
When most people think of dentures, they likely conjure up visions of the type of false teeth that were worn by their grandparents in the past – teeth that were unnatural looking, uncomfortable, cumbersome and even capable of falling out at a moment’s notice.  The good news is that advances in dentistry have come a long way since grandma’s teeth were jiggling around in her mouth and today’s dentures are more natural looking and more comfortable than ever before.

Why would someone opt for dentures instead of the other tooth replacement options now available from a dentist?  This tooth replacement option is still a very viable, and popular, option for individuals that are missing teeth.  It is especially useful for those that are missing a series of teeth, or even an entire span of teeth along the upper or lower jaw since there is no other option that can easily replace that many teeth.  But even for those that only have a few teeth to replace, this is still a good option to consider.

One big consideration for many when it comes to any type of dental procedure is price.  Of course, you want your new teeth to look good, but replacing teeth can be rather expensive and the cost of dentures is typically less than alternative tooth replacement procedures.  The other factor tipping people towards this type of restoration is that it can be used in various ways.

For example, as mentioned above, this dental restoration option can be used to replace just a few teeth in a row or an entire upper or lower span of teeth.  In the former case, it is called a partial, while if the restoration spans the whole mouth, it is considered to be a full denture.

Another option that people have is whether the apparatus will be removable or will remain permanently in the mouth.  Although most people automatically think of having to remove this dental appliance each day and keep it in place with adhesives, there is also the option to have the restoration permanently affixed to the jawbone with the use of dental implants.  In this case, a number of implants are strategically placed in the mouth to provide enough support for the entire span of false teeth.  When done in this way, the appliance functions similar to a crown that is placed over a single implant, except instead of having a separate crown placed on an individual implant in every location that a tooth once stood, the entire area can be covered by just a few implants and a set of teeth that are fabricated as one complete set.

When it comes to replacing a number of teeth, there is still no option that does it as effectively as dentures.  Thankfully, for those that need this type of dental treatment, the results are more natural looking and more comfortable than ever before.

For more information about the types of dentures offered by Park Dental Care in Queens, call 718-274-1515.

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