
Fooding Around with Jenny Morris

Many of us know that avocados are a good source of fibre, but they also contain potassium, vitamins C, K, folate, and B6. Half an avocado has 160 calories, 15 grams of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, and only 2 grams saturated fat. One globe contains more than one-third daily value of vitamin C, and more than half the day’s requirements of vitamin K.

Recent research shows that antioxidants such as lycopene and beta-carotene are better absorbed with the healthy monounsaturated fat avocados have in abundance, so there is already another good reason why we should be adding this wonderful fruit to our diet. They say that the nutritional content of most fruits and veggies lie just beneath the skin, so peeling thinly is most important, to retain those values. Now research has shown that the greatest concentration of carotenoids in avocado pears occurs in the dark green flesh that lies just beneath the skin. So instead of cutting away all the good stuff, try the Nick and Peel method, which goes like this:

Cut into the ripe avocado lengthwise – you now have two long halves. Remove the seed from the one half and cut the Avo into quarters.

Now lift the edge of the skin on each quarter and peel it off – it’s just like peeling a banana.

You now have a peeled avocado that contains most of that dark green outermost flesh so rich in carotenoid antioxidants.

So let’s cook!

Winter avocado, Savoy cabbage, pear & cranberry salad

Serves 4 – 6


4 ripe avocados, peeled and sliced

2 ripe pears, sliced

1 Savoy cabbage, shredded (can substitute with chicory or Chinese cabbage)

50g dried cranberries

2 tablespoons dukkah spice


Heat a griddle pan until smoking and grill slices of pear, until lightly browned.

Toss all the ingredients together, sprinkle with dukkah and serve on a platter.

Avocado Caesar salad

Serves 4 – 6

Salad Ingredients:

4 ripe avocados, peeled

1 cos lettuce, rinsed and chopped

50g micro herbs (optional)

4 eggs, hardboiled and quartered

50g tin anchovies, drained (optional)

200g pancetta

50g parmesan shavings

Dressing Ingredients:

1 ripe avocado, peeled

½ cup lemon juice

1 cup olive oil

2 cloves garlic, crushed


Make the dressing by blending all the ingredients in a food processor; if necessary thin with a little cold water to get to a pouring consistency.

Arrange all the salad ingredients on a platter and drizzle with dressing.

Serve immediately with extra dressing and crusty bread.


To reduce oxidation of an already-sliced avocado, sprinkle lemon juice on the exposed flesh and then refrigerate in a plastic bag.

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the Next 48hOURS each week and cook along with me as I share delicious avocado recipes with you.


The post What a mighty fine pear appeared first on 48hours.co.za.

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