Security is the biggest term of the decade regarding credit card buying that has become one of the most common habits of the customers.
However, the data violation regarding the credit card online transaction or offline transaction is rapidly increasing. Even, the security has become more prominent among the users and business owners, after the current data breach at Best Buy and Target.
Advancement is the natural phenomena and by holding the hand of this guide, a new technology termed as EMV has been launched in the market in the recent time.
It is a chip, inside the credit card which is very much useful to control the fraud case in various environments like supermarkets, retail stores where you need to deal with your credit card.
Nevertheless, in the event of a card-not-present transaction, the information is more susceptible to fraud because the details are loaded on the server of the high risk merchant accounts. Protection is the only key in this context.
Secure payment processing with Tokenization:
With the assistance of tokenization, the encrypt security has become stronger by securing the detail information of credit card and by avoiding the violation data feasibility altogether for card-present and card-not-present transactions.
In this process of tokenization, the system or defined technology converts the information of customer’s credit card into a bunch of random numbers.
It should have been assimilated in the virtual vault so that when the recall of information is required, it can be dragged again.
The tech world has faced a rapid and nifty advancement in this domain in last few years. Tokenizing is the essential tool to secure the personal credit card information from the cheaters or hackers. If customer's data is saved to your server, then you are liable for data breach damages.
What is Tokenization and how does it work with EMV?
Tokenization is the keen way to reinforce the way of security for e-commerce and credit card transactions. Also, it minimises the cost complexity by complying all rules and regulations of government and industry standards.
The working procedure of tokenization evokes a particular pathway in which the merchant is issued with a specific tokenization service provider which drives the credit card to convert into a random token of alphanumeric or numeric combinations during any transaction.
As tokens are not the real cards, it cannot be used by hackers outside this context of the transaction. In that case, the service provider bears the liability to keep the data secret.
EMV is designed to improve the inherent security of e-commerce card transaction that is an enticing gun to protect from the fraud at the POS (point of sale).
It is an authentication process that can reduce the retail fraud in the e-commerce e-market. However, it is not entirely technically sound to protect the chip-enabled cards. In the sphere of online marketing, EMV does not provide protection more than traditional cards.
It just asserts the swipe and sign in of the card by delivering the card number, CCV code and an email verification to complete the process of purchase.
What is encryption?
Data encryption is the profound way to protect the information of the card holder. Nevertheless, the latest launch is the approach to secure the data beyond encryption, and that is called Tokenization.
This viable solution to avoid the breaching of credit card information is ideal regarding encryption at the point of card swipe. The point-to-point or end-to-end encryption is designed to locate the risk of unwanted interception during the transaction from POS terminal to the payment processor.
Which method is best?
To identify the fraud patterns and to prevent them as well Tokenization is the latest solution.
When it is applied to the data security concern, it transforms all given information into equivalent non-sensitive information from sensitive data element. The original value is stored in a protected local data warehouse.
The goal is to eliminate the risk factor of losing sensitive information in the retail fraud case, and Tokenization is the best in this regard.
Concerns with Tokenization:
A number of mindful considerations are related to this system, and they are compiled below.
Data isolation
decreased scope for PCI issues
Internal protection
goes well with other technologies
Online protection
Secured usernames, passwords, employee and patient files, e-mail addresses
is cost effective
Should you embrace Tokenization within your store?
Tokenization is to be incorporated in every store, whether it is a small scale retail store, or if your store is to be accessed online.
This is effective because the hackers won’t get anything to track for as your store does not have any data right after the transaction.
You can always make your tokenization process more secure with the help of secure gateway of payment. Remember, thieves are meant to steal, and their endeavour shall continue as more advanced technologies come up in the market.
Nevertheless, the system of tokenization is comparatively easy to install in your workplace. You do not have to change your infrastructure entirely to adopt this process.