
In 1996, in Australia, Franca Arena (above) suggested that retired Supreme Court judge David Yeldham and former New South Wales MP Frank Arkell should be investigated as possible child abusers.

Franca Arena was, until 1999, a member of the New South Wales Legislative Council.

Frank Arkell being arrested in 1997. Frank Arkell was murdered in 1998.

Franca Arena was attacked for being unsympathetic to certain gay people.

Franca Arena's two sons are gay.

When Franca Arena first discovered this, in 1990, she was 'devasted'.

Franca has written:

"I am happy to say that Joe and I are now reconciled with our sons, whom we love and accept for what they are.

"The fact that our sons are gay is not important to us any more.

"What is important is that they are both good men: intelligent, capable and honest, with real values."

(FRANCA: My Story, by Franca Arena, published by Simon & Schuster.)

In 1996 Franca Arena was keen that the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service should investigate child abuse allegedly carried out by judges and lawyers.

When she named retired Supreme Court judge David Yeldham and former New South Wales MP Frank Arkell, both men strenuously denied being child abusers.

However, Yeldham was discovered to be involved with boy prostitutes, and he died in mysterious circumstances on 4 November 1996.[2]

Frank Arkell was murdered on 26 June 1998.

Alastair McAlpine lived in Australia for many years.

Police apprehended Yeldham at least twice after complaints were made about his behaviour in lavatories. In December 1988 he was found in a cubicle with another male.

No charges were ever laid against him.

His case was handled by the Special Branch, which appears to have let him off the hook.

Yeldham admitted that he always paid money to men to have sex with him.

He maintained that he "could tell by looking" if one of his "encounters" was under 18.

The Independent.


Franca arena claimed that an unnamed New South Wales judge was a Satanic murderer

The Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service cleared Yeldham and Arkell of any wrongdoing, and found that Arena's claims of a high-level cover-up of child abuse activity were "false in all respects".

In 1999, Arena stood for re-election under the name of a new party, the "Franca Arena Child Safety Alliance".

She received only 0.4 percent of the vote, and immediately announced her retirement from political life.

John Marsden

John Marsden once entered a seminary to study for the priesthood.

Franca Arena made allegations against John Marsden.

The NZ Herald reported:

Channel Seven claimed that John Marsden, who became a Sydney lawyer, frequented boy brothels to commit rape, sodomy and sadistic whippings.

The Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service did reveal a world of "rough trade" and "rent boys."

One of Marsden's alleged victims jumped or was pushed to his death from a balcony.

Allegations have been made of intimidation of witnesses.

As many as six witnesses have died.

The NZ Herald reported:

Increasingly it became clear that police were accepting payments to protect organised child abuse rings.

Those involved include high-profile businessmen, public officials, priests and teachers.

At clubs, such as Costellos in Kings Cross, young boys were procured, drugged and sodomised by a wealthy clientele.

At a farm run as a perverted coastal resort south of Sydney, the "attractions" extended to bestiality.

In 2001, Justice David Levine ruled that Channel Seven had failed to prove its allegations of child sexual abuse by Marsden.

Marsden was awarded A$525,000 in damages and legal costs

In 1994, Marsden had been appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for his service to the Law Society of New South Wales and the community.[19]

John Marsden died mysteriously while on holiday in Turkey on 17 May 2006.

His funeral was attended by Gough Whitlam (above).


There are pedophile rings which include government officials, politicians, TV executives, TV presenters and the police.

This is how it works worldwide.

Reina Michaelson has written:

federaljack.com/ebooks/ / Dr Reina Michaelson - Declarepeace.org.uk

"My child abuse prevention organisation" was infiltrated by members of a police-protected top pedophile ring in Australia.

"The members of the network include senior management and executives from a major television network, media celebrities, high-ranking politicians, police officers in charge of pedophile and child pornography investigations, senior management representatives from the Department of Education, directors of "child-focused" service clubs, wealthy businessmen, and others.

"In 1995 I started running Australia's first child sexual abuse prevention program in schools... My assistant and I were at a particular high school in the northern region working with Year 9 boys.

"We received a note written anonymously by one of the boys asking 'What do you do if you get raped by a teacher and no-one will believe you? What happens if you get raped and you enjoy it?'...

A teacher called 'Dick Newman' came under suspicion.

(Names in this article have been disguised)

"Later that afternoon I learnt that the car I had been driving had been rammed in the school's car-park..."

"When I interviewed the boy who had asked the questions about sexual abuse by a teacher and not being believed, he huddled into a foetal position, started crying, and said he could not tell me what happened.

"When I asked him why he couldn't tell me, he replied that he had been threatened with his life. His best friend told me he would never tell what had happened....

"I was to learn later that there is a Satanic cult operating in Goldtown...

"The Satanic cult is very powerful within the town, and was headed up by the most powerful and influential families of the town... 'Jeff Kennett', the powerful politician ... has significant 'business operations' extremely close to Goldtown, and he was driven (by his driver) to this location every week.

"Mick was introduced to the satanic cult as a very young child by an extended relative...

"From everything that I have been told by Mick, the cult appears to be the Order Templis Orientus (Illuminati), operating in Australia.

"Mick now suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder /DID but has survived his experiences remarkably well considering the traumas he has been through.

"As a child Mick was forced to attend blood-rituals, where animals and small children were sacrificed and their blood and organs consumed.

"Mick was required to clean up the blood after these rituals.

"The children and babies were street children or were taken from orphanages, so that they could not be traced and no-one would know, or care, if they went missing.

"The rituals were spoken in Latin and were clearly satanic. The rituals took place at various locations, including Goldtown.

"Mick and other children would be driven to the rituals in the boots of cars.

"The members of the cult were extremely powerful members of society. There were numerous politicians (mainly from the conservative party).

"These people would often speak of important events before they would actually occur.

"Mick was also sexually abused by 'Gerald Oanasis', the famous television personality and professional partner of 'Bert Newton'.

"Mick was one of the many children who were used to 'host' parties of the cult members.

"At these parties the children acted as waiters and were naked...

"Children who tried to escape were killed, often in front of the other children in order to control the children through fear.

"Once Mick and another child had tried to escape but were caught. The other child was murdered by having her head smashed open with a rock. Her body was then dumped in a nearby mineshaft. Mick was spared the same fate, as he was told that he was the 'chosen one', selected to carry on the traditions of the group."


"Mick was forced to participate in the production of child pornography, including movies as well as still photographs. This involved sexual activity with other children as well as adults. He would get paid a small amount for his sexual 'services', while the relative who brought him to the events would get paid a large amount of money.

"As he got older, Mick was no longer used for sexual purposes by the group but was required to recruit new younger children. When he was old enough (in his 20's), Mick was able to escape the group but they continue to contact him with threats...

"I discovered that there is an Australian Internet-based group called 'Shine'.

"The site includes a membership section where members are able to exchange photos ... It is a child pornography club that operates similar to the notorious Wonderland club...

"Later that year, the Department of Education put on a concert involving thousands of children.

"They chose to call it 'Shine'...

"My family and I were subjected to harassment and surveillance. For example, nearly every day there would be a car out the front of my parent's home (where I had now moved to, for safety reasons), with two men just sitting there.

"The men often had large walkie-talkies... I was often followed by men in white shiny cars with the number plates beginning with VHA and was to later learn that these cars were often used as government vehicles...

"We also received unusual phone-calls at that time, clicking noises over the phone and sometimes the phone-calls were actively intercepted with heavy breathing or laughter or shuddering screams. My incoming mail was very clearly being interfered with...

"A further interesting incident occurred at Melbourne's largest brothel.

"An armed intruder stole a relatively small amount of cash from the brothel, but was led to the safe where videotapes of clients engaging in sexual activities were kept.

"Video tapes of clients were 'stolen', including those of Jeff Kennett, a frequent client of this establishment. A reliable contact informed me that the theft was actually an 'inside job'...


"It was also around this time that a number of children connected to the child pornography industry were either killed in suspicious circumstances, or tortured.

"I was working with a young girl and was very concerned for her safety at this time. I told a trusted police officer of my concerns for this girl. A week later she had been rushed to hospital. An unregistered "tank" (her word, meaning a very solidly built car) had come out of nowhere and slammed into the car in which she was a passenger. Thankfully, she survived...

"Brian Hardiman informed me briefly about a case in the early 1990's.

"I did my own research into this case and discovered that it involved a creche in the Mornington Peninsula region.

"A high-profile group of men were sexually abusing, torturing and hypnotising the children.

"The owner and his wife took the children out of the centre during the day to the homes of the rich and powerful, where the children would be sexually abused, tortured and filmed.

"The children were also subjected to satanic ritual abuse. This case was almost identical to those in the U.S (Little Rascals, McMartin and others).

"The offenders were wealthy and powerful men in the community and included police officers.

"Video copies of the children being abused were obtained ... However, when the story went public, the video tapes went 'missing' and the police claimed that they never received them.

"Ultimately, the police did not take any action against the owner of the creche, on the grounds that the children were too young to be viewed as credible witnesses. While there was conclusive evidence that four of the children had been raped or sexually abused while at the day care centre, the owner was never charged.

"A concerned parent with links to the underworld offered the head of a bikie group $10,000 to inflict enough damage so as to ensure that the owner of the creche could never sexually abuse another child again. The head of the bikie group said that they knew about the owner of the creche, and what he was up to, however, they could not do the job. Much as they would like to, the owner had protection from the very highest levels. He was untouchable.

"When the Mornington Peninsula child-care-centre case broke, an investigative journalist infiltrated an elite child-pornography and pedophile club based in Melbourne. Its members were all wealthy and elite members of Melbourne society. It was chaired by the CEO of a major Melbourne Charitable Trust. This article included information on their use of telephone monitoring, courtesy of the group's contacts within Telecom.


"The children from the Mornington Peninsula child-care-centre reported being taken to a "pink" room with a spa and other significant decor. It was in a house where the children were sexually abused, tortured and filmed (amongst other locations). Three children independently identified the house that they had been taken to, to the investigators. Sure enough, the room had been painted a dusty-pink color, and it had a spa and the other decor items described by the children.

"However, as you now know, no further action was taken against the owner of the child-care-centre, nor others suspected of being involved in the ring. What is most significant however, is that the pink house WAS REGISTERED TO THE VICTORIA POLICE...

"A final note on the Department of Education investigation. I received a letter stating that Dick Newman had been cleared of all charges, as the witnesses could not substantiate my claims. However, of the pool of eight witnesses I had provided ONLY ONE HAD BEEN CONTACTED and she clearly re-affirmed the concerns about Dick Newman. Another cover-up of the highest order and complete protection given to one of the untouchable pedophile elite."

Campbell, former Police Minister.

In 2007 and 2008, David Campbell was Police Minister in New South Wales, in Australia. (David Campbell.)

In May 2010 it was revealed that, while Transport Minister in New South Wales, the married David Campbell used a ministerial car to visit Ken's of Kensington, a gay sex club in Sydney. (Australian MP resigns over sex scandal)

Ken's of Kensington has facilities for "sex on the premises, including private cubicles and specially-themed fantasy rooms."

There has been speculation that Campbell's personal life could have been used to blackmail him while he was Police Minister in 2007 and 2008.

In 2008 the former New South Wales Police Minister Matthew Brown was forced to resign after dancing semi-naked on a green leather sofa and simulating a sex act.

In 2008, the former New South Wales Aboriginal Affairs Minister Milton Orkopoulos was jailed for child sex.

In 1999, two journalists from Australia's Sun-Herald claimed to have seen evidence of the ritual abuse of children.

They interviewed six mothers whose children had disclosed experiences of SRA and organised abuse in New South Wales.

The children's disclosures were corroborating, although they had never met one another, and they had been able to draw representations of "satanic" ritual sites which were similar to ritual sites uncovered by police on the central coast of New South Wales.(List of satanic ritual abuse allegations. )

British children sent to Australia (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2009/nov/16/)

In the late 1980s, a number of children at a daycare centre in the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia, began disclosing experiences of organised and ritualistic sexual abuse to their parents and the police.[3]

Their disclosures included instances in which they were taken in a car from the creche to a nearby house, undressed by adults and sexually assaulted, video-taped and filmed while naked, and urinated and defecated upon by adults.

The children disclosed that some of the abusers wore police uniforms....

[4] List of satanic ritual abuse allegations

In 2002, Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon refers complaints about the mishandling of the case by police to the Victorian Ombudsman.

An officer from the Ethical Standards Department was stood down a year later from the Ombudsman's investigation for "incompetence" after failing to pass on information from two key witnesses, and claiming that he never spoke to them when phone records proved that he had.

One of the witnesses referred to a tape of child pornography showing men in police uniforms sexually assaulting children from the daycare centre, however, this lead was never followed up by the police.

British children sent to Australia (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2009/nov/16/)

Another witness identified the house in which the children had been assaulted as being owned by a police officer.[7]

The principal of a private college on the Mornington Peninsula repeatedly told the Department of Human Services that a 12-year-old boy disclosed ongoing sexual abuse by an organised group of men wearing police uniforms.

According to the principal, all records of the child's complaint vanished.

A Victoria Police spokesman said he was not aware that files had disappeared. The police declined to press charges, saying the boy had been "too well groomed" by the pedophiles and probably would not testify in court.[8]

Sexual abuse was common at Bindoon Boys Town, in Australia.

The boys called their Catholic guardians the 'Christian Buggers'.

In 2001, an inquiry into Bindoon, by the Australian Senate (The sad truth behind Britain's lost children), was told about:

1. Rape.

2. Children scrambling for breadcrumbs on the floor.

3. A boy being forced to shoot and skin a horse he considered to be his only friend.

In the two decades after World War II, the UK government took around 10,000 children from UK Children's Homes and sent them to Australia.

Many of these children were to become a form of slave labour.

Some of the children ended up at Bindoon Boys Town.

At Bindoon there were regular floggings and there was regular child sexual abuse.

Former Bindoon boy John Hennessy speaks with a stutter.

He recalls being stripped naked and publicly flogged at Bindoon.

Mick Snell, who was sent to the Methodists Dalmar House in Sydney, says: "A lot are starting to top themselves... I dream I'm back there and I'm locked up, being verbally abused and whacked. I wake up in a cold sweat." (The sad truth behind Britain's lost children)

Snell had to get up before 4am to milk the cows and had to work until dark.

"You had no one to turn to," says Snell.

Outsiders would take some boys out for the day.

"I know for a fact they were rock spiders (paedophiles). The kids that were involved, they didn't like talking about it," says Snell.

At Bindoon there was no teaching and several former inmates are illiterate.

"The abuse was orchestrated by a former Whitlam Government Education Minister Kim Edward Beazley, a police commissioner, an Australian sporting icon, a Sydney University lecturer and a prominent screen actor."

The top Nazis were pedophiles and many Nazis went to Australia after World War II.

Reportedly, the Sydney area has a major paedophile ring, made up of Nazis, Catholics, policemen, academics, politicians, the CIA and others.

Thousands of Nazi war criminals were knowingly offered asylum in Australia.

This is documented in the book, Sanctuary! Nazi Fugitives in Australia and various newspaper articles.

Australian Nazis. "The ring which abused Fiona included police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors, including a local Engadine GP named Doctor Mark."

Fiona Barnett's family, who had Nazi connections, moved to Australia.

A 1951 marriage certificate records that Fiona's grandmother Helena married a Nazi called Peter Holowczak in Australia.

Peter Holowczak sexually assaulted Fiona from her earliest years until age 12.

Trapped inside Australia’s vast child abuse network (Part 1)

Hitler preferred boys.

Peter used to entertain young Fiona with stories about the 'olden days' in Poland when he killed Jews for a living in a death camp.

Peter and Helena often took Fiona to be sexually abused by members of the Nazi community who had settled in an area south of Sydney which ran from the Sutherland Shire to Wollongong.

These Nazis "practised the mystery religion that underpinned Nazism."

Peter and Helena Holowczak gave Fiona over to a national child sex trafficking ring when she was preschool age.

The ring included police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors, including a local Engadine GP named Doctor Mark.

The CIA's John Gittinger. It is the security services which protect the pedophile rings. The CIA used child abuse and Satanism to control governments.

The network also involved former CIA and U.S. military psychologist Dr John W. Gittinger, the developer of the Personality Assessment System.

Dr. John Gittinger raped and abused Fiona.

This child trafficking ring also engaged in other crimes including gun and drug trafficking.

Fiona witnessed child sex trafficking between Sydney, Wollongong, Bathurst, and Canberra.

Bathurst City Hall - "a traditional venue for paedophile orgies during the 1970s and 1980s."

Crimes were committed in the Engadine BoysTown chapel;

Holsworthy military barracks;

Regina Coeli Memorial Catholic church;

St John’s College Catholic Chapel at Sydney University;

The Caltex oil refinery in Kurnell;

Garrawarra Cemetery;

Bathurst City Hall;

And in many of the national parks located between Sydney and Wollongong.

Fiona witnessed multiple acts of child abduction, drugging, child sexual assault, torture and murder.

Members of the paedophile ring were sexually aroused by necrophilia, bestiality and sadism.

The ring also contained a large number of female perpetrators.

At age of 15 years, Fiona witnessed the wife of an Engadine police officer lure a 15-year-old boy into her car at Cronulla Beach.

The boy was murdered.

Alleged crime scene: Garrawarra Cemetery near Waterfall.

At age eight years, Fiona suffocated while being abused.

She lost consciousness and awoke in the Sutherland Hospital.

A female nurse told her that her mother was present.

It was not her mother. It was the Engadine policeman’s wife.

Dr Mark got the hospital staff to release Fiona into his care.

Bathurst car race 1985

In 1985, Fiona witnessed approximately 10 children raped and murdered in Bathurst, during the weekend of the Bathurst car race.

Some of these children were victims of kidnappings.

Other children were born unregistered so that they could be used as sex slaves.


"The abuse was orchestrated by a former Whitlam Government Education Minister Kim Beazley, a police commissioner, an Australian sporting icon, a Sydney University lecturer and a prominent screen actor."

The prominent screen actor raped Fiona in front of a large crowd that included numerous priests and police.

From the age of 16 years Fiona began disclosing the abuse to health professionals.

None of them reported the allegations to the police.

David Campbell, discredited former Police Minister. LAND OF CHILD ABUSING POLICE, CLERGY AND POLITICIANS.

Fiona feared reporting the abuse to the New South Wales police because policemen were among the perpetrators.

Fiona had witnessed people being tortured and murdered for disclosing - or for trying to leave - the paedophile ring.

Bathhurst, near Sydney.

In 2008, there was publicity surrounding abuse at the private Catholic boarding school Saint Stanislaus College in Bathurst, NSW.

After reading this in the Herald Sun (August 27, 2008) Fiona felt it would be safe to report her experiences to the New South Wales (NSW) police and be taken seriously.

Fiona contacted the NSW police and the detective in charge of the St Stanislaus, Bathurst case, Justin Hadley.

Fiona briefly described to Hadley the crimes she had witnessed in 1985 in the Bathurst City Hall and he asked her to go to her local police station.

Alleged site of paedophile sex orgies at the Bathurst City Hall

Tweed Heads police refused to take Fiona's formal statement.

They mocked her witness testimony, and sent me home.

She never heard from them again about this matter.

Tor Nielson

Tor Nielsen had provided similar information to the NSW Police.

Nielsen reported witnessing 60 children being raped in the same Bathurst location Fiona had named.

Nielson also noted that St Stanislaus College has accommodated the NSW police during theBathurst car races for many decades.

Paul Evans, convicted Engadine BoysTown paedophile priest; relative of Regina Coeli founding priest.

Tor Nielsen’s testimony was detailed on his website ‘The Catholic Cover-up’.

The Catholic Church forced him to to remove the site just prior to the announcement of the current Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Blood tests revealed that Nielsen was drugged with a substance that induced psychosis.

Nielsen alleges that the drugs were administered by corrupt NSW health practitioners.

The NSW Director of Public Prosecutions dropped the charges against St Stanislaus' staff and priests.

Maltese children sent to 'child abuse' children's homes in Australia.(State Library of Western Australia, The Battye Library 005086D.) (310 Maltese child migrants were sent to Australia?)

Multiple victims then came forward.

The authorities were forced to bring charges against certain St Stanislaus staff.

However, Tor Nielsen's lawyer mysteriously fell out of an 18-story window after Nielson publicly exposed the Bathurst paedophile ring.

Lawyer Frederick Jordon Chambers, a former St Stanislaus student, was due to testify at one of the College’s paedophile trials.

Before he could appear, he was found dead.

St Stanislaus College, Bathurst

Fiona wrote to the NSW police minister and to the NSW police commissioner.

The police commissioner essentially dismissed her complaint.

This is in spite of the fact that the testimony of Tor Nielsen and Fiona tallied with other reports of victims abused at Engadine BoysTown and Bathurst.

In her letters to the NSW police minister and commissioner, Fiona requested that her witness testimony be written down and supplied to the taskforce assigned to investigate the Engadine BoysTown paedophile ring.

Boys Town Engadine, re-named Dunlea Centre

In 2013, Fiona tried to contact Justin Hadley, the Bathurst detective in charge of the St Stanislaus operation.

Hadley’s colleague told Fiona that it was too late for her information to be provided to police or to benefit the Bathurst victims.

Fiona left a message for Hadley to contact her, but he never did.

Alleged crime scene: St John Bosco Catholic Church, adjacent to Engadine BoysTown

Following Fiona's publication of her first article regarding a northern NSW paedophile ring, she received several threats.

Wollongong City Council was referred to in the Wood Royal Commission investigation into the NSW Police Service.

Two former Wollongong Lord Mayors, Tony Bevan and Frank Arkell, reportedly ran a paedophile ring in the 1960s to 1990s.

The ring involved child sex trafficking between Wollongong and Sydney.

This was the same child trafficking ring that Fiona witnessed as a child.

Both mayors were ritually murdered.

Wollongong Mayors Tony Bevan and Frank Arkell: alleged child sex traffickers. Both were brutally murdered.

Ring banner featuring trade mark eagle, allegedly erected at major paedophile gatherings including Regina Coeli Catholic Church and Bathurst City Hall stage.

Rapes and murders in Canadian boarding schools; thousands died. / Jersey Child Abuse and the Jersey Police / AUSTRALIAN JEWS UNDER SURVEILLANCE


1. GOOGLE appears to be making some of our posts on this subject almost impossible to find.

2. The TROLLS will now post comments in various places asking why we are being critical of WHITE CHRISTIANS in Australia, and, why we are posting pictures of children.

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