
What people want is a question that troubled many wise men, from early philosophers to modern psychologists. Be it eternal glory or living a happy life along with a happy family, be it fortune or health, the truth is people just want to feel an overall satisfactions with their lives. And while as adults people fight and work hard for their goals, after a certain age they get tired and just need to relax and feel at peace.

A Retirement Paradise: Florida

It is said that within the USA, 1000 people age 50 and more retire every year to warmer locations such as Florida. Florida’s real estate market saw a first growth back in 2010, when an increase in home sales took place in the 4th quarter, according to University of Florida News. The truth is that this piece of heaven in particular offers their residents a full life at a relatively fair price. The reasons to why people move here are quite well known: the climate, the entertainment facilities, the tourist attractions and the residential compounds which offer their inhabitants a lot of health and relaxation opportunities.

Here are three suggestions on what a solid retirement plan should consist of in case one decides to retreat from the madding crowd.

#1. Knowing What You Are Getting Yourself Into

As far as personal investment goes, it may sound easy, but before packing your bags and leaving a place, you should definitely take into account that you need a real estate agent or a reliable housing company to ease your way through state laws and paperwork. These are time-consuming activities and at your age, you strive to make the best of your time, so it is better to leave them to professionals. They can also offer you the best deals on the market, plus make sure what you get represent what you paid for. You worked your entire life and you deserve the best for a peaceful retirement.

#2: Knowing Who You Are Dealing With

There are a lot of companies online that will show you spectacular photos and breathtaking descriptions. When choosing your real estate company, make sure they provide full services including house selection, negotiation and goods inspection. The goods inspection must be done in a detail-oriented manner, from roof to floor. To ease the process of home design and household appliances needed for daily activities and chores, it is highly recommended to buy a house that already has everything you need. Make sure to check for appliance ratings with your real estate agent and make sure they are worth the extra money. Also seek guidance in terms of purchase of extra goods, necessary paperwork, financial and legal consultations and many more.

#3: Dealing with Additional Taxes

Regardless of what you are paying for - house or apartment - in Florida and the amount - from US $100.000 or US $500.000 – consider the fact that there are always extra costs. These include your property annual taxes, ranging around $3000/year, however expect more depending on the residential area you want to move into. Some residential areas are susceptible to a residential community tax that ensures clean streets and carefully groomed fences. This adds up to local golf club member’s fee, home insurance, repairs fund and other taxes.

No matter the household choice, remember that “Location, location, location” is the first rule in real estate and that planning your budget accordingly is of high priority. Homes set in residential areas with a beach view or facing the sport courts are more expensive, but they seem to be worth it, in terms of transportation and comfort. After all, we all seek our piece of heaven where we can retire to some day.

Author Bio:

Roxana Scott is an Occupational Health Psychologist interested in healthy life decisions. As a Life Coach, she encountered many employees close to retirement age, so she decided to write an article on what a retirement plan should look and feel like. You can follow Roxana on Google + (https://plus.google.com/100992360586064517629/)

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