Author: TonyGosling
Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:36 am (GMT 0)
Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family; Supports Death Squads, Dictators, Drugs, Disinformation ... and the CNP
By: Joel v.d. Reijden | Date: Jan. 17, 2016 | Updated: Feb. 21, 2016 | Alternative Media Study Center
1. How I stumbled across a conservative troll cave in Austin
2. Alex Jones' lobby bombs and no planes of 9/11
3. The Jones-Kucinich chemtrail alliance
4. For king and Council for National Policy
5. Jones praises CNP apartheid, death squad and CIA drug trafficking supporter
6. The CIA in CNP
7. CNP guests of Alex Jones
8. CNP-tied admiral looking for "infowarriors" in CNP and Jones-tied WorldNetDaily
9. Franklin affair
10. 2011: The John Birch Society toddler
11. 2013: A first Opie & Anthony admission
12. 2014: "My dad, CIA dentist"
13. 2014: The uncle from Guatemala
14. 2015: Innocent uncle becomes ''Oliver North of the army''
15. Guatemala: decades of CIA, ASC and CNP-backed death squads against the poor
16. Herr Jones, Machiavellian corporate fascist
17. CIA, anti-Eastern Eastern Establishment propaganda, and the Jones family
18. Concluding summary
19. 2016: Jones tired of CIA talk, but does work with "branches of different agencies"
20. Appendix A: Alex Jones in a nutshell
21. Appendix B: Alex Jones - Piers Morgan debate on CNN
22. Notes
"If it is necessary to turn the country into a cemetery in order to pacify it, I will not hesitate to do so."
Colonel Carlos Arana Osorio, president of Guatemala 1970-1974, backed by the American Security Council and Council for National Policy network in the U.S. Did the Guatemalan "government contacts" of Alex Jones' uncle William Hamman extend to Arana or his allies? [1]
"The guerrilla is the fish. The people are the sea. If you cannot catch the fish, you have to drain the sea."
General Efrain Rios Montt, president of Guatemala 1982-1983, backed by the American Security Council and Council for National Policy network in the U.S. Did the Guatemalan "government contacts" of Alex Jones' uncle William Hamman extend to Montt or his allies? [2]
"There's a left-wing CFR-funded conspiracy theory that says some group called the CNP runs everything [bored expression]. It's a total diversion... Absolutely [Howard Phillips and Richard Viguerie are excellent CNP mentors]. And Howard Phillips has been fighting the New World Order forever."
August 31, 2010, Alex Jones in conversation with fellow-no-planer Joel Skousen. Viguerie and Phillips were among the staunchest American Security Council supporters of dictators, death squad leaders and CIA drug-traffickers around the world. (mp3)
"Hmm, big passenger liner, even if it hit, its engines would have hit 20 yards out, 15 yards out. You would have seen those smash up or make holes, but it didn't. It was just this 16 foot hole and later, you know, they came in and dumped sand everywhere to make it look like it was worse and you've got some spools there and the grass is doing just fine. ... Classic black op to shoot a missile into there and say it was an aircraft and have it fly low and the doomsday aircraft above. ... Any harassment you went through? ... What an incredible radio show today, wooh! David Icke, coming up!"
September 18, 2008, Alex Jones spreading the usual no-plane disinformation during his interview with Pentagon employee and 9/11 survivor April Gallop. (mp3)
"So much is happening. We even had Lou Dobbs on today. He sent me an email and said: "I appreciate what you are doing." ... To see Glenn Beck now come out all the way about poisoning the water, massive extermination, death camps [is] so vindicating. ... Well, George Noory, I wanna get you on my official radio show from 11 to 2 in the next few weeks about all this UFO stuff. ... They've got this signal from another planet that looks like it's a communication ... There's no doubt that there's stuff going on. There's no doubt that Ezekiel and other books of the bible, like Genesis, talk about literal giant craft with fire coming out and guys with blue helmets on and giving people stuff, and genetic engineering, and Noah, and all the rest of it, but then to have Project Blue Beam, and I want you to finish up with this... I can't think of anybody whose voice and intellect and just overall radio presence is more powerful than Art Bell's, but overall you took Coast to Coast 6-7 years ago into a completely new direction, bringing in the hardcore [patriot] issues and I remember being on your show 6 years ago [initiating this]."
