence in Shelby, North Carolina. dailymail.

Sometimes church camps and church families have links to the CIA.

South Carolina has links to the Nazis and Zionists of the CIA.

The family of the CIA's Allen Dulles (above) owned a slave plantation in South Carolina.

"Two Scottish Dulles (originally "Douglas") brothers left Ireland around 1780: Joseph Dulles went to South Carolina, William Dulles to India as a soldier for the East India Company...

"William Dulles made a fortune ... providing financial and security services for the Company...

"William Dulles came to South Carolina in 1807; his India loot bought the family a substantial slave plantation...

"Allen Dulles’s main corporate activity was as a director of the J. Henry Schroder banking company in London, a prime instrument in Montagu Norman’s nazification of Germany.

"As partners in the Sullivan and Cromwell firm, Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles represented the Rockefeller-Harriman- Warburg combination, I.G. Farben, and virtually every other Nazi corporate organization that danced on London’s marionette strings."

The Question Of Sponsorship. / Assassination by Anton Chaitkin from MindControlForum Website

Reportedly the above photo shows Dylann Roof at the Boone Hall plantation in Charleston - one of America’s oldest plantations, and one that includes original slave quarters.

Above - Dylan roof from South Carolina.

Dylan Roof | Facebook.

Above 'Dylann Roof' from South Carolina.

Dylan Roof from South Carolina.

What links the Dylann Roof story to 'Zionists' and 'Nazis'?

Charleston's Chief of Police Reuben Greenberg (1943 - 2014 ) was black and Jewish.

"The Rev. Clementa Pinckney ... spoke from the bima of our synagogue."

- Robert N. Rosen a former assistant city attorney.

Charleston Jewish Federation.

By the 19th century, Charleston was home to the largest and wealthiest Jewish community in North America.

Charleston's Isaac Da Costa was a member of the first Masonic lodge in South Carolina and four other Jews were among the 11 founders of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Masonry (1802).

Isaac Harby and Jacob N. Cardozo were newspaper editors; Joshua Lazarus headed the utility company; Mordecai Cohen became at one time the second richest man in South Carolina.

Charleston, South Carolina Jewish History.

Paul Schäfer Schneider, believed to be an Ashkenazi Jew and a Nazi. child abuse

Dylann Roof's manifesto, reportedly written by the CIA, praises the 'racist' Council of Conservative Citizens whose leader Earl Holt has donated to the election campaigns of the 'extreme' right wing Republicans Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum.

Rick Tyler, a spokesman for Cruz, said in an email: "Mr Holt did make a contribution."

Leader of group cited in 'Dylann Roof manifesto' donated

Note that the date is correct.

Certain 'alternative' news sites have been more than disappointing on the Charleston Shootings.

Let us remember that these sites also got it wrong on the Arab Spring, Charlie Hebdo, Anders Breivik, the Mumbai attacks, Hampstead, the UK election etc. etc.

Some of these false flag operations are cleverly designed to appeal to the extreme prejudices of the 'alternative' writers.

The Arab Spring propaganda was designed to fool those who want a people power revolt.

The Anders Brevik saga was designed to fool those who have obsessions about race.

You cannot see clearly what happened in Charleston if you hate 'blacks' or hate 'whites'.

SO, who is getting it right?

Charleston Massacre-Indications of a Drill.

South Carolina Church Shooting: Were Dylann Roof Photos ....

Back in 2014, Richard Barr wrote about a 21 year old mass murderer.

Dylann Roof (above) is 21.

In his piece of fiction, Richard Barr writes about 'spree killings' happening across the USA.

Richard Barr writes in his story:

"Some people ... notice anomalies, things that don’t add up.

"I am one of these people..."

According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a top agent of the CIA's Operation Gladio, the CIA targeted innocent civilians.

Richard Barr writes in his story:

"It is my contention that these killers, these mass murderers, are, in many cases, not acting alone.

"Eyewitnesses ... often tell of gunshots coming from various locations...

"Yet our law enforcement officials issue and repeat the ‘lone-gunman’ line..."

Richard Barr writes in his story:

"Let’s take a peek behind the curtain and witness those intelligent controllers at work...

"Once the first 48hrs have passed, and things have to a degree settled down, some semblance of what is commonly referred to as the narrative is established, almost subliminally, in the minds of the watching public: killer, 21 yr. old white male, troubled domestic circumstances.

"Interviews are conducted with colleagues and acquaintances, ‘He was a kinda quiet, kinda weird kinda guy.

"Always had his hood up and he spent all day in his dorm listening to death metal.’

Richard Barr writes in his story:

"The rolling news channels ... will excitedly issue newly released pictures of our 21 yr. old white male mass murderer.

"In one of these pictures he stands among friends; all members of some after school club.

"In another it’s just him, mid-shot, standing under a tree...

"People like me study these expressions of his for signs of trauma based mind control or something akin to that.

"There are programs running in this country, at the behest of evil men, which specialize in developing techniques used in the creation and continued control of the completely, unanswerably obedient - total human slaves...

Richard Barr writes in his story:

"These photos...

"There were two pictures to be exact - the first one he’s at a table in some restaurant, his parents sitting on either side of him. You’ll have seen the one. Well, in that photo his eyes are green.

"The second of the two photos shows him at work on a small engine. He is looking up and he’s staring directly at the camera. In this photo his eyes are blue...

"It is my firm belief that the controllers, oligarchic elite, call them...it what you will, create in these shooters, like the kid described above, what I like to call an anti-celebrity. A fiction.

"A general antagonist to bring the horrors to us all.

Richard Barr writes in his story:

"When you look for a history of them, be it in the public records or whatever, many a time you will not find one.

"Their Social Security Numbers and their school records, all elusive.

"Then you realize that the amount and type of weaponry found on them, after the shooting’s stopped, would massively exceed in terms of cost what he could afford in his capacity as a student/barman/veteran..


Richard Barr writes in his story:

"For these 21 yr. old white male mass murderers, standing alone under a sycamore tree or eating with their parents, theirs is an invented life with invented histories that are vast in their detail and commonplace minutiae.

"And the kids paraded past waiting television cameras, being led into and out of courtrooms, they are husks of people, their minds fragmented and highly susceptible to the most absurd and injurious of commands, be they, ‘plead guilty’ or even ‘kill yourself’.

"And so this is where the circle meets: the lie, the fiction, is given a face and a Google search ranking and many hours of TV exposure.

Richard Barr writes in his story:

"In some musky Pentagon basement, experts in fields of research & development totally alien to the likes of us are plotting to conquer all that lies on that next horizon...

"To bring this about a discreet and fragmented putsch is being mounted, culminating in our complete and total acquiescence...

"Might we be able to overcome what lies before us?

"Based on what I have seen of the citizenry in this country of late, it pains me to say that we can’t...

"The inquisitive man I spoke of earlier is on the point of extinction in this country today.

"Enquiry, critical thinking, even our incredulity has been stripped away.

"They know that we outnumber them, and have designed their contingencies accordingly.
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