
Author: TonyGosling

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:37 am (GMT 0)

Current Gentlemen's Clubs


Name Established Clubhouse location Located at current clubhouse since Affiliation Women admitted as full members since Maximum entry fee/ maximum subscription, as of 2012 Current Royal Patron Website

Alpine Club 1857 8 St Martin's Place, near Trafalgar Square (19th century); 55-56 Charlotte Road, Shoreditch (current) 1991 Mountaineering ? Entry: None

Sub: £50 The Duke of Edinburgh [1]

Army and Navy Club, the "Rag" 1837 36-39 Pall Mall 1963 Army and Navy officers 1995 Entry: None

Sub: £510 The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of Kent [2]

Arts Club 1863 40 Dover Street, London W1 (current), 17 Hanover Sq. (19thC) 1896 The Arts, Literature, Science 1946 Entry: £2,000

Sub: £1,500 The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales [3]

The Athenaeum 1824 107 Pall Mall 1830 The Arts, Literature, and the Church 2002 Entry: £560

Sub: £1,200 None [4]

Authors' Club 1891 40 Dover Street, sharing the premises of the Arts Club (1976-2011); 67 Dean Street, Soho, sharing the premises of Black's 2011 Literature 1946 Entry: £500

Sub: £1,000 None [5]

Beefsteak Club 1876 9 Irving Street, near Leicester Square 1876 Social No women members or visitors permitted Entry: £465

Sub: £465 None None

Boodle's 1762 28 St James's Street 1782 Aristocratic; Tory No women members permitted Entry: £1,245

Sub: £1,245 None [6]

Brooks's 1764 60 St James's Street 1778 Aristocratic; Whig No women members permitted Entry: £1,225

Sub: £1,225 None None

Buck's Club 1919 18 Clifford Street, Mayfair 1919 Social No women members permitted Entry: None

Sub: £1,400 The Duke of Kent [7]

Caledonian Club 1891 Charles II Street, near St James's Square (1891–1917); 33 St James's Square (1917–1946); 9 Halkin Street, Belgravia (current) 1946 Scottish 2011 Entry: £750

Sub: £1,090 None [8]

Canning Club, formerly the Argentine Club 1911 4 St James's Square, sharing the premises of the Naval and Military Club 1999 Social; forging close links with Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal ? Entry:?

Sub:? The Queen [9]

Carlton Club 1832 94 Pall Mall (1835–1941); 69 St James's Street (current) 1943 Political; Conservative; Tory 2008 Entry: £900

Sub: £1,210 None [10]

Cavalry and Guards Club, formerly the Cavalry Club, merged with the Guards Club since 1976 1810 (as the Guards' Club); 1890 (as the Cavalry Club); 1976 (as a merged club) 127 Piccadilly 1908 Cavalry and Guards regiments No women members permitted Entry: £650

Sub: £650 The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of Kent [11]

Chelsea Arts Club 1891 143 Old Church Street, Chelsea ? The Arts 1976 Entry: £150

Sub: £454 None [12]

City Livery Club 1914 Victoria Embankment (1914–1923); Bow Lane, Cheapside, (1923–1927); The Chapter House, St Paul's Churchyard (1927–1940); Butcher's Hall, Bartholomew's Close (1941–1944); Victoria Embankment (1944–1996); Insurance Hall, Aldermanbury (1996–2003); 38 St Mary Axe (2003–2010); Bell Wharf Lane, Upper Thames Street (current) 2010 The City ? Entry: None

Sub: £225 The Duke of Edinburgh [13]

City of London Club 1832 19 Old Broad Street, City of London (since 1834) 1834 City professions 2011 Entry: £200

Sub: £950 The Duke of Edinburgh [14]

City University Club 1895 50 Cornhill 1895 The City, Oxbridge Graduates ? Entry: None

Sub: £950 None [15]

Civil Service Club 1953 13-15 Great Scotland Yard 1953 Civil Service ? Entry: None

Sub: £53 The Queen [16]

Commonwealth Club, founded as the Empire Club 1868 25 Northumberland Avenue 1885 Originally for enthusiasts of the British Empire, now the headquarters of the Royal Commonwealth Society ? Entry: £200

Sub: £300 None [17]

East India Club, in full the East India, Devonshire, Sports and Public Schools' Club 1849 16 St James's Square 1866 Originally for East India Company veterans, now primarily aligned with the public schools, since a 1972 merger with the Public Schools Club No women members permitted Entry: £940

Sub: £940 None [18]

Eccentric Club 1781 (original Eccentric Club); later refounded in 1858, 1890, and most recently 2008 Currently meeting at 69 Brook Street, the premises of the Savile Club 2009 Social; eccentricity; philanthropy 1984 Entry: None

Sub: £350 The Duke of Edinburgh [19]

Farmers Club 1842 3 Whitehall Court 1942 Agriculture and landowning ? Entry: £270

Sub: £346 The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Countess of Wessex, The Duke of Gloucester [20]

Flyfishers' Club 1884 69 Brook Street, sharing the premises of the Savile Club ? Flyfishing No women members permitted Entry: £382

Sub: £526 The Prince of Wales [21]

Garrick Club 1831 35 King Street, Covent Garden (early in its history); 15 Garrick Street, Covent Garden (current) 1864 The Arts and Theatre No women members permitted Entry: £1,200

Sub: £1,200 The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales [22]

Hurlingham Club 1869 Ranelagh Gardens, Fulham 1869 Sports ? Entry: £150

Sub:? The Duke of Edinburgh [23]

Lansdowne Club 1935 9 Fitzmaurice Place, Berkeley Square 1935 Social 1935 Entry: £600

Sub: £800 None [24]

London Sketch Club 1898 7 Dilke Street, Chelsea 1957 Sketch artists No women members permitted Entry: £25

Sub: £50 None [25]

Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) 1787 Lords Cricket Ground, St John's Wood 1814 Cricket & Real Tennis 1998 Entry:£668

Sub:£400[1] The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh [26]

National Liberal Club 1882 Northumberland Avenue (1882-7, and 1916-9 while the clubhouse was requisitioned in World War I); 1 Whitehall Place, (current) 1887 Political; Liberal 1976 Entry: £340

Sub: £640 None [27]

Naval Club, formerly the RNVR (Auxiliary Patrol) Club (1919–1946), later the RNVR Club (1946–1969) 1919 38 Hill Street, Mayfair 1946 Naval reservists; later naval officers ? Entry: £150

Sub: £490 The Queen [28]

Naval & Military Club, the "In and Out" (after the prominent signs on the gateposts at its former premises) 1862 22 Hanover Square (mid-19th century); 94 Piccadilly (1870s-1999); 4 St James's Square (current) 1999 Army and Navy officers ? Entry: £250

Sub: £970 The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of Kent [29]

Den Norske Klub 1887 4 St James's Square (current), sharing the premises of the Naval and Military Club 1999 Norway ? Entry: None

Sub: £120 Harald V, King of Norway [30]

New Cavendish Club 1920 28 Cavendish Square (1920–1959); 44-48 Great Cumberland Place, Fitzrovia (current) 1959 Originally a Ladies-only club for veteran nurses of the Voluntary Aid Detachment of World War I; now social 1920 (Originally Ladies-only; now Ladies and Gentlemen) Entry: £175

Sub: £375 None [31]

Oriental Club 1824 18 Hanover Square (1824–1962); Stratford House, Stratford Place (current) 1962 Founded for East India Company veterans; now social 2010 Entry: £850

Sub: £850 None [32]

Oxford and Cambridge Club (1830–1971), and (2001–present); also called the United Oxford and Cambridge Club (1971–2001) immediately after its merger with the United University Club 1821 (as the United University Club); 1830 (as the Oxford and Cambridge Club); 1971 (as a merged club) 71-76 Pall Mall 1837 Graduates of Oxford and Cambridge 1996 Entry: None

Sub: £1,030 The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of Gloucester [33]

Portland Club, formerly the Stratford Club before 1825 c.1815 94 Piccadilly (sharing the premises of the Naval and Military Club between 1969 and the 1990s); 69 Brook Street (current), sharing the premises of the Savile Club 1990s Cards No women members permitted Entry:?

Sub:? None None

Pratt's 1857 14 Park Place, St James's 1857 Aristocratic No women members permitted Entry:?

Sub:? None None

Queen's Club 1886 Palliser Road, Hammersmith ? Sports ? Entry:?

Sub:? The Duchess of Gloucester [34]

Reform Club 1836 104-105 Pall Mall 1841 Originally political (Liberal), now social. Members must still sign a declaration agreeing to the principles of the 1832 Reform Act. 1981 Entry: £1,842

Sub: £1,416 The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall [35]

Roehampton Club 1901 Roehampton Lane, Roehampton 1901 (site); 1960s (buildings) Sports ? Entry:?

Sub:? None [36]

Royal Air Force Club 1918 128 Piccadilly 1922 RAF officers ? Entry: £200

Sub: £200 The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke of Kent, Princess Alexandra, The Hon Lady Ogilvy [37]

Royal Anglo-Belgian Club 1942 6 Belgrave Square (1942–1978); 60 Knightsbridge, sharing the premises of the Royal Thames Yacht Club (1978–2010); 8 Northumberland Avenue (current) 2010 Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands ? Entry: £100

Sub: £330 The Duke of Brabant [38]

Royal Automobile Club 1897 89-91 Pall Mall 1911 Automobile enthusiasts ? Entry: £2,900

Sub: £1,265 The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh [39]

Royal Ocean Racing Club 1925 20 St James's Place, St James's Street 1942 Yachting enthusiasts ? Entry:£109

Sub:£219 The Queen [40]

Royal Over-Seas League, formerly the Over-Seas Club 1910 4 Park Place, St James's and 100 Princes Street Edinburgh 1921 Men and women who are: nationals of the UK and Commonwealth countries; affiliate membership for all other countries. Organisational membership. Music and Arts enthusiasts. Travellers. 1910 Entry: £288

Sub: £288 The Queen, Princess Alexandra, The Hon Lady Ogilvy [41]

Royal Thames Yacht Club 1775 7 Albemarle Street (19th century); 60 Knightsbridge (current) late 1940s Yachting enthusiasts ? Entry: None

Sub: £965 The Duke of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal, The Duke of York, The Duke of Kent [42]

St Stephen's Club 1870 Bridge Street, Westminster (19th century); 34 Queen Anne's Gate, near St James's Park (current) 1962 Political; Conservative Entry:?

Sub:? None [43]

Savage Club 1857 Crown Tavern, Vinegar Yard, Drury Lane (1857–1858); Nell Gwynne Tavern, Bull Inn Court, Strand (1858); Catherine Street, Covent Garden (1858–1859); Lyceum Tavern, 354 Strand (1859–1862); Gordon Hotel, Covent Garden (1862–1866); Ashley's Hotel, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden (1866–1869); Gordon Hotel, Covent Garden (1869–1873); Evans's Hotel, Covent Garden (1873–1876); Haxell's Hotel, Strand (1876–1879); Caledonian Hotel, Robert Street, Adelphi (1879–1881); Lancaster House, Savoy (1881–1889); 6-7 Adelphi Terrace (1889–1936); 1 Carlton House Terrace (1936–1963); 1 Whitehall Place (1963–1965), sharing the premises of the National Liberal Club; 37 King Street, Covent Garden (1965–1968); 86 St. James's Street (1968–1975), sharing the premises of the Constitutional Club; 9 Fitzmaurice Place (1975–1990), sharing the premises of the Lansdowne Club; 1 Whitehall Place, sharing the premises of the National Liberal Club (current) 1990 The Arts, science and law No women members permitted Entry: £500

Sub: £718 None [44]

Savile Club 1868 9 Spring Gardens (1868–1871); 12 Savile Row (1871–1882); 107 Piccadilly (1882–1927); 69 Brook Street (current) 1927 Conviviality, from the Arts to the Sciences No women members permitted Entry: £250

Sub: £965 None [45]

Special Forces Club 1945 8 Herbert Crescent, Knightsbridge 1945 Current and former members of Special Operations Executive, British intelligence and UK Special Forces. Officers from foreign special forces and intelligence agencies are also eligible. 1945 Entry: £150

Sub: £400 The Princess Royal [46]

Travellers Club 1819 12 Waterloo Place, near Pall Mall (1819–1821); 49 Pall Mall (1821–1827); 106 Pall Mall (current) 1827 Travel enthusiasts - members must have travelled to a destination more than 500 miles from London No women members permitted Entry: £1,170

Sub: £1,170 The Duke of Edinburgh [47]

Turf Club 1861 Bennett Street, Piccadilly (1861–1965), 5 Carlton House Terrace (current) 1965 Aristocratic, social primarily sports and cards No women members permitted Entry: £915

Sub: £915 None None

University Women's Club, originally the University Club for Ladies (Ladies only) 1887 31 New Bond Street (1887–1909); later 34 George Street, near Hanover Square; later South Audley Street, Mayfair; later 2 Audley Square, Mayfair (current) 1921 University graduates 1887 - Ladies only Entry: £150

Sub: £576 None [48]

Victory Services Club 1907 63-79 Seymour Street, Fitzrovia 1948 Army, Navy and Air Force personnel - officers and enlisted ? Entry: None

Sub: £20 The Duke of Edinburgh [49]

White's Club 1693 37 St James's Street 1778 Gentlemen's Club No women members or visitors permitted Entry: £1,275

Sub: £1,275 None None





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