October 16, 2010, Alex Jones when George Noory calls in during his "Moneybomb Marathon". Apparently Jones believes aliens started the United Nations conspiracy. Some serious begging, bragging and ass-kissing is going on with Jones here, who appears to be trying to establish himself as the perfect Coast to Coast AM "asset". Seems he'll push whatever to get fame and fortune. Noory, in the mean time, is talking back to Jones about the "Illuminati", "New World Order", "cashless society", "false flags" and microchipping everybody. (mp3)
"I wanna be clear: Infowars is the first wave in this [NWO exposing]. ... Somebody like Senator Barry Goldwater in the fifties, U.S. senator with classified briefings, with the Pentagon coming out and warning him there's a multinational banking cartel owned by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others that wants to bring in a planetary, technocratic dictatorship. ... He said there is a plan to take over all religions, all banking, all family, all education, all industry. ... Just type in 'Barry Goldwater quotes on world government', 'Barry Goldwater quotes on Trilateral Commission'. And Americans listened to Barry Goldwater, they organized. People like [the CNP's] Phyllis Schlafly and others, they battled. They fought hard. [The CNP's] Pat Buchanan. Even Richard Nixon to a certain extent. ... Grandma was listening to Barry Goldwater. Ron Paul was listening to Barry Goldwater. I was really thinking about it the other day: Who is the most prominent person at the beginning of the real resistance to the globalists who really did the most damage to them in a chain reaction? ... Barry Goldwater, the first wave. Ron Paul, the second wave. Matt Drudge, at the end of the second wave. Alex Jones, at the beginning of the third wave."
February 12, 2016, Alex Jones on his own show, once again confirming what ISGP has been saying all along. Goldwater was a favorite of the murderous American Security Council and CNP. He and his good friend General Curtis LeMay, a person who tried to initiate WWIII with the Russians in the 50s and 60s, also spread Roswell UFO crash disinformation. What a role model to have for people questioning government, such as Alex Jones.
How I stumbled across a conservative troll cave in Austin
alex jones
Alex Jones and cousin and Infowars co-founder Buckley Hamman: both involved in the production of 9/11: The Road to Tyranny. If you're gonna watch a film of Alex Jones, I recommend Terrorstorm.
For me personally it was in the 2001-2003 period that I first developed a few questions about the way our government worked, largely related to the live reports of huge explosions at the time of the World Trade Center collapses and the May 2002 assassination of would-be prime minister Pim Fortuyn (the Dutch Donald Trump). Then, in 2003, I was experimenting with a ketogenic diet, got amazing results, and began to wonder where all this mainstream science against saturated fat and cholesterol was based upon. When you see government-issued food recommendations with cake and meat both listed under "saturated fat" you know that the authorities aren't doing their homework.
When I first took matters into my own hands with regard to conspiracy in early 2004 and began to use the internet to look up information, it quickly turned out that others were asking similar questions, especially with regard to 9/11. Alex Jones' websites Infowars and Prisonplanet were impossible to miss, of course, and I soon found myself watching Jones' 2004 film 9/11: The Road to Tyranny, Googling just about every article he showed on screen and every claim he made. The rest is history: the process of creating ISGP was already underway.
9/11: The Road to Tyranny made a considerable impression on me for a number of reasons. Just learning about the concept and practical examples of false flag operations to get from the masses the reaction political leaders are looking for, or get them to exchange liberty for security, was a real eye-opener. I certainly was never taught about this in school or any other place, despite the fact that it is something that should be part of every citizen's first aid package of political knowledge. Sure, it's impossible to accuse a western government of these type of practices without some kind of opposing establishment voicing this opinion through the media and make it acceptable, but knowing about the false flag and liberty-for-security concepts is a lot better than nothing.
The amount of unanswered questions Jones brings up in his documentary also very much impressed me. Nobody ever informed me about Bush preventing the FBI from investigating his Saudi friends, including the questionable Bin Laden family; about long-existing plans to go into Iraq, that on the eve of 9/11 Bush was ready to sign papers to involve the U.S. in Afghanistan, or that the steel of the World Trade Center towers was illegally shipped off before the collapse could be analyzed. These are just four facts that we need more information about. And we can easily pose dozens of additional questions to both the 9/11 Commission and NIST. The mainstream media isn't doing it, and that's a mind-bender all by itself for anyone who has grown up thinking we live in a democracy with a free press.
Infowars website, May 6, 1999, the first Webarchive capture. The message is clear: pro-NRA and anti-everything else.
Another subject from one of Alex Jones' early films that greatly intrigued me was government provocateurs mingling with protest groups only to purposely start violent riots. The result is an equally violent police break up of the protests while the media has a field day discrediting the protestors nation-wide, maybe even initiating debates whether or not the government should instate limits to the right to protest (such as the dreaded protest/free speech zones). Without a doubt, this is one of the most devious weapons in any modern democratic government's arsenal and there's definitely evidence, apart from what Jones has presented, that these type of tactics have been employed on occasion. Then again, it's entirely possible to argue that Alex Jones himself is an example of a different type of provocateur, one that doesn't use his fists, but discredits protestors and anyone open to conspiracy with his words and actions.
That brings us to some of the less praiseworthy aspects of 9/11: The Road to Tyranny. The reason I've never recommended or shown the film to anyone is mainly because of a number of viewpoints expressed by Alex Jones in the film. Well, "a number" hardly cuts it. Here are Jones' viewpoints that I had some issue with:
Vague talk about a "New World Order" consisting of "megalomaniacal Satanists" being behind all the modern false flags discussed;
the view that the Oklahoma bomb couldn't have done the damage that it did;
The damage Timothy McVeigh's truck did to the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma with 5,000 pounds of TNT-equivalent explosive. Nine out of 13 barrels consisted of ANNM, four were filled with the weaker ANFO and an additional 350 pounds of Tovex was used in detonators. The truck was parked right against the building with the barrels arranged into a "makeshift" shaped charge. Based on this info, it seems obvious that columns at ground level would have been weakened and the first few floors severely destabilized by the blast, causing the floors above them to collapse in that section of the building. There's also symmetrical damage with the other side of the road. In other words, don't listen to Alex Jones-backed conspiracy gurus as Ted Gunderson (who only talked about an "ANFO bomb", for starters) and Gen. Benton K. Partin.
Personally, I've seen what 3.7 lb of ANNM fully in the ground can do in terms of damage and am starting to sweat just thinking about what an above-ground blast 1,500 times more powerful would do. Well, look above. But what might be easier to imagine, because there are tons of YouTube clips about it, is two large 2,000 lb JDAMs narrowly missing a building (they contain RDX, which is more powerful than TNT). Damage explained.
Yes, I'm as confused as everyone else by live news reports of multiple devices and I also wouldn't be surprised if the authorities were manipulating a fringe "patriot" subject into committing a crime like this. Nazi "patriots", for example, have been used throughout the Cold War in Europe's "Strategy of Tension". But the damage is totally consistent with one major truck bomb, so don't fall into that trap. Also, Oklahoma stands in stark contrast to 9/11, especially with a somewhat similar-looking Building 7.
a rather devout Christian perspective;
the equating of liberalism and socialism, or even the idea of having any kind of government, with communism;
the dismissal of health care programs;
the equating of eugenics and genocide with the introduction of contraception, the legalization of abortion and (failed) projects to help stabilize population growth in the Third World in the same manner that it has almost stabilized in the First World;
the extreme antipathy towards the United Nations, globalization, or basically any regional treaty;
the dismissal of global warming and even the ozone hole as a United Nations plot to take over the world's resources; [3]
claims that vaccines are poisonous (thimerosal, squalene, cancer viruses) [4] and really are part of a secret United Nations plot to kill 80% of the world population;
the related claim that "the United Nations is preparing to release massive plagues onto the earth, because the elite want the life-extension technologies for themselves."
the ignoring of problems as overpopulation;
the ignoring of the necessity of realpolitik agendas, if only as a deterrent to countries as Russia, China, North Korea, or possibly in the future, African countries;
the promotion of unrestrained gun rights as the primary solution to the globalist take-over. [5]
Booyah!! Jones selling his hormone and brain pills, in part to counter the "globalists" with their "poisonous" vaccinations and chemtrails. The totally shameless do-it-yourself approach is awesome though.
I was a very confused young man after watching some of Alex Jones' documentaries. It's not even that a naive social democrat from western Europe can learn a few lessons from strict constitutionalists as Alex Jones, but what the heck was this all about? The opinions are so extreme. While undoubtedly elites have entertained the idea of culling the Third World masses if the population situation gets too dire - at least one Rockefeller-funded scientist has proposed it [6] - Jones is blowing isolated facts completely out of proportion. He could have easily made many of the same arguments, if he voiced his concerns in a more measured manner. Then again, with some of his other opinions, like with vaccines or the ozone hole, he's purposely misrepresenting the facts. Or, more accurately maybe, leaving them out altogether. Considering it's obvious from other segments of his documentary that Jones is very savvy, why would he be doing this? Well, I'd never heard of the John Birch Society at that point, nor the Council for National Policy and a number of related ultraright Christian conservative groups, many of them tightly linked to national security. But now I have. And now I have a few things to write about.
Alex Jones' lobby bombs and no planes of 9/11
August 7, 2009: Alex Jones' ''Joker'' special broadcast.
In ISGP's 2014 Cult of National Security Trolls article already clear evidence was produced that Alex Jones is an asset of the Christian conservative ultraright who copied the John Birch Society bible on the "commie" Eastern Establishment, including Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. Because the world changed with the introduction of broadband internet, Jones added a number of chapters to the bible, including CIA drugs, Gladio terrorism, JFK and 9/11, subjects the John Birch Society never felt the need to touch. No one in today's conspiracy community can be credible without acknowledging basic serious questions surrounding these subjects.
The fact is, anybody with a decent amount of in-depth knowledge of political "intrigue" can see that Jones, apart from discrediting these subjects by behaving like a madman half the time, is always twisting the truth, and coincidentally always in the same manner as all other conspiracy gurus. His 9/11-related guests, for example, are promoting an endless stream of no-plane, basement bombs (falling elevators) and stand-down theories, all of which are obvious hoaxes. Searching the Infowars website anno 2016 for much more legitimate information on NIST's WTC 7 omissions as stiffener plates, support beams, shear studs, and proper seat widths, and there seems to be little to nothing there. It's the same story with all other conspiracies: emphasis is placed on disinformation and trivial issues.
In preparation for this article, I actually more specifically looked for some of Jones' 9/11 theories by listening to clips of his radio show and also by rewatching a number of his documentaries. The situation turns out to be worse than suspected. First, and as the reader may have spotted in one of the opening quotes to this article, Jones is actually a vocal proponent of the no-757-at-Pentagon theory. In order to reach that conclusion one has to very strongly misinterpret/manipulate the available evidence and witness testimony.
January 25, 2010, Alex Jones comes slightly late to a peaceful, orderly and rational 2nd Amendment Rally in Austin, rudely starts to bullhorn over a scheduled speaker, screaming to the police things as "We will never be slaves to the New World Order!" A very nice but distressed lady tries to explain to him how hard she worked on a schedule for speakers and that they had wanted to schedule him in. Jones keeps insulting her: "I don't wanna be part of your schedule. ... You don't control freedom!", "Why are you violating my 1st Amendment?", "Look, you got a hard on for me." After a bit of initial support, more than a few people start accusing him of being COINTELPRO. He doesn't deny, sticking to rude answers and evading questions. [7]
On top of that, while for the first time really sitting down and watching the Jones'-produced 2007 film Loose Change: Final Cut and his 2008 documentary The 9/11 Chronicles, I was stunned at his active effort in distorting the truth about 9/11 along the lines that I just laid out. While some of the basic information is definitely accurate, all kinds of tricks are employed to steer people in the wrong direction. In addition, in The 9/11 Chronicles, Jones was promoting the freshly-established groups We Are Change and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. It's incredible to watch Jones and an almost teenage We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski literally directing large 9/11 Truth crowds through New York City, as they've done in other years as well. This same duo was largely orchestrating the prominent 2007 "hit and runs" on presidential candidates and elites, often with hopelessly unproductive slurs as "Bilderberg scum" and "you're not going to get your New World Order!"
Watching these two films was quite a revelation. Now I know why I had such a bad feeling about firefighter John Schroeder that I never included him in ISGP's main article on the WTC collapses. He is one of two WTC witnesses used in both Alex Jones films to promote manipulative lobby/basement bomb theories. The other is the more well-known Willy Rodriguez, the only Twin Tower witness interviewed right on 9/11 to blatantly change his testimony in later years to make the case of basement bomb theories.
Although, the only one? While writing this article, I also took an additional look at the statements of firefighter Louie Cacchioli. Like Schroeder's, I always had questions about his testimony, largely produced in 2005 by no-planer and anti-Semite Greg Szymanski. If a person like Szymanski gets involved, something simply has to be wrong. But Cacchioli was already briefly interviewed on September 12, 2001 by People magazine, so I always kind of let it slide. Now, while rewatching Jones' three-hour 9/11: The Road to Tyranny it turned out he only devoted 48 seconds to questions surrounding the World Trade Center collapses. There's nothing about the extreme heat; just steel being shipped off prematurely and one on-screen example of a firefighter talking about explosives. Guess who that firefighter was? Louie Cacchioli. Coincidence? I doubt it.
I've read and organized virtually all available testimony of 9/11 firefighters of that day, know where all the fire chiefs and many of the firefighters were at which point and what they described seeing, so it's going to be very hard to fool me in this regard. Most individual accounts perfectly back up each other, but not the one of Cacchioli or Schroeder. With Cacchioli, I noticed the following issues:
Already on September 12, he is talking about having escaped "the second tower" while he means the first tower: the North Tower. If he was assigned to the South Tower, he would be dead. Of course, this is a totally forgivable mistake.
On September 12, he said that on his last trip up with the elevator (the only one that worked) "a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building." That's fine, but the "bomb" was actually the South Tower coming down. It knocked the North Tower's lights out for 30 seconds, as Cacchioli described, and stalled his elevator. A lot of firefighters in the North Tower were thinking a bomb had gone off at this point or were afraid that their own tower was coming down. So right on September 12, Cacchioli's account is still somewhat compatible with the facts.
The 2005 Greg Szymanski's interview with Cacchioli is unbelievably flawed. Cacchioli saw smoke at the 24th floor - for which there exists an explanation (a wall of the elevator had been pushed out here due to debris and burning kerosene coming down, with a smell of kerosine everywhere). He still believed a "bomb" trapped him in the elevator, instead of the cause being the collapse of the South Tower. And he is the only one describing additional explosions and "floors pan caking on top of one another" while still 10-20 floors up in the North Tower. Reaching the end of the interview, I was amazed to read that Cacchioli was well out of the building when the North Tower came down. Like I said, his narrative doesn't fit any other account - and I've analyzed and organized dozens upon dozens.
I've made more detailed comments on Cacchioli's account in ISGP's Twin Tower collapse article. There I also discuss the one of fellow-firefighter John Schroeder. But let's summarize Schroeder's account here also, because it is important in understanding that Jones had no business putting this person in any of his films, let alone as literally the only "inside" witness apart from Rodriguez. Schroeder's false memory syndrome revolves around the following issues:
He claims one of the lobby elevators "exploded" 5 minutes after arriving in the lobby. Not one single firefighter has described this, although plenty wondered if a bomb had exploded in one corner of the lobby. This turned out to be one of the express elevators (several came down actually) that crashed down along with burning kerosene. Just the fact that 9/11 "filmmaker" Gedeon Naudet walked into the North Tower with his camera either at the same time or slightly before Schroeder, proves Schroeder wrong on this claim.
Schroeder also claims that the "Mayday" to evacuate the North Tower was in response to a second plane. This couldn't be more false. This was due to the collapse of the South Tower. The first firefighters were just beginning to ascend the stairs of the North Tower at 9:03 a.m. when the second plane hit.
Schroeder conveniently claims to have been saved by one of the magic keys of scam artist Willy Rodriguez, whom I've not encountered in any other mainstream firefighter's account. Schroeder hasn't explained who the other team members were who were saved by Rodriguez. And is it really a coincidence that Rodriguez is an old protege of professional debunker James Randi, including all things 9/11?
Also, is it really a coincidence that Schroeder is a disgruntled FDNY employee who was fired in November 2004 for failing a cocaine test? Looks to me he was still using at the time of the interview.
Willy Rodriguez and John Schroeder were "reunited" by Manny Badillo, a former neocon air force employee-turned-leading We Are Change activist who plays a prominent role in Alex Jones' The 9/11 Chronicles. In 2011, Badillo, in tandem with Rodriguez, accused 9/11 "truther" Phil Jayhan - a promoter of no-plane and smoke-machines-at-Pentagon claims - of pedophilia. Badillo claimed to have police records on Jayhan. Next thing you know, Badillo is arrested and eventually imprisoned for similar charges. The establishment-backed James Randi also has these charges of pedophilia against him, by the way.
That reminds me, in 2013, The 9/11 Chronicles-featured no-planer Richard Gage enthusiastically brought war veteran John P. Dinatale - with "five engineering degrees!" - on stage at a Rethink911 rally at Madison Square Garden. If Gage would have Googled Dinatale, he would have found out this person is a registered child molester. It appears Gage hasn't found out about this now 2.5 years later, because Dinatale is still listed among the Architect & Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition signers. Apart from his name, unusual mustache and facial features, Dinatale's A&E-listed address also corresponds with the one on the sex offender's flyer. I guess we have to assume it's him.
Richard Gage has repeatedly pushed very obvious disinformation during lectures or while being interviewed by the BBC in 2008, so it's not hard to see why Alex Jones has put him in his films. A summary of all disinformation in the Alex Jones-produced Loose Change: Final Edition and The 9/11 Chronicles can be found in a separate article of ISGP dealing with 9/11's no-planers.
The basic case I'm making here is that the usual pattern can be spotted here. Whenever one investigates the conspiracy community, almost instantly very peculiar characters with equally peculiar backgrounds, opinions, mannerisms, agendas and friends begin to pop up. Whether one investigates the network of Lee Harvey Oswald, the alternative investigators into JFK's death, or even today's "researchers" into the Dutch Demmink affair, twilight zone experiences with all kinds of bizarre individuals are going to ensue.
No-planers Abby Martin and Alex Jones at Bilderberg 2008 with a We Are Change LA representative. Martin's Project Censored is financed by the Tides Foundation and Stern Fund, which basically is the same as being financed by Bilderberg directly.
As already demonstrated to an extent, we see the same trend in Jones' film The 9/11 Chronicles. One example not mentioned is no-planer Abby Martin, who was part of the small team of truth activists. Soon after, she became a host on Russia TV - which invites an endless stream of these scammy individuals on air - and a director of Project Censored, the latter co-financed by the Rockefeller/Soros/Ford Foundation-allied Tides Foundation, Stern Fund and a few other more minor foundations. Project Censored is ran by Dr. Peter Martin Phillips, who, much like Alex Jones, became famous in conspiracy circles for his expose of the Bohemian Grove.
If we look at the Jones' film Terrorstorm, released in 2006, followed by a second edition in 2007, we see the same thing. Persons featured include Paul Joseph Watson and his brother Steve Watson; alleged MI5 whistleblowers David Shayler and Annie Machon; CIA veteran Ray McGovern; Michael Meacher, no less than Tony Blair's environmental minister in the 1997-2003 period; and Charlie Sheen. In addition, Jones is plugging people like Steven Jones, Robert Steele, Paul Craig Roberts and even Morgan Reynolds. Luke Rudkowski also appears for a split-second in some of the activism footage.
All these individuals have their peculiarities. For starters, Shayler, Machon, Sheen, Steele and Reynolds are confirmed no-planers, which readers can check by clicking on their names. We can put the Watson brothers in the same category, considering they are Jones' employees. And Meacher, despite being very well-spoken, very moderate with his accusations and consistently bringing up key points as PNAC, the ridiculously slow responses on 9/11 and the Pakistani ISI connection, has also demonstrated some anomalous behavior. For example, in mid-2006 he tried to show the 2nd edition of Loose Change to members of the British parliament. His support for the film was totally out of character for him. The 2nd edition of Loose Change very prominently tried to make the case that Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon and that Flight 93 never crashed in Pennsylvania - the passengers of the latter plane disappeared by the U.S. government through a NASA hanger. If it wasn't for a law suit from the Naudet brothers to remove the Flight 11 impact material from their film, the 2nd edition may well still have included the ridiculous pod theories. This appears to have been part of an effort, first introduced by Dave von Kleist (whose former wife Joyce Riley has been spreading disinformation on Gulf War Syndrome for decades), to promote the view that none of the planes hit their targets, including Flight 11 and 175 at the World Trade Center. The 2nd edition of Loose Change also didn't include anything about the ISI connection, so it's hard to say what Meacher saw in it. He would have been way better off giving his own presentation to parliament. We can go on, but seeing that Meacher is the typical environmental "terrorist" and new leftist I'm pretty much assuming there was some Rockefeller "liberal CIA" in his genes.
Jones' 2006-2007 Terrorstorm film. I only watched it after nearly finishing this article. It's by far his best movie with a lot of good examples of false flag terrorism and very little NWO rants. Apart from the no-plane theory section and the endless set of curious commentators (which viewers won't know if they don't check their backgrounds), I actually recommend it, certainly when keeping in mind the lack of other quick oversights available on the false flag subject. It's an excellent "mind-expander" for newcomers, teaching people that governments are very manipulative, do illegal things, don't care about explaining themselves to the public, and can get away with almost anything if there's not some establishment holding them accountable.
One additional thing to keep in mind with this film: the polls showing 90% of voters agreeing that 9/11 was an inside job are very disingenuous. Infowars and other conspiracy sites always link to them, resulting in a disproportionate amount of "believers". They shouldn't do that - but they do.
Also, with some of the individuals just mentioned, the no-plane-at-Pentagon theory is the mildest they have to offer. At the time Jones' put out the first version of Terrorstorm, The New Statesman cited David Shayler, in the presence of an agreeing Annie Machon, as saying: "You won't see any plane debris on the Pentagon lawn. ... The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes." Shayler wasn't just talking about the Pentagon: "Watch the footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center." Reynolds has been pushing the exact same theory and in addition teamed up with Dr. Judy Wood - another individual promoted everywhere - claiming that "scalar" particle beam technology destroyed the World Trade Center. She and Reynolds have tried to engage leading nanothermite promoters (all no-planers except Steven Jones) in a "rational" and "productive" debate on what went on in New York on the morning of 9/11.
Alex Jones might not promote these extreme theories apart from the no-plane-at-Pentagon, but by putting these persons in his movie he did help to establish them as icons of the 9/11 Truth movement, icons the mainstream media has no problem shooting down if the time is right. You can never tell beforehand what these seemingly rational individuals will say or do in the future. Charlie Sheen comes across as very rational in Jones' movie, but we all know what happened to him several years later. He had the biggest public breakdown of any Hollywood celebrity ever. I'm not sure if his ungodly amounts of money, cocaine abuse and blackmail over homosexual escapades fully accounted for that. After all, particularly his father, Martin Sheen, has been a long-time Rockefeller/Ford/Soros "new left" political activist. Martin Sheen was briefly interviewed in Jones' The 9/11 Chronicles and agreed with his son that there were questions about 9/11. He did rather safely stick to WTC 7 though.
Although not too many people know him outside of Great Britain, David Shayler's meltdown in 2009 was even worse than Sheen's. Around the time Machon went to live with someone else in Germany, Shayler renamed "herself" Dolores Kane, "a transvestite complete with false breasts, mini-skirt and ginger wig." This was immediately after he called himself "The Messiah [and declared] that the 'world will end in 2012'." You can't make this stuff up. Seeing how Jones' media rants have deteriorated since the one to CNN in which he is defending Sheen, it makes one wonder what we're going to see with him in the future.
Combine the motley crew of youthful 9/11 activists Alex Jones was working with in the 2005-2008 period alone, his continuous promotion of sophisticated and well-thought out disinformation, and it's not particularly reasonable to assume that he is an independent activist without ties to the security establishment. We might not be able to prove it, but Jones being independent makes very little sense.
The Jones-Kucinich chemtrail alliance
While writing this article I notice that Alex Jones is actually a major promotor of the chemtrail theory. Back in 2009, right after the The 9/11 Chronicles, he even contemplated making a film about the subject. Jones:
"You've been brain damaged, myself included, but we're fighting through it. You can still focus and get some neurons firing there. You know? We're trying. ...
"Worldwide terra-forming with deadly barium salts and aluminum dioxide, as now people 22-years-old are getting Alzheimer everywhere. Just, breathing, just ugh! Mass death, brain plaques, hitting us, hitting us hard! The globalists have special detoxes so they can remove some of it, but they're even insane. It's hurting them. I mean this mega-attack, total, and - in AP!! And I've got FBI calling the office, encircling the office, and provocateurs out the wazoo, and people attacking everywhere! And I'm the weirdo." [8]
Chemtrails really is one of the most bizarre theories one can pursue, because they have an ordinary explanation and would be too massive a conspiracy to cover up. Chemtrails are completely based on presenting speculative, futuristic studies on weather warfare and geo-engineering (to counter global warming) as being papers describing present-day, implemented technology. The fact is, chemtrails are contrails. They're engine exhaust - undoubtedly with a little pollution - that condensates when it hits the freezing air in the upper atmosphere. The higher the humidity, the longer the contrail (quite similar to your own breath in cold humid air). In "ideal" circumstances the contrails can even become self-sustainable and turn into permanent cirrus-like clouds. Ironically, the days after 9/11, with all planes in the United States grounded, proved to be ideal to study contrails. In one case, as described in a PBS article, "six military aircraft flying between Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 12, 2001 [produced] contrails that grew to cover 7,700 square miles." [9] Maybe I should do my own observations a little more often just to be one hundred percent certain, but I can only remember once getting annoyed when contrails began to obscure the sun. And coincidentally that happened with every flight on that day. That's some conspiracy if all these international planes that day were secretly fitted with chemtrail sprayers. It just makes no sense to look for a conspiracy behind this - unless you're trying to muddy the waters.
Top: Dennis Kucinich, a.k.a. the Chemtrail Congressman, as featured in Alex Jones' The 9/11 Chronicles, promising sick rescue workers of the World Trade Center site, "We're gonna start asking questions [to] the New York City Health Department about their evaluations - their conclusions. We're gonna start getting documents! I want you to know this!" 10 years later? Nothing. He probably secretly blamed the symptoms on chemtrails anyway. I've seen Kucinich in at least one other Alex Jones documentary. Bottom: Kucinich on the Alex Jones Show.
In another coincidence (they keep stacking up), congressman Dennis Kucinich has played an important role in popularizing the idea of chemtrails. In October 2001 Kucinich tried to introduce the "Space Preservation Act of 2001" (HR 2977) in congress that would "ban" chemtrails, along with weapons based on particle beam, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, ELF and ULF energy radiation, mind-control and psychotronic technology. The bill was written by Carol Rosin and Alfred Webre [10], some of the most extreme Rockefeller/Tides Foundation-backed Disclosure Project and Coast to Coast AM disinformers imaginable. Kucinich, backed by the exact same interests [11], is the same congressman who has appeared in several Alex Jones films, including The 9/11 Chronicles, as the go-to public representative who is going to confront Washington on behalf of the 9/11 Truth movement and turn things around. Sure he is. He and the tooth fairy.
As primarily discussed in the Cult of National Security Trolls article, alternative news outlets as the Alex Jones Show largely amount to a cult. All kinds of peculiar people with even more peculiar ideas are allowed on the air. They support each other, fight amongst each other, but outsiders are unable to join the conversation. My 2007 Beyond the Dutroux Affair article, which took 1.5 years to finish, is a good example of this. Despite having been published earlier and despite unique documentation that seriously implicated a former Bilderberg chairman, other leading "internationalists", and CIA-backed fascist aristocrats in child abuse networks, it was ignored in EVERY conspiracy corner on the internet. Worried about my own safety, especially in terms of getting sued before the information could spread, I gave Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson a $500 "bribe" to post my article as a news item on the front page of Prisonplanet, back then the most popular of Jones' sites, for two days. All of a sudden Rense and other conspiracy sites did pick up the article, although they unfortunately did have a tendency to include the word "Illuminati" in their own headings. After that article, the gates were closed forever. I did offer to pay $200 for the publication of my very unique 2008 Pilgrims Society article, which theoretically would be of incredible interest to anything from Alex Jones and Jeff Rense to the John Birch Society, but nobody would touch it. Only Alex Jones would, as a commercial for a day, which obviously didn't produce any hits. Considering Infowars and Prisonplanet were linking to third-rate blogs every other day, certainly in those days, it was an interesting choice to ignore ISGP.
PART 2 ..................................
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung