Ven pongal is one of the popular breakfast items in Tamil Nadu. Normally raw rice is used for preparing pongal but here I tried wheat rava / samba rava / cracked wheat. It was delicious than normal pongal. Try it out and you will really enjoy the new taste. I have already posted rava pongal, oats pongal and seeraga samba ven pongal.
1 cup - Samba rava / wheat rava / cracked wheat
1/2 cup - Split green gram / paasi paruppu / moong dal
2 nos - Garlic (chopped)
2 tsp - Ginger (chopped)
3 cups - Water
2 to 3 tbsp - Ghee
Salt to taste
1 1/2 tbsp – Oil
1 tbsp – Cumin seeds
1 ¼ tsp – Peppercorns
10 nos – Fresh curry leaves
10 nos – Cashew nuts
2 pinches – Asafoetida
Preparation method:
Wash and soak moong dal for at least ½ hour, set it aside. Wash wheat rava in water 1 or 2 times.
Pressure cook wheat rava and moong dal along with chopped garlic, ginger and salt in 3 cups of water for up to 2 or 3 whistle or until well cooked. Keep it aside.
Heat oil in a pan, add jeera, peppercorns, cashew nuts, curry leaves and asafoetida. Once it splutters, add this seasoning to the cooked wheat rava and moong dal mixtures and mix well to blend.
Finally add ghee on the top before serving and mix well. Serve hot with sambar, coconut chutney and yummy uluntha vadai.
I used very fine wheat rava in this recipe, which cooks very fast.
Quantity of water, depends on the size of wheat rava you are using.
Technorati Tags: Broken wheat pongal recipe,Samba rava pongal recipe,Cracked wheat pongal recipe,Wheat pongal recipe,Dinner and breakfast recipes,Breakfast recipes,South indian ghee pongal recipe,South indian venpongal recipe,வெண் பொங்கல்,சம்பா ரவை வெண் பொங்கல்.