
Advantages of Using Linux Web Hosting

For the newbie in the world of Internet, it is essential to discuss the Linux OS, before web hosting is explained. Linux is an operating system developed by Linus Torvalds in the early 1990s and is a non-commercial platform. This is because the source code for Linux is free for everyone, and can easily be obtained from the Internet. A minor misconception prevails, with the general notion that “Linux” itself is free, which is not true. When purchase Linux from a distributor, they will provide you the source code free with the Linux distribution.

Linux web hosting is potentially the most well-known hosting platform for websites on the internet. The key factors, which makes Linux stand out in the crowd, is its stability and substantial robustness, making your website reliable and smooth. The following points are a few benefits of Linux web hosting:

•  Linux web hosting has achieved a prior importance in the list of web hosting India, as it comes with free applications to aid smooth functioning of your website and keep it stable. It is an efficient option for the end user.

•  It has interesting database compatibility like SQL or MySQL, because of no extra requirement of plug-ins. These databases permit the optimization in communication with your website.

•  Website hosting on Linux servers are more capable to undergo the load than Windows hosting servers and are 50% more efficient in terms of performance. You can effortlessly get rid of the frequent shut down problems, whenever there is a massive traffic on the server, and enjoy the smooth and efficient working of your website.

•  Adding to the benefits of Linux web hosting, Linux is less vulnerable to security breach, and is far more stable than any other web hosting. This directly increases its uptime and runs for a longer period of time without getting rebooted. While Windows hosting requires frequent rebooting, each time it is upgraded. The end user can thus relax as far as the security of the website is concerned with Linux hosting.

•  A very interesting feature of Linux is that it runs in different modules that are interlinked with one another, in a such a manner that even if one of these modules break down, the system will shut down on its own, without damaging the other modules.

Web hosting India has taken a quantum jump with so many benefits added to its list. Hosting a website through Linux is a full proof way to web hosting, which is equally light on the pocket. It is perfect for users who seek to run any application on the server. These entire benefits make Linux web hosting an ultimate choice for programmers and web designers.

Abhinav is a well known author and has written articles on Linux Hosting, website hosting enterprise internet services, data centre solutions, cloud server, Windows Hosting, VoIP Solutions, Hosting Solutions and Domain Name Registration.

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