
Author: TonyGosling

Subject: Govt ISC chair Malcolm Rifkind in pay of EU arms industry

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:40 pm (GMT 0)

Sir Malcolm Rifkind


Sir Malcolm Rifkin is Chairman of L.E.K.’s European Advisory Board. He is a Member of Parliament for Kensington, has practiced law as an Advocate and was appointed to the Queen’s Counsel in 1985. In 1979 Sir Malcolm was appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, transferred to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and was promoted to Minister of State in 1983. He became a member of the Cabinet in 1986 as Secretary of State for Scotland and has also served as: Secretary of State for Transport; Secretary of State for Defense; Foreign Secretary; Shadow Secretary of State for Work & Pensions and Welfare Reform; Chairman, Standards & Privileges Committee; Chairman, Intelligence and Security Committee; and UK representative, Eminent Persons Group. Sir Malcolm is a member of the Fullerton Trust, a Vice President of Combat Stress and a Patron of Raleigh International. He has served on the Court of Edinburgh University and is an honorary colonel. He is also a member of the Queen's Bodyguard, the Royal Company of Archers.

L.E.K. Consulting has a long history of supporting organizations in the Aerospace & Defense sectors, accelerating decision making around their most complex commercial challenges.


Our ability to consistently uncover new insights and devise winning strategies has enabled us to build long-term client relationships for nearly 30 years. Central government departments, major global businesses and specialist support services providers rely on L.E.K.'s quality analysis to identify and exploit new opportunities, improve the performance of existing operations, and develop the strategies and processes to secure successful positions on highly-competitive contracts and platforms.

Capabilities Overview

Our offerings for Aerospace & Defense clients include:

Strategic Planning: Facilitate strategy development with management teams, gather and analyze competitor intelligence, and identify areas for performance improvement.

Contract Economics: Model contract outcomes to optimize contract parameters, pricing, payment schedules and financing structures.

Product Development Strategy: Survey potential customers to confirm purchase criteria, prioritize product portfolio initiatives, and undertake pricing and margin analysis to develop a credible business case for product development.

Commercial Bid Strategy: Assist clients in refining their negotiating position with consortium partners and the end customer, and calculate the contract value from a range of possible demand scenarios.

Procurement Systems Reform: Assess the effectiveness of processes, structures and incentives used to deliver complex projects. Also use market risk analysis to support decision making.

Global Market Evaluation: Conduct detailed analysis of market and competitive dynamics in Aerospace & Defense niche areas, and identify the drivers of value and underlying customer requirements.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Support: Provide pre- and post-acquisition support to investors and corporate organizations who target specialist suppliers in Aerospace & Defense. Also conduct commercial and operational due diligence to build the investment thesis and provide 100-Day Planning integration support to ensure the realization of planned benefits.

Industry Sectors

L.E.K. brings to bear its considerable experience and commercial expertise to help companies across the breadth of the sector:

Satellite and missile systems


Systems integration and electronic warfare

We are making intelligence accountable


The justice and security bill will make agencies subject to the rule of law. And I am proud of that

Malcolm Rifkind - The Guardian, Sunday 3 March 2013 17.30 GMT

Those who have seen the James Bond movie, Skyfall, may not be aware that I am in it. That is not quite the whole truth. While Judi Dench plays the head of MI6, Ralph Fiennes plays Mallory, who is described as chairman of the intelligence and security committee. That is the job I do. So at the last evidence session we had, I had to assure the current head of MI6 that – although the ISC's powers are about to be greatly increased – unlike Mallory, I was not, after his job.

The justice and security bill, which will complete its House of Commons passage this week, is not just about the closed proceedings proposals to protect national security. It will also transform the powers, resources and scope of the ISC and ensure that its oversight of the intelligence agencies will be truly independent and effective....














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