Book Title : Design of Machinery, An Introduction to Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms of Machines
Author(s) : Robert L. Norton
Publisher : McGraw Hill
Edition : Second
Pages : 924
PDF size : 40.5 MB
Book Description:
Robert L. Norton’s Design of Machinery, An Introduction to Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms of Machines book continues the tradition of this best-selling book through its balanced coverage of analysis and design and outstanding use of realistic engineering examples. Through its reader-friendly style of writing, clear exposition of complex topics, and emphasis on synthesis and design, the text succeeds in conveying the art of design as well as the use of modern tools needed for analysis of the kinematics and dynamics of machinery.
Table of Contents:
Part I: Kinematics of Mechanisms
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Kinematics fundamentals
Chapter 3: Graphical linkage synthesis
Chapter 4: Position analysis
Chapter 5: Analytical linkage synthesis
Chapter 6: Velocity analysis
Chapter 7: Acceleration analysis
Chapter 8: Cam design
Chapter 9: Gear Trains
Part II:Dynamics of machinery
Chapter 10: Dynamics fundamentals
Chapter 11: Dynamic force analysis
Chapter 12: Balancing
Chapter 13: Engine dynamics
Chapter 14: Multi-cylinder engines
Chapter 15: Cam dynamics
Chapter 16: Engineering design
Appendix A Computer Programs
Appendix B Material Properties
Appendix C Geometric Properties
Appendix D Spring Data
Appendix E Atlas of Geared Fivebar Linkage Coupler Curves
Appendix F Answers to Selected Problems
CD-ROM Index
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