Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan had a rocking time last year at the Box Office with their releases- ‘Chennai Express’ and ‘Dhoom 3’ respectively. These films broke several Box Office records and went on to set new standards for Bollywood films. But the one who was missing from action in 2013 was Salman Khan.
The hunk of an actor, who delivered 5 blockbusters since 2009 with ‘Wanted’, ‘Dabangg’, ‘Bodyguard’, ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ and ‘Dabangg 2’- did not have a single release last year but has decided to make a splash on the silver screen yet again with ‘Jai Ho’ this Friday.
Directed by his brother, Sohail Khan, ‘Jai Ho’ also stars the very talented Tabu, newcomer Sana Khan and Daisy Shah.
Salman’s dearest friend and contemporary- Aamir Khan- has been promoting ‘Jai Ho’ on Twitter as a token of thanks to the ‘Dabangg’ superstar for wearing his trade mark ‘Dhoom 3’ hat on ‘Bigg Boss’ season 7 and thus endorsing the action thriller.
Fans of Salman Khan are certainly looking forward to seeing the 48-year-old bachelor sizzle on the big screen again. Are you too?