Course Title: Seasonal Soul – 22 Days of Autumn (closes November 30, 2015)
Format: Self Study – you may begin at anytime
Guides/Instructors: Brandi Auset & Kimberly Moore
Investment: $22
Registration: on Mystery School of the Goddess
Length: Self-paced – 10 Modules over 30 Days
Autumn is here. Harvest is in full swing and soon we will begin to notice the brilliant light of summer stretching into the long shadows of Autumn. The air shifts, becoming more crisp and carrying the promise of cooler temperatures and the coming darkness of winter. If we close our eyes and center, we can feel the urge to slow down, to focus inward, to take deeper breaths and longer pauses.Tapping into the soul of the transition of the season allows us to honor inner and outer changes, and puts us in alignment with the natural order. Consider the Seasonal Soul course an interlude of mindfulness: an opportunity to acknowledge the place you are right now, give thanks, and develop everyday sacred practices that cycle with Autumn and the feminine energy of the season.
Seasonal Soul – 22 Days of Autumn gives you an opportunity to take time from the busy, modern rush to honor the ancient traditions and energies of the seasonal transitions. We will work together and support one another to align to the shift within and without; to reflect the natural order of the Sacred Feminine; and to tap into the seasonal soul of Autumn mindfully.
The Autumn season beckons us to connect with our deepest knowing and wisdom, and to reap the benefits and rewards of the seeds we’ve planted throughout the year. Through journal prompts, seasonal activities, photo walks, mixed media adventures, and reflective spiritual practices, we invite your Seasonal Soul to awaken, and experience the sustenance of nature as it nourishes you through the dark to your inevitable rise of light. $22 for 22 Days.
Your Guides for Seasonal Soul:
Kimberly F. Moore is a Creative Catalyst and Mentor for Women; Shakti-Powered Entrepreneur; Bliss Shakti; Writer; and Photographer. Creativity, Passion, and High Energy are her Super Powers and building empires of radical bliss is her life focus. She is the Founder of the MotherHouse of the Goddess and Mystery School of the Goddess and has been a Goddess Priestess for more than 20 years. Her areas of research, practice, and teaching are focused on Goddess Spirituality, Ritual Practice, Sacred HerStory and Comparative Mythology, and Archetypal Psychology. She has a special connection to Goddesses from the Greek, Hindu, and Yoruban traditions, but has worked with many other Goddesses through the years. She is an Aborisha in Lukumi and a Daughter of Oshun. She leads women’s groups and rituals both online and in person. Her Mission as a Priestess is to hold the sacred space for women to explore the Sacred Feminine and become powerful, self-realized agents of Goddess in the world.
Brandi Auset is trained as a High Priestess of the Goddess, Reiki Master Teacher, massage therapist, spiritual counselor, and interfaith minister. She has been working with Goddess energy for most of her life, and she teaches workshops on many topics, including techniques for infusing the Goddess and Her power into daily life and spiritual practice. Brandi is the author of “The Goddess Guide: Exploring the Attributes and Correspondences of the Divine Feminine“, published with Llewellyn Worldwide. She is currently developing a new Goddess title, as well as a divination deck.