It seems like years ago when our table was adorned with these wood-carvings that made their way more fully into our hearts on Christmas Eve.
So much has happened in the month and a half since we stashed away all the richness of Christmas and started fresh into 2016!
But on we go.
Max's little missionary chart is getting filled in bubble by bubble ever so steadily and Elle's graduation day is marching swiftly toward us.
Let's record January quick while I can remember it! :)
We got to go to our annual party (held in the beginning of the new year now since Christmas proved to be too crazy) with some of our favorite friends from our old ward.
Every year when we leave that party my cheeks ache from laughing so hard. Love those people so.
We went through Dave's old missionary stuff and found this gem:
(back HERE)
Claire's old primary teacher from church decided to do a little "reunion" devotional with these kids she taught. They were in Heaven to be reunited and to feel that love from that awesome teacher once again.
Max and I did a lot of this:
And I ate up every minute. I love when I can get Max talking. Like really talking. Telling me his biggest fears and things he's excited about. And that happened a few times on those dates. Loved hearing his theories on hard work in the mission field and the goofy things he thinks about. One day we stopped to exchange something I got for Christmas and I told him in all seriousness that I needed his "style" advice. Without skipping a beat he folded his arms, leaned his shoulder into the wall and said, "well, you've come to the right source." Ok, you had to be there, but man I love that boy. And I'm so glad there was so much to do to get him ready. Oh boy. From Visa stuff to pants tailoring to croc buying (he can wear those with his suits in Taiwan because it's so wet over there) to where he begged to get lunch (that boy gets more excited about food than anyone I know), we got to be together.
Elle worked her tail off on her Boston University application (which was due after the others she had turned in).
Once a month I get to be one of the drivers to deliver the food for BrainFood, this awesome organization here in the desert.
Had to capture that since it seems to come up quite often. Love that organization so much and so grateful I get to be a tiny part of it.
Lots of bikes at our house on weekends...
...and girls...
We met this cute boy and his family in North Carolina a couple years ago and this year I was amazed when we got their Christmas card and I realized they moved to the desert...a couple miles away from us! Neither his mom or I realized how close we were, but I happened to be volunteering for Art Masterpiece in Lucy's classroom the very day we got the Christmas card and had just noticed this sweet most polite boy in the whole wide world right in Lucy's class.
It is such a small world. So we surprised them and brought over some treats to welcome them to the desert, and we have loved hanging out with them since. They are the best family.
Lucy also got to go to the baptism of her good friends who are twins:
She decided she had better pull out her old baptism dress to wear for the occasion.
I took this next picture one Saturday morning relatively early because Lucy is always awake hanging in her room playing with Legos on weekends.
We have to drag her out of bed on weekdays, but oh boy on weekends she is ready to roll.
I had to snap this pic. because it's so typical of how we get ready in the morning.
The girls finish up random homework, Lucy works on her math facts while we get hair done.
We had a yoga night for Young Women:
Elle and I had a day at court to try to figure out a ticket.
Very educational and I sure love being with that girl.
Lucy and her friends are pretty into American Girl dolls right now. I love it.
Elle and I took Max's mission pictures at the temple (here) and then these cute girls met up with her to do baptisms:
And then it was off to the farewells.
(All four of these boys are leaving relatively close together.)
We finally finished a few things on our house. Here's Grace and Claire's room:
Here's the view from their bathroom:
It feels so good to have it almost done (still need to add a little art in those frames and do a few odds and ends), but I love hanging in there with them.
We got our barn doors painted:
...which was a pretty major deal.
I have no idea why we took this pic. but don't you just love that Dave?
Us moms took our BYU-roommate-heading-to-the-MTC boys out to lunch at their favorite spot:
And then the cousins started arriving for the big farewell at church for Max:
Grace cheered her heart out on some of her last games:
I got to meet up with these great ladies for lunch:
Then it was actual farewell day (back HERE):
...and tons of Eyre family togetherness (also in that link for the farewell).
We had some pretty good laughs with this senior thing they do at the high school trying to eliminate teams with squirt guns. We had this whole hold-up in our driveway for a couple hours one day:
The guys in the red truck were trying to get Elle and her friend out, but the guys who were trying to get them came and boxed them in. Then the guys who were trying to get THEM came and boxed them in. It was a whole stand-off and these girls could just watch because of how the ones trying to get them were so stuck.
I tell you, as much as I dread having them leave I have loved having two years of senior-hood.
It is so fun. I adore these kids and their friends so much.
Then it was on to Claire's birthday and dance party (here):
Lucy started filling up her "artistic creation book" that my Dad gave her for Christmas:
Max worked hard trying to earn a few extra bucks to have in the bank when he gets back from his mission:
Dave and I hung with good friends:
Then it was MORP (here)...
...and "Pies & Ties" (here):
I love how Lucy keeps track of special things coming up in her school agenda:
She keeps track of the important things like what sort of birthday treats are in store...
...and sad things like Max leaving...
(Record of all my thoughts about his departure are HERE and HERE.)
People did lots of stuff to help us ease our "missing" right after he was gone. My sister led me on a winter-wonderland hike...
My brother-in-law took these girls out for a movie:
Grace fully engaged herself in service helping someone move with the other Young Women:
Elle worked (more) on her college applications.
Luckily life just moves on and you don't have time to sit and bemoan the "missing" too much!
These girls came with me to a little dance concert one of the young women did...
We got back to our regular job chore routines:
HA! Yes, sadly those empty charts were pretty "regular" in January. None of us could get it together enough to get in gear on those except for Lucy.
Good Job Lu!!
Here she is working in a few extra math facts as one of her goals:
I tell you that girl is a go-getter when she puts her mind to it!
Dave had some pretty awesome pickle-ball tournaments:
A little date...
Our friends we met in China had us over for the most delicious gourmet dinner.
Love them so much.
And Dave's brother and family came to start setting things in gear for their second son's wedding coming up in April.
We had a big family gathering that evening to try to talk through some of the rehearsal dinner stuff (which will be held here). Sad I didn't get a picture with everyone here...
Claire and her friend got busy with a "paint war" one Saturday.
Yep, they covered pretty much every inch of their bodies.
What's that you say? At least they didn't paint their hair?
Oh no, they didn't miss the hair! :)
Now, in closing, a little word must be said in update about our missionary Max.
We waited anxiously for his first letter. We thought about him every minute (still do). We prayed our guts out for him. So many questions, who would his companion be? How was he adjusting? How would he do with the language? How did he like his classes? So much rolling around in our hearts and minds aching to hear from him.
So you can be sure that when Dave came in from the mailbox one afternoon that first week with a letter from him we were all whooping and hollering like the most amazing thing on the planet had just taken place.
Because it did.
He sounded SO happy and there's nothing like getting a letter like that to make your mother's heart rejoice.
The girls talk about him constantly and doodle things like this:
And people have been kind enough to send me pictures like this:
...and this:
...which mean the whole world to me.
He has sent a letter each week. The last one was super short but the first line was this: "I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY!!!" so in that case I was ok with the short-ness. But still, the little snippets of info. that various blog readers have sent are like pure gold. Keep sending any pictures or info. if you have some!
Happy Monday!
(Which is only two days before Wednesday when we get to hear from that boy again!)