Disinformation; William Cooper's Behold a Pale Horse.
Below we see some comments on Putin, and other topics.
brabantian 1 January 2016 at 02:17
Increasing millions of Russians are viewing Vladimir Putin as a sell-out to the Western powers & to Western oligarchs ... who has the role of keeping the war machine going as alleged 'opposition' but really a staged conflict partner ... not to mention being a total sell-out to Putin's close friend Netanyahu of Israel, allowing Israel to kill Russia's allies inside Syria
Israel Shamir, Russian-Israeli-Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity, describes some of this ... including pointing to a suddenly viral video in Russia, with over 2.2 million views, attacking Putin for allowing Russia's giant state-funded & dominated media operation to be carrying Nato-tied propaganda ... Indeed media such as RT Russian Today have become shockingly weak
There has never been any good answer as to why Putin let tens of thousands of Russian-speakers be killed in East Ukraine, after the satanic 2 May 2014 Odessa massacre burning dozens alive & strangling a pregnant woman to death
When Putin could have moved troops in to protect his fellow Russians on his doorstep ... Western 'sanctions' etc would have been just the same
As Russian military & security services contemplate how Putin may be dancing with the West to produce an edge-of-World-War-III scenario ...
We possibly have a potential coup in Russia, with the removal of 'traitor' Putin in favour of someone like Colonel Igor 'Strelkov' Gurkin (hero of East Ukraine fighting whom Putin blackmailed to come home by threatening to cut off Donbass supplies) - who will more truly oppose the West & not draw-out & prolong conflicts as is being done in Ukraine & Syria ...along with perhaps restoration of the Tsar in a Constitutional Russian monarchyReplyDelete
Anonymous1 January 2016 at 06:28
It sounds to me like Putin is trying to avoid a war with the West which would go nuclear and then we'll be all dead. I like Putin, I think he's the good guy. The neocons are trying to get Russia's top fighter planes shot down to bankrupt the country. They are trying to push Russia further into a war. Although he may seem to be appeasing the West, I hope he carries on making Russia strong by improving its economy. War isn't the answer. It's up to us in the West to hunt down the criminal neoconservatives and put them in prison. Blair should be one of the first to go in.ReplyDelete
Anonymous1 January 2016 at 10:38
Please don't fall for the long con, Putin is only positioning himself and Communism as the 'savior' of the despotic and immoral West. The plan is all chronicled quite proper in George Orwell's fictional novel 1984.
Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 15:45
Putin is not a communist. As you have no idea what Putin is, there is no punt in me discussing this with you anymore.
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 09:22
It is fine if you do not want to discuss it anymore with me but I will continue to discuss it with you. Vladimir Putin has had to do some very bad things first to become the prime minister he is today and has to do some very bad things to remain prime minister, for the past 16 years.
The first red flag should be that A Number One, he is a politician. Period. ( I should not have to add this bit of emphasis but I feel I should).
Second. Communism is the law of the land. Nothing good can ever come from man-made governmental communism, human beings are simply too corruptible at this stage in our evolution. It is an unrealistic governmental structure, but, the El-ites have realized that this is the system which benefits them the most. You are beyond all help if you do not realize the importance of how the Jews transformed Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution, this was an orchestrated move to eliminate the aristocracy of Russia and replace it with Jewish communist rule. It has been that way for over a hundred years now with untold amounts of poverty and genocide. The same goes with any example found in Communist China. Entire cities are wiped out at will, people disappear, well, if you do not know the horrors of communism then you are hopelessly lost to begin with. To claim that Russia is any less than communist you really need to consult a history book. Putin is not communist, what a joke!
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 09:22
If you take a careful look at The Economist for 2016, you will see tucked down under Putin's bear like chest is a globe, with a pale white horse atop that world. Does that ring any bells? I would guess that if you are Roman Catholic or Christian you would have an idea what that is about. Word on the street is that somehow, somewhere, Putin, or someone out of Russia, will claim descent from the Line of David, and therefore Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and claim to be the risen christ or a representative thereof. There has already been an allusion to the Greek Orthodoxy of Russia having had special powers transferred over to them from Rome and Russia has already been branded the 'savior' and protector of Christianity. Meanwhile, the West is slated for demonization.
Can't you see that it is all a play? I guess you would not be able to if you were wrapped up in the Christian fantasy. What with all of it's intricate mind traps well written into the script itself? With nothing but thousands of years behind it to back it up. People just can't wrap their head around the breadth of time these people have had to work on this plan. The entire Bible was written by them and implemented, slowly, over time by them! If you do not notice they are following a script and are duping MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Christians, Jews, and Muslims en masse by FAKING the second coming... very, very soon.
The West has been integrally demonized, deconstructed and villainized for the past 50 years and more, ever since WWII, because 3 wars are needed for their plan. The US and Britain along with other countries has been a breeding pit for criminals and crazies, intentionally created as an excuse to clean up the immoral West when the forces are meant to be posited. Obama, of course, will be exposed as the international spy that he is, the American Congress will be called out as the pedophiles they are, and the American public will be blamed for ushering all of these elements in by the rest of the world. The rest of the world will be told that America has been behind these terrorist atrocities for as long as 9/11, but we all know that the same elements have been doing this for CENTURIES.
Don't be fooled by the short con, the short con is trying to get as many as possible within the TWO camps, the EVIL West, and the honest and benevolent Russian Christian East, so that 2/3rds of America can BE THE NEW SACRIFICE FOR YHWH, the IMPETUS that will clamor the world and make the world call for staunch change and a NEW ONE WORLD GOVERNING BODY (in a MUCH bigger Israel)THAT INCLUDES THE CHURCH AS ARBITER FOR AN OVERALL 'CLEANSING' OF ALL THE EVIL IN THE WORLD.
All Abrahamic religions are of the Nephilim, even Jesus is 'in on it' (Mr. Morning Star himself). Dont choose any of them. Don't choose anything that calls itself religion and with all your might try and feel the real Prime Creator.
God Bless, God Speed
Michael K.2 January 2016 at 11:24
When you say that Jesus is in on it with the demonized plan for a totalitarian world state, where do you get the ability to say that with certainty and authority?
Anyone can tell that Jesus was against their evil plans. What they do with his memory and name is evil, that much is apparent. But whether He is evil, consider that he gave up His life to restore us to peace and harmony with Creator and Creation.
His message was a rejection of the ways of the world, those ways which you say drive the whole thing. I don't see how you can condemn Him too, and join the whole mob of Pharisees and others who hate Him.
Regarding Putin's appearance on the magazine cover, it brings to mind "Behold a Pale Horse", the title of William Cooper's book and a reference to the the Antichrist, the one who tries deceptively to take Christ's glory from before Man.
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 12:55
AkhaldanSolo I read your post with much interest re the Nephilim, religion etc. For a while now I have been unable to pray 'religious' prayers as I feel 'they're' stealing my 'consent' for the negative, so I make my own prayers now direct to God. Re what you say to the other commenter 'with all your might try and feel the real Prime Creator'would you mind if I asked you if you could/would recommend some reading material that in your opinion could be of great assistance to those of us who trust in God but do not trust religions? I do hope you don't mind me asking AkhaldanSolo ... love and light x
Michael K. 1 January 2016 at 10:01
Don't expect Putin to give up. This is challenge to his power might push him to start a territorial war to both bolster his credibility as an anti-Western player and to give him an income from conquered spoils to prop up the Russian economy and his band of cronies in charge of much of it. He is not going to let go of power because it would literally result in his death if his enemies exposed his full malfeasance to public legal scrutiny. This is one of the more personal reasons autocrats hang on as long as they can.
"[It is] entirely possible in the next banking crisis that depositors in giant too-big-to-fail failing banks could have their money confiscated and turned into equity shares. . . .
If your too-big-to-fail (TBTF) bank is failing because they can’t pay off derivative bets they made, and the government refuses to bail them out, under a mandate titled “Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in Resolution,” approved on Nov. 16, 2014, by the G20’s Financial Stability Board, they can take your deposited money and turn it into shares of equity capital to try and keep your TBTF bank from failing.
Once your money is deposited in the bank, it legally becomes the property of the bank. Gilani explains:
Your deposited cash is an unsecured debt obligation of your bank. It owes you that money back.
