Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan will revive the popular character Balram Naidu, a police officer from 2008 Tamil action-comedy Dasavatharam, in his upcoming yet-untitled tri-lingual comedy.
“Kamal will play Balram Naidu in his new film. Audiences will be introduced to his (Balram Naidu’s) family for the first time. It’s an out-and-out comedy flick interspersed with sporadic action sequences. The regular shooting will start from the second week of May,”
Actress Ramya Krishnan will play Kamal’s wife in the film, which will also star Shruti Haasan as their daughter. Kamal and Shruti will be playing father-daughter on the big screen for the very first time. Veteran Telugu comedian Brahmanandam will play the character Appa Rao, Kamal’s sidekick.
“Most of the film will be shot in the US. The makers have hired international make-up crew to take care of Kamal’s look in the film,” the source added.
The film, which is being produced by Raaj Kamal International, will be simultaneously shot in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. Maestro Ilaiyaraaja, who has been roped in to compose the tunes, chose the title for the film’s Tamil version, which will be officially unveiled in few days. The movie will witness the much awaited collaboration of Kamal Haasan and Ilaiyaraaja after 11 long years.