
Nicole Scherzinger finds dresses by Victoria Beckham make her more “poised”.

The singer is known for stunning on the red carpet and is often spotted in flattering pieces created by the British designer.

Nicole is a fan of Victoria’s clothes because they make her feel a certain way about herself.

“I love Victoria Beckham’s look,” she gushed to British magazine Closer.

“Her dress designs give me the confidence to stand in a very poised way.

“I think in the UK you can afford to take more style risks, so I have great fun choosing outfits. I dress a bit safer when I’m in the States.”

Nicole rose to fame in the The Pussycat Dolls, alongside Ashley Roberts, Kimberly Wyatt, Carmit Bachar, Jessica Sutta and Melody Thornton.

The band was known for its risqué outfit choices, but Nicole has spoken about suffering from an eating disorder in the past and there are still parts of her body she’s reluctant to show.

“I don’t like my thighs, the back of my legs or my chubby knees – I never have,” she admitted.

“But I don’t let it restrict the outfits I wear.”

The 35-year-old says her go-to outfits are leather jackets or anything with strong shoulder pads.

While she’s now worked out what looks good, she still likes to mix up her style.

“It takes time to really understand your body shape – it has taken me years to accept what I can and can’t pull off. I love a dress that is well-fitted, classy, sexy and feminine,” she said.

“I don’t think anyone should have a signature outfit. Fashion is about being brave, making mistakes and having fun.”

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The post Scherzinger: VB’s classy appeared first on The New 94.9.

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