If you bank with one of the country’s biggest banks, who collectively have trillions of dollars of derivatives they hold “off balance sheet” (meaning those debts aren’t recorded on banks’ GAAP balance sheets), those debt bets have a superior legal standing to your deposits and get paid back before you get any of your cash.
. . . Big banks got that language inserted into the 2010 Dodd-Frank law meant to rein in dangerous bank behavior."
Anonymous1 January 2016 at 10:33
Were The _______ Predicted On The January Cover Of The Economist 2016?
Happy New Year Ladies and Readers!
May God Bless In All Your Endeavor
Anon1 January 2016 at 11:45
Happy New Year to you.
- Aangirfan.
Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 15:59
I like Putin. We're lucky to have him. There could another psychopath in charge there, like the way US presidents usually are.
The US government has always been run by psychopaths. Its ruling class is psychopathic. 20 to 30 million people are dead because of US foreign policy. No wonder the Russians are scared.
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 11:13
It looks like your numbers are jut a bit conservative. An upwards of 50-60 Million people died in WWII alone if you combine every factor from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to Russian losses in upwards of 20-25 Million, along with the American and British Dresden and Hellfire, numbers get a little staggering. Now, if we combine every war with every loss, even those that didn't die immediately and from slow radiation poisoning, along with incidents like say, the East Timor Genocide that Henry Kissinger and every President after Nixon up till Clinton was involved in that killed up to 100,000 East Timorians, right down to the phosphoric acid BP spill in Bhopal, India that wiped out an entire village. Of course from there we would have to inspect the genocides of Communist nations like China with Mao Tse-tung who is at 78,000,000, to Pol Pot of Cambodia, who is at 1,700,000, which leads us to another one of the 'originators' of the biggest 'freedom cons' ever, Communism, of Josef Stalin, who is at 23,000,000. The list goes on and on...
So, you want to look at the PROGENITOR of communism and then examine Putin and his Communism as if it has somehow miraculously completely reformed and is now a bright new shiny model of human freedom you are SERIOUSLY deluding yourself.
Anonymous2 January 2016 at 12:02
AkhaldanSolo, that's a powerful post ...
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 14:20
Some good points there, so what you're saying is that the capitalist free West had killed hundreds of millions more people than the communists have ever done. But two wrongs don't make a right of course.
Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 23:00
Some misinformed people here gave been here Putin bashing. Well I've got news for you, you've been fed US propaganda and you've fallen for it. From Stephan Lendman's site.
Putin responded to Washington’s provocative Eastern European expansion, saying Russia “will be forced to aim our armed forces…at those territories from where the threat comes.”
“It is (US-led nuclear armed and dangerous) NATO that is moving towards our border, and we aren’t moving anywhere.”
Russia’s Foreign Ministry accused Washington of “inciting tensions and carefully nurturing (its) European allies’ anti-Russian phobias (as a pretext for) expanding its military presence and influence in Europe” - threatening world peace.
Key US NATO allies Britain, France, Germany, Turkey and others march in lockstep with its aggressive anti-Russian policy. Its officials have just cause for concern.
Russian lower house State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin called NATO a “cancer tumor” in Europe. World peace depends on its “disband(ment).”
“This could be done in several stages,” he said. First “expel” America. Disbandment could “painlessly” follow - a vital step toward “strengthening security and stability on the European continent,” he stressed.
Russia’s updated national security strategy cited other significant threats - including internally or externally instigated color revolutions, a US specialty, threatening its sovereignty by undermining and destabilizing its political integrity.
US bioweapons threaten its security, the document saying its “network of…biological military labs is expanding on the territories of countries bordering Russia.”
Its “independent foreign and domestic policy has been met with counteraction by the US and its allies, seeking to maintain” unchallenged global dominance, including by marginalizing, containing, weakening and isolating Russia, a high-risk confrontational policy assuring no winners.
US-installed fascists in Ukraine pose a direct threat to Russia’s security. Their regime represents a “long-term source of instability in Europe and directly at the Russian border” - an intolerable situation forcing Putin to respond appropriately, at the same time fostering peace and stability.
Moscow wants nuclear proliferation constrained, urging “the creation of appropriate conditions that will enable a reduction of nuclear weapons without damaging international security and strategic stability” - perhaps a first step toward eliminating these hugely destructive weapons once and for all.
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 01:41
The Western ruling elite conquered the World a few centuries ago. They ransacked India and Africa, and made inroads into China. The opium wars. China was almost completely defeated. They only made a come back after the communist revolution.
But the West never conquered Russia. Now you think that after plundering the rest of the world and nearly destroying it the Western ruling elite would have been rich enough, but no, they lusted after Russia's wealth too.
So rich Western bankers funded the Russian communist revolution to break the country up and get rid of the Tsar. The Tsar had public banks and would not let Western private banks into Russia. Russia is also a country rich in raw materials too. Our running class wanted the lot no matter how many people it left dead.
Western bankers gave that psychopath and criminal, Stalin, the money to fund his revolution. Like the way the West sponsors colour revolutions in the Middle East to destroy those countries, it was doing the same thing over a hundred years ago in Russia.
The mega rich hate communism, but they will fund any terrorists, bandits, criminals, psychopaths, to get what they want in another country. And that's all its wealth, and then they they will turn its people into slaves and call it capitalism.
And the stupid minded libertarians will say that they only way to end poverty is for people to work harder. That it is poor people's fault that they are poor. They say being poor is a choice, and that no one needs to be poor. So the answer to poverty is for poor people to go out there and work their nuts off(and most probably still never achieve anything) and then get successful by starting to their own businesses where they can exploit other poor people as well, the lame, the desperate, the unfortunate, the low intelligent, the sick, and turn them into slaves to be abused as objects. That's psychopathology.
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 03:03
Welcome to the real world, Putin is no saint either, ure just another one who got fooled
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 04:58
‘Criticism may not be agreeable but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body; it calls attention to the development of an unhealthy state of things. If it is heeded in time, danger may be averted; if it is suppressed, a fatal distemper may develop.'
Winston Churchill. Anathema to Putin apologists and others no doubt, not a total ignoramus re potical strategy however.
Anonymous2 January 2016 at 12:07
Putin is no saint, because as a rile of thumb no leader is, but where did you get your info about him? I quite like him, he is softly spoken and very reasonable.
If your information came libertarians, conservatives, or the mainstream media then you have been misinformed. Putin might become problem if he got more power, or he might not, who knows, but right now all the evil is coming from the US, and its vassals states like the UK and Europe. Anyone who follows the Aangirfan site will know this.
If Putin is standing up to this evil then there's hope it can be defeated and we can all be set free, and set free from this miserable form of fake capitalism that destroys countries, causes mass immigration, ruins our environment, drives everyone into poverty and slavery, and causes endless wars for profits.
Welcome to the real world.
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 13:47
Winston Churchill was scum, another psychopath, probably worse than Hitler. Another mass murderer.
Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 12:47
Anonymous 1 January 2016 at 22:39
And happy new year to you Aangirfan.
You put in a lot of hard work, perhaps you're hoping you're going to help change the world; because it is so bad, we have to try. I find lots of interesting stuff here and I pass it on to other prominent people and sites. And stuff I find there that I post here. Let's hope ordinary people wake up and see what's going on.
You work very hard at this, Aangirfan, and I do my small bit too. Let's hope eventually some of it pays off. Lets hope we finally see some of these bastards in prison, or all of them in prison.
I had this fantasy the other day. I woke up and all in the news it said that there had been a coup in America. Obama may have even been behind it, and all the neocons had been arrested for treason.
That grinning Blair should be the first to go to prison. When he was bombing Iraq hundreds of thousands were being killed or maimed, because it estimated that for every one person killed ten more people are injured. At the height of the bombing campaign he was boasting to the press that he was at it 15 times a night, or more. People have lost limbs, been made death and blind, thousands of families have lost love ones, and many mothers will probably never get over it, their lives ruined forever, and Blair is full of himself boasting about his sexual gymnastics. Bastard! No wonder you work so hard at this, Aangirfan.
Anonymous 2 January 2016 at 07:04
Sex rituals during terror drills?
Anonymous 31 December 2015 at 12:33
Free Trade Explained In An Excellent Comic
By Michael Goodwin, Illustrated by Dan E. Burr
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are the latest in a long line of international free trade agreements. But why are they bad for the majority of people and the planet and what are the justifications given by politicians, economists and big corporations for pushing them? This fanstastic comic explains: