
Moin Moin erstmal,
unsere Freunde von realitymod.com haben das neue Project Reality released welches jetzt unabhängig von BF2 Vanilla laufen soll

"The award-winning Project Reality Team is proud to announce the official release of Project Reality: BF2 v1.3!

First of all, the Project Reality Team would like to thank our community for the recent donations towards the cost of our servers and website. Thanks to your continued support we are releasing a new update, the 35th in our 10 year history, which will bring Project Reality into a new era - we go standalone! With EA ceasing support of Battlefield 2 and removing it from online stores, the unavailability of the game has proven difficult for new players. Therefore, with PR:BF2 v1.3, it is no longer a requirement to have Battlefield 2 installed."

"There is no update from v1.2 to v1.3 using the automatic updater. All players must re-download and install the full version in order to update.
Please uninstall all previous versions of Project Reality: BF2 prior to installing v1.3.

In addition to becoming standalone, v1.3 brings many bug fixes, performance improvements, and tweaks to make the game more enjoyable overall. There are also quite a few new features to enjoy as well.

The PR Team is not done yet! We still have a lot of content for future releases, such as the Falklands and World War 2 addons, multiple community factions, and of course new maps and game features. Expect more information coming soon."

Runterladen könnt ihr euch den Spaß hier via torrent:

Ebenfalls gibt es eine Installation Guide:
http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f27-pr- ... guide.html

Viel Spaß beim zocken,
Gruß Master

Statistics: Posted by Mastergunner — May 30th, 2015, 3:17 pm